Have either of you done a full pip list inside the HA container to see what is installed?
I can do it if you can help guide me how
homeassistant:/config# pip list | grep msmart
msmart-ng 2024.9.0
Was lookimg more what else was installed.
apologies, attaching the full list
pip list pt1
Package Version Editable project location
-------------------------------- ----------------- -------------------------
accuweather 3.0.0
acme 2.10.0
adax 0.4.0
Adax-local 0.1.5
adb-shell 0.4.4
adext 0.4.3
adguardhome 0.7.0
advantage-air 0.4.4
AEMET-OpenData 0.5.4
aenum 3.1.15
afsapi 0.2.7
agent-py 0.0.23
aio-geojson-client 0.20
aio-geojson-generic-client 0.4
aio-geojson-geonetnz-quakes 0.16
aio-geojson-geonetnz-volcano 0.9
aio-geojson-nsw-rfs-incidents 0.7
aio-geojson-usgs-earthquakes 0.3
aio-georss-client 0.13
aio-georss-gdacs 0.9
aioairq 0.3.2
aioairzone 0.8.2
aioairzone-cloud 0.6.2
aioambient 2024.8.0
aioapcaccess 0.4.2
aioaquacell 0.2.0
aioaseko 0.2.0
aioasuswrt 1.4.0
aioautomower 2024.8.0
aioazuredevops 2.2.1
aiobafi6 0.9.0
aiobotocore 2.13.1
aiocache 0.12.2
aiocoap 0.4.11
aiocomelit 0.9.0
aioconsole 0.8.0
aiodhcpwatcher 1.0.2
aiodiscover 2.1.0
aiodns 3.2.0
aioeafm 0.1.2
aioeagle 1.1.0
aioecowitt 2024.2.1
aioelectricitymaps 0.4.0
aioemonitor 1.0.5
aioesphomeapi 25.3.1
aiofile 3.8.8
aiofiles 24.1.0
aioflo 2021.11.0
aioftp 0.21.3
aiogithubapi 23.11.0
aioguardian 2022.7.0
aiohappyeyeballs 2.4.0
aioharmony 0.2.10
aiohomekit 3.2.3
aiohttp 3.10.5
aiohttp-cors 0.7.0
aiohttp-fast-zlib 0.1.1
aiohttp-retry 2.8.3
aiohttp-socks 0.8.4
aiohttp-sse-client2 0.3.0
aiohue 4.7.3
aioimaplib 1.1.0
aioitertools 0.12.0
aiokafka 0.10.0
aiokef 0.2.16
aiolifx 1.0.9
aiolifx-effects 0.3.2
aiolifx-themes 0.5.0
aiolimiter 1.1.0
aiolivisi 0.0.19
aiolookin 1.0.0
aiolyric 2.0.1
aiomealie 0.9.2
aiomodernforms 0.1.8
aiomqtt 2.0.1
aiomusiccast 0.14.8
aionanoleaf 0.2.1
aionotion 2024.3.0
aionut 4.3.3
aiooncue 0.3.7
aioopenexchangerates 0.4.0
aiooui 0.1.6
aiopegelonline 0.0.10
aiopulse 0.4.6
aiopurpleair 2022.12.1
aiopvapi 3.1.1
aiopvpc 4.2.2
aiopyarr 23.4.0
aioqsw 0.4.1
aioraven 0.7.0
aiorecollect 2023.9.0
aioresponses 0.7.6
aioridwell 2024.1.0
aiortsp 1.3.7
aioruckus 0.41
aiorun 2024.8.1
aiorussound 3.0.4
aioruuvigateway 0.1.0
aiosenz 1.0.0
aioserial 1.3.0
aioshelly 11.4.2
aioshutil 1.5
aiosignal 1.3.1
aioskybell 22.7.0
aioslimproto 3.0.0
aiosmtpd 1.4.6
aiosolaredge 0.2.0
AIOSomecomfort 0.0.25
aiosqlite 0.20.0
aiosteamist 1.0.0
aioswitcher 4.0.2
aiosyncthing 0.5.1
aiotankerkoenig 0.4.1
aiotractive 0.6.0
aiounifi 80
aiovlc 0.3.2
aiovodafone 0.6.0
aiowaqi 3.1.0
aiowatttime 0.1.1
aiowebostv 0.4.2
aiowithings 3.0.3
aioymaps 1.2.5
aiozoneinfo 0.2.1
airgradient 0.8.0
airly 1.1.0
airthings-ble 0.9.1
airthings_cloud 0.2.0
airtouch4pyapi 1.0.5
airtouch5py 0.2.10
alarmdecoder 1.13.11
alpha-vantage 2.3.1
amberelectric 1.1.1
amcrest 1.9.8
android-backup 0.2.0
androidtv 0.0.73
androidtvremote2 0.1.2
anel-pwrctrl-homeassistant 0.0.1.dev2
anova-wifi 0.17.0
anthemav 1.4.1
anthropic 0.31.2
anyio 4.4.0
apischema 0.18.1
appdirs 1.4.4
apple_weatherkit 1.1.2
apprise 1.8.0
aprslib 0.7.2
apsystems-ez1 2.2.1
aqipy-atmotech 0.1.5
aqualogic 2.6
aranet4 2.4.0
arcam-fmj 1.5.2
argcomplete 3.5.0
arris-tg2492lg 2.2.0
arrow 1.3.0
asgiref 3.8.1
asmog 0.0.6
asn1 2.7.0
asn1crypto 1.5.1
astral 2.2
async_interrupt 1.2.0
async-modbus 0.2.1
async-timeout 4.0.3
async_upnp_client 0.40.0
asyncarve 0.1.1
asyncinotify 4.0.2
asyncio 3.4.3
asyncio-dgram 2.2.0
asyncio-throttle 1.0.2
asyncpysupla 0.0.5
asyncsleepiq 1.5.2
asyncssh 2.17.0
asyncstdlib 3.12.5
asynctest 0.13.0
atomicwrites-homeassistant 1.4.1
atpublic 5.0
attr 0.3.2
attrs 23.2.0
auroranoaa 0.0.3
aurorapy 0.2.7
autarco 2.0.0
Authlib 1.3.2
autocommand 2.2.2
awesomeversion 24.6.0
aws-request-signer 1.2.0
axis 62
ayla_iot_unofficial 1.3.1
azure-core 1.30.2
azure-eventhub 5.11.1
azure-identity 1.17.1
azure-kusto-data 4.5.1
azure-kusto-ingest 4.5.1
azure-servicebus 7.10.0
azure-storage-blob 12.22.0
azure-storage-queue 12.11.0
Babel 2.15.0
backoff 2.2.1
backports.strenum 1.2.8
base36 0.1.1
batinfo 0.4.2
bcrypt 4.1.3
beautifulsoup4 4.12.3
bellows 0.40.5
bidict 0.23.1
bimmer_connected 0.16.3
bitarray 2.9.2
bitstring 4.2.3
bitstruct 8.19.0
bizkaibus 0.1.1
bleach 6.1.0
bleak 0.22.2
bleak-esphome 1.0.0
bleak-retry-connector 3.5.0
blebox_uniapi 2.4.2
blinker 1.8.2
blinkpy 0.23.0
blockchain 1.4.4
bluecurrent-api 1.2.3
bluemaestro-ble 0.2.3
bluetooth-adapters 0.19.4
bluetooth-auto-recovery 1.4.2
bluetooth-data-tools 1.20.0
bluetooth-sensor-state-data 1.7.1
blurhash 1.1.4
bond-async 0.2.1
boschshcpy 0.2.91
boto3 1.34.131
botocore 1.34.131
bring-api 0.8.1
broadlink 0.19.0
brother 4.3.0
Brotli 1.1.0
brottsplatskartan 1.0.5
brunt 1.2.0
bs4 0.0.2
bt-proximity 0.2.1
bthome-ble 3.9.1
bthomehub5-devicelist 0.1.1
btsmarthub-devicelist 0.2.3
btsocket 0.3.0
buienradar 1.0.6
bx_py_utils 101
cached-ipaddress 0.5.0
cachetools 5.5.0
caio 0.9.17
caldav 1.3.9
casttube 0.2.1
cbor2 5.6.4
certifi 2024.8.30
cffi 1.17.1
cfgv 3.4.0
chacha20poly1305 0.0.3
chacha20poly1305-reuseable 0.13.2
charset-normalizer 3.2.0
ciscomobilityexpress 0.3.9
ciso8601 2.3.1
clearpasspy 1.0.2
click 8.1.7
click-log 0.4.0
click-plugins 1.1.1
clx-sdk-xms 1.0.0
codecov 2.1.13
coinbase 2.1.0
coinbase-advanced-py 1.2.2
colorama 0.4.6
coloredlogs 15.0.1
colorlog 6.8.2
colorthief 0.2.1
colorzero 2.0
colour 0.1.5
commentjson 0.9.0
commonmark 0.9.1
concord232 0.15.1
config 0.5.1
connect_box 0.3.1
connio 0.2.0
construct 2.10.68
construct-typing 0.6.2
convertertools 0.5.0
coverage 7.6.1
crc 4.3.0
crccheck 1.3.0
crcmod 1.7
croniter 2.0.2
crownstone-cloud 1.4.11
crownstone-core 3.2.1
crownstone-sse 2.0.5
crownstone-uart 2.1.0
cryptography 43.0.0
cssselect 1.2.0
dacite 1.8.1
dataclasses-json 0.6.7
datadog 0.15.0
datapoint 0.9.9
dateparser 1.2.0
DateTime 5.5
dbus-fast 2.24.0
debugpy 1.8.1
decorator 5.1.1
deebot-client 8.4.0
deepdiff 6.7.1
deepmerge 2.0
defusedxml 0.7.1
deluge-client 1.10.2
demetriek 0.4.0
demjson3 3.0.6
denonavr 0.11.6
Deprecated 1.2.14
devialet 1.4.5
devolo-home-control-api 0.18.3
devolo-plc-api 1.4.1
dicttoxml 1.7.16
dicttoxml2 2.1.0
dio-chacon-wifi-api 1.2.1
directv 0.4.0
discogs-client 2.3.0
discovery30303 0.3.2
distlib 0.3.8
distro 1.9.0
dlms-cosem 21.3.2
dnspython 2.6.1
docopt 0.6.2
DoorBirdPy 3.0.2
dpkt 1.9.8
dremel3dpy 2.1.1
dropmqttapi 1.0.3
dsmr-parser 1.4.2
DTLSSocket 0.1.19
dwdwfsapi 1.0.7
dweepy 0.3.0
dynalite-devices 0.1.47
dynalite-panel 0.0.4
eagle100 0.1.1
easyenergy 2.1.2
ebusdpy 0.0.17
ecdsa 0.19.0
ecoaliface 0.4.0
electrickiwi-api 0.8.5
elementpath 4.4.0
elevenlabs 1.6.1
elgato 5.1.2
eliqonline 1.2.2
elkm1-lib 2.2.7
elmax-api 0.0.5
elvia 0.1.0
emoji 2.8.0
emulated-roku 0.3.0
energyflip-client 0.2.2
energyzero 2.1.1
enocean 0.50.0
enturclient 0.2.4
enum-compat 0.0.3
env_canada 0.7.2
envoy-utils 0.0.1
envs 1.4
ephem 4.1.5
epicstore_api 0.1.7
epion 0.0.3
epson-projector 0.5.1
eq3btsmart 1.1.9
esphome-dashboard-api 1.2.3
esprima 4.0.1
eternalegypt 0.0.16
eufylife-ble-client 0.1.8
Events 0.4
evohome-async 0.4.20
evolutionhttp 0.0.18
exceptiongroup 1.2.2
faadelays 2023.9.1
fake-useragent 1.5.1
fastdotcom 0.0.3
faust-cchardet 2.1.19
feedparser 6.0.11
file-read-backwards 2.0.0
filelock 3.15.4
fints 3.1.0
firebase-messaging 0.3.0
fitbit 0.3.1
fivem-api 0.1.2
fixerio 1.0.0a0
fjaraskupan 2.3.0
Flask 3.0.3
flexcache 0.3
flexit_bacnet 2.2.1
flexparser 0.3.1
flipr-api 1.6.0
flux-led 1.0.4
fnv-hash-fast 1.0.2
fnvhash 0.1.0
foobot-async 1.0.0
forecast_solar 3.1.0
fortiosapi 1.0.5
freebox-api 1.1.0
freenub 0.1.0
freesms 0.2.0
fritzconnection 1.13.2
frozendict 2.4.4
frozenlist 1.4.1
fsspec 2024.9.0
ftfy 6.2.3
future 1.0.0
fyta_cli 0.6.6
gardena-bluetooth 1.4.3
gassist-text 0.0.11
gcal_sync 6.1.4
gcloud 0.18.3
geniushub-client 0.7.1
geocachingapi 0.2.1
geographiclib 2.0
geojson 2.5.0
geopy 2.3.0
georss-client 0.17
georss-generic-client 0.8
georss-ign-sismologia-client 0.8
georss-qld-bushfire-alert-client 0.8
getmac 0.9.4
gios 4.0.0
gitterpy 0.1.7
glances_api 0.8.0
goalzero 0.2.2
goodwe 0.3.6
google-ai-generativelanguage 0.6.4
google-api-core 2.19.2
google-api-python-client 2.71.0
google-auth 2.34.0
google-auth-httplib2 0.2.0
google-auth-oauthlib 1.2.1
google-cloud-pubsub 2.13.11
google-cloud-texttospeech 2.16.3
google-generativeai 0.6.0
google_nest_sdm 5.0.0
googleapis-common-protos 1.65.0
googlemaps 2.5.1
goslide-api 0.5.1
gotailwind 0.2.3
govee-ble 0.40.0
govee-local-api 1.5.1
gpiod 2.2.1
gpiozero 1.6.2
gps3 0.33.3
gql 3.5.0
graphql-core 3.2.4
graphviz 0.20.3
greeclimate 2.1.0
greeneye-monitor 3.0.3
greenlet 3.0.3
greenwavereality 0.5.1
gridnet 5.0.1
growattServer 1.5.0
grpc-google-iam-v1 0.13.1
grpcio 1.59.0
grpcio-reflection 1.59.0
grpcio-status 1.59.0
gspread 5.5.0
gstreamer-player 1.1.2
gTTS 2.2.4
guppy3 3.1.4.post1
h11 0.14.0
h2 4.1.0
ha-av 10.1.1
ha-ffmpeg 3.2.0
ha-iotawattpy 0.1.2
ha-philipsjs 3.2.2
habitipy 0.3.1
habluetooth 3.4.0
HAP-python 4.9.1
hass-nabucasa 0.81.1
hass-splunk 0.1.1
hassil 1.7.4
HATasmota 0.9.2
haversine 2.8.1
hbmqtt 0.9.6
hdate 0.10.9
heatmiserV3 1.1.18
here_routing 1.0.1
here_transit 1.2.1
hikvision 0.4
hkavr 0.0.5
hko 0.3.2
hlk-sw16 0.0.9
hole 0.8.0
holidays 0.56
home-assistant-bluetooth 1.12.2
home-assistant-chip-clusters 2024.7.0
home-assistant-frontend 20240906.0
home-assistant-intents 2024.9.4
homeassistant 2024.9.1 /usr/src/homeassistant
homeconnect 0.8.0
homematicip 1.1.2
horimote 0.4.1
hpack 4.0.0
html-table-parser-python3 0.1.5
html5lib 1.1
httmock 1.4.0
http_ece 1.2.1
httpcore 1.0.5
httplib2 0.20.4
httpsig 1.3.0
httpx 0.27.0
huawei-lte-api 1.7.3
huggingface-hub 0.24.6
humanfriendly 10.0
huum 0.7.10
hyperframe 6.0.1
hyperion-py 0.7.5
iammeter 0.2.1
iaqualink 0.5.0
ibeacon-ble 1.2.0
ibmiotf 0.3.4
ical 8.1.1
icalendar 5.0.13
icmplib 3.0
idasen 0.12.0
idasen-ha 2.6.2
identify 2.6.0
idna 3.8
ifaddr 0.2.0
iglo 1.2.7
ihcsdk 2.8.5
ijson 3.3.0
imageio 2.35.1
imgw_pib 1.0.5
importlib_resources 6.4.4
imutils 0.5.4
incomfort-client 0.6.3.post1
incremental 24.7.2
inflect 7.3.1
inflection 0.5.1
influxdb 5.3.1
influxdb-client 1.24.0
iniconfig 2.0.0
inkbird-ble 0.5.8
inquirerpy 0.3.4
insteon-frontend-home-assistant 0.5.0
intelhex 2.3.0
intellifire4py 4.1.9
iottycloud 0.1.3
iperf3 0.1.11
isal 1.6.1
ismartgate 5.0.1
iso4217 1.12.20240625
iso8601 2.1.0
isodate 0.6.1
israel-rail-api 0.1.2
itsdangerous 2.2.0
jaraco.abode 5.2.1
jaraco.classes 3.4.0
jaraco.collections 5.1.0
jaraco.context 6.0.1
jaraco.email 3.1.1
jaraco.functools 4.0.2
jaraco.itertools 6.4.1
jaraco.logging 3.3.0
jaraco.net 10.2.1
jaraco.text 4.0.0
jeepney 0.8.0
jellyfin-apiclient-python 1.9.2
Jinja2 3.1.4
jiter 0.5.0
jmespath 1.0.1
josepy 1.14.0
Js2Py 0.74
jsonpath 0.82.2
jsonpickle 3.3.0
jsonrpc-async 2.1.2
jsonrpc-base 2.2.0
jsonrpc-websocket 3.1.5
jsonschema 4.23.0
jsonschema-specifications 2023.12.1
justbackoff 0.6.0
justnimbus 0.7.4
jwcrypto 1.5.6
kaiterra-async-client 1.0.0
kasa-crypt 0.4.4
keba-kecontact 1.1.0
kegtron-ble 0.4.0
keyring 25.3.0
keyrings.alt 5.0.2
kiwiki-client 0.1.1
knocki 0.3.1
knx_frontend 2024.9.4.64538
konnected 1.2.0
krakenex 2.1.0
lacrosse_view 1.0.2
lakeside 0.13
lark-parser 0.7.8
laundrify-aio 1.2.2
lcn-frontend 0.1.6
ld2410-ble 0.1.1
leaone-ble 0.1.0
led-ble 1.0.2
libpyfoscam 1.2.2
libpyvivotek 0.4.0
librouteros 3.2.0
libsoundtouch 0.8.0
lightwave 0.24
limitlessled 1.1.3
linear-garage-door 0.2.9
linode-api 4.1.9b1
lmcloud 1.2.2
locationsharinglib 5.0.1
loguru 0.7.2
lomond 0.3.3
london-tube-status 0.5
loqedAPI 2.1.10
lru-dict 1.3.0
luftdaten 0.7.4
lupupy 0.3.2
lw12 0.9.2
lxml 5.1.0
mac-vendor-lookup 0.1.12
Markdown 3.7
MarkupSafe 2.1.5
marshmallow 3.22.0
marshmallow_dataclass 8.7.0
mashumaro 3.13.1
Mastodon.py 1.8.1
matrix-nio 0.25.0
maxcube-api 0.4.3
mbddns 0.1.2
mcstatus 11.1.1
meater-python 0.0.8
mechanize 0.4.10
medcom-ble 0.1.1
mediafile 0.12.0
melnor-bluetooth 0.0.25
messagebird 1.2.0
metar 1.11.0
meteoalertapi 0.3.1
meteocalc 1.1.0
meteofrance-api 1.3.0
mficlient 0.5.0
micloud 0.5
microBeesPy 0.3.2
mill-local 0.3.0
millheater 0.11.8
miniaudio 1.61
minio 7.1.12
moat-ble 0.1.1
mock 5.1.0
moehlenhoff-alpha2 1.3.1
monzopy 1.3.2
mopeka-iot-ble 0.8.0
more-itertools 10.5.0
motionblinds 0.6.24
motionblindsble 0.1.1
motioneye-client 0.3.14
ms-cv 0.1.1
msal 1.30.0
msal-extensions 1.2.0
msgpack 1.0.8
msmart-ng 2024.9.0
mt-940 4.30.0
mullvad-api 1.0.0
multidict 6.0.5
munch 4.0.0
mutagen 1.47.0
mutesync 0.0.1
mypermobil 0.1.8
mypy-extensions 1.0.0
mysqlclient 2.2.4
myuplink 0.6.0
nad-receiver 0.3.0
nclib 1.0.5
ndms2-client 0.1.2
nessclient 1.0.0
netaddr 1.3.0
netdata 1.1.0
netifaces 0.11.0
nettigo_air_monitor 3.3.0
neurio 0.3.1
nexia 2.0.8
nextcloudmonitor 1.5.1
nextcord 2.6.0
nextdns 3.2.0
nibe 2.11.0
nice-go 0.3.8
niko-home-control 0.2.1
niluclient 0.1.2
noaa-coops 0.1.9
nodeenv 1.9.1
noiseprotocol 0.3.1
notifications-android-tv 0.1.5
notify-events 1.0.4
nsapi 3.0.5
nsw-fuel-api-client 1.1.0
nuheat 1.0.1
numato-gpio 0.13.0
numpy 1.26.0
oasatelematics 0.3
oauth2client 4.1.3
oauthlib 3.2.2
objgraph 3.5.0
odp-amsterdam 6.0.2
oemthermostat 1.1.1
ollama 0.3.1
omnilogic 0.4.5
ondilo 0.5.0
onvif-zeep-async 3.1.12
open-garage 0.2.0
open-meteo 0.3.1
openai 1.35.7
openerz-api 0.3.0
openevsewifi 1.1.2
openhomedevice 2.2
opensensemap-api 0.2.0
openwebifpy 4.2.7
openwrt-luci-rpc 1.1.17
openwrt-ubus-rpc 0.0.2
opower 0.7.0
opuslib 3.0.1
oralb-ble 0.17.6
ordered-set 4.1.0
orjson 3.10.7
oru 0.1.11
orvibo 1.1.2
ourgroceries 1.5.4
outcome 1.3.0.post0
ovoenergy 2.0.0
oyaml 1.0
p1monitor 3.0.1
packaging 24.1
paho-mqtt 1.6.1
panacotta 0.2
panasonic-viera 0.4.2
pandas 2.1.4
paramiko 3.3.1
passlib 1.7.4
path 17.0.0
pathvalidate 3.2.1
pbr 6.1.0
pdunehd 1.3.2
peco 0.0.30
pencompy 0.0.3
pescea 1.0.12
pexpect 4.6.0
pfzy 0.3.4
phone-modem 0.1.1
pigpio 1.78
pilight 0.1.1
pillow 10.4.0
Pint 0.24.3
pip 24.1
pizzapi 0.0.6
pkce 1.0.3
platformdirs 4.2.2
PlexAPI 4.15.16
plexauth 0.0.6
plexwebsocket 0.0.14
pluggy 1.5.0
plugwise 0.38.3
plumbum 1.8.3
plumlightpad 0.0.11
ply 3.11
pmsensor 0.4
poolsense 0.0.8
portalocker 2.10.1
pprintpp 0.4.0
praw 7.5.0
prawcore 2.4.0
prayer_times_calculator_offline 1.0.3
pre-commit 3.8.0
prettytable 3.11.0
ProgettiHWSW 0.1.3
proliphix 0.4.1
prometheus-client 0.17.1
prompt_toolkit 3.0.47
proto-plus 1.24.0
protobuf 4.25.4
proxmoxer 2.0.1
psutil 6.0.0
psutil-home-assistant 0.0.1
PsychroLib 2.5.0
psycopg2 2.9.9
ptyprocess 0.7.0
pulsectl 23.5.2
pure-pcapy3 1.0.1
pure-python-adb 0.3.0.dev0
pushbullet.py 0.11.0
pushover-complete 1.1.1
pvo 2.1.1
py-aosmith 1.0.8
py-canary 0.5.4
py-ccm15 0.0.9
py-cpuinfo 9.0.0
py-dormakaba-dkey 1.0.5
py-improv-ble-client 1.0.3
py_madvr2 1.6.32
py-melissa-climate 2.1.4
py-nextbusnext 2.0.4
pip list pt2
py_nightscout 1.2.2
py-schluter 0.1.7
py-sucks 0.9.10
py-synologydsm-api 2.5.2
py-vapid 1.9.1
py-zabbix 1.1.7
py3rijndael 0.3.3
pyads 3.4.0
pyaehw4a1 0.3.9
pyaes 1.6.1
pyaftership 21.11.0
pyairnow 1.2.1
pyairvisual 2023.8.1
pyaprilaire 0.7.4
pyasn1 0.6.0
pyasn1_modules 0.4.0
pyasuswrt 0.1.21
pyatmo 8.1.0
pyAtome 0.1.1
pyatv 0.15.1
pyaussiebb 0.0.15
pybalboa 1.0.2
pybbox 0.0.5a0
pyblackbird 0.6
pyblu 0.4.0
pybotvac 0.0.25
pybravia 0.3.4
pycares 4.4.0
pycarwings2 2.14
pyCEC 0.5.2
pycfdns 3.0.0
pychannels 1.2.3
PyChromecast 14.0.1
pycketcasts 1.0.1
pycmus 0.1.1
pycognito 2024.5.1
pycomfoconnect 0.5.1
pyControl4 1.2.0
pycoolmasternet-async 0.2.2
pycountry 23.12.11
pycountry-convert 0.7.2
pycparser 2.22
pycrc16 0.1.2
pycryptodome 3.20.0
pycryptodomex 3.20.0
pycsspeechtts 1.0.8
pydaikin 2.13.6
pydanfossair 0.1.0
pydantic 1.10.17
pydantic_core 2.23.2
pydeconz 116
pydelijn 1.1.0
pydexcom 0.2.3
pydiscovergy 3.0.1
pydoods 1.0.2
pydrawise 2024.8.0
pydroid-ipcam 2.0.0
pydub 0.25.1
pyDuotecno 2024.5.1
pyebox 1.1.4
pyecoforest 0.4.0
pyeconet 0.1.22
pyecotrend-ista 3.3.1
pyedimax 0.2.1
pyefergy 22.5.0
pyEGPS 0.2.5
pyeiscp 0.0.7
pyElectra 1.2.4
pyEmby 1.10
pyemoncms 0.0.7
pyenphase 1.22.0
pyenvisalink 4.7
pyephember 0.3.1
pyeverlights 0.1.0
pyevilgenius 2.0.0
pyfibaro 0.7.8
pyfido 2.1.2
pyfireservicerota 0.0.43
pyflic 2.0.4
PyFlick 0.0.2
PyFlume 0.6.5
pyfnip 0.2
pyforked-daapd 0.1.14
pyfreedompro 1.1.0
pyfritzhome 0.6.12
PyFronius 0.7.3
pyfttt 0.3
pygatt 4.0.5
Pygments 2.18.0
pygtfs 0.1.9
pygti 0.9.4
PyHamcrest 2.1.0
pyhaversion 22.8.0
pyheos 0.7.2
pyHik 0.3.2
pyhiveapi 0.5.16
pyhomematic 0.1.77
pyhomeworks 1.1.2
pyhumps 3.8.0
pyialarm 2.2.0
pyicloud 1.0.0
pyinsteon 1.6.3
pyintesishome 1.8.0
pyipma 3.0.7
pyipp 0.16.0
pyiqvia 2022.4.0
pyirishrail 0.0.2
pyiss 1.0.1
pyisy 3.1.14
pyitachip2ir 0.0.7
pyjsparser 2.7.1
pyjvcprojector 1.0.12
PyJWT 2.9.0
pykaleidescape 1.0.1
pykira 0.1.1
pykmtronic 0.3.0
pykodi 0.2.7
pykoplenti 1.2.2
pykrakenapi 0.1.8
pykulersky 0.5.2
pykwb 0.0.8
pylacrosse 0.4
pylast 5.1.0
pylaunches 2.0.0
pylgnetcast 0.3.9
pylibrespot-java 0.1.1
pylitejet 0.6.2
pylitterbot 2023.5.0
PyLoadAPI 1.3.2
pylutron 0.2.15
pylutron-caseta 0.21.1
pymailgunner 1.4
pymata-express 1.19
pymelcloud 2.5.9
PyMetEireann 2021.8.0
pymeteoclimatic 0.1.0
PyMetno 0.12.0
pymicro_vad 1.0.1
PyMicroBot 0.0.17
pymitv 1.4.3
pymochad 0.2.0
pymodbus 3.6.9
pymonoprice 0.4
pymsteams 0.1.12
pymysensors 0.24.0
PyNaCl 1.5.0
pynecil 0.2.0
pynetgear 0.10.10
PyNINA 0.3.3
pynobo 1.8.1
pynuki 1.6.3
pynws 1.8.2
pynx584 0.8.2
pynzbgetapi 0.2.0
pyobihai 1.4.2
pyoctoprintapi 0.1.12
pyombi 0.1.10
pyOpenSSL 24.2.1
pyopenuv 2023.2.0
pyopenweathermap 0.1.1
pyopnsense 0.4.0
pyoppleio-legacy 1.0.8
pyosoenergyapi 1.1.4
pyotgw 2.2.0
pyotp 2.8.0
pyoverkiz 1.13.14
pyownet 0.10.0.post1
pyparsing 3.1.4
PyPasser 0.0.5
pypca 0.0.7
pypck 0.7.22
pypjlink2 1.2.1
pyplaato 0.0.18
pypoint 2.3.2
pyprof2calltree 1.4.5
pyprosegur 0.0.9
pyprusalink 2.1.1
pyps4-2ndscreen 1.3.1
Pypubsub 4.0.3
PyQRCode 1.2.1
pyquery 2.0.1
pyqvrpro 0.52
pyqwikswitch 0.93
pyrail 0.0.3
pyrainbird 6.0.1
Pyrebase4 4.7.0
pyrecswitch 1.0.2
pyrepetierng 0.1.0
pyRFC3339 1.1
pyRFXtrx 0.31.1
pyrisco 0.6.4
pyrituals 0.0.6
PyRMVtransport 0.3.3
pyroute2 0.7.5
pyrympro 0.0.8
pysabnzbd 1.1.1
pysaj 0.0.16
pyschlage 2024.8.0
pySDCP 1
pysensibo 1.1.0
pyserial 3.5
pyserial-asyncio 0.6
pyserial-asyncio-fast 0.13
pysesame2 1.0.1
pyseventeentrack 1.0.1
pysiaalarm 3.1.1
pysignalclirestapi 0.3.24
pyskyqhub 0.1.4
pysma 0.7.3
pysmappee 0.2.29
pysmartapp 0.3.5
pysmartthings 0.7.8
pysmi 1.5.0
pysml 0.0.12
pysmlight 0.0.14
pysnmp 6.2.5
pysnmpcrypto 0.0.4
pysnooz 0.8.6
PySocks 1.7.1
pysoma 0.0.12
pyspcwebgw 0.7.0
pyspeex_noise 1.0.2
pysqueezebox 0.7.1
pystiebeleltron 0.0.1.dev2
pysuez 0.2.0
pyswitchbee 1.8.3
PySwitchbot 0.48.2
PySwitchmate 0.5.1
PySyncThru 0.7.10
pytautulli 23.1.1
pytedee_async 0.2.20
pytest 8.3.2
pytest-cov 5.0.0
pytest-mock 3.14.0
pytest-rerunfailures 14.0
pytfiac 0.4
pythinkingcleaner 0.0.3
python-awair 0.2.4
python-blockchain-api 0.0.2
python-bsblan 0.6.2
python-clementine-remote 1.0.1
python-dateutil 2.9.0.post0
python-didl-lite 1.4.0
python-digitalocean 1.13.2
python-ecobee-api 0.2.18
python-engineio 4.9.1
python-engineio-v3 3.14.2
python-etherscan-api 0.0.3
python-family-hub-local 0.0.2
python-fullykiosk 0.0.14
python-gc100 1.0.3a0
python-gitlab 1.6.0
python-homeassistant-analytics 0.7.0
python-homewizard-energy 6.3.0
python-hpilo 4.4.3
python-http-client 3.3.7
python-izone 1.2.9
python-join-api 0.0.9
python-jose 3.3.0
python-juicenet 1.1.0
python-jwt 4.1.0
python-kasa 0.7.2
python_linkplay 0.0.9
python-magic 0.4.27
python-matter-server 6.3.0
python-miio 0.5.12
python-MotionMount 2.0.0
python-mpd2 3.1.1
python-mystrom 2.2.0
python-opendata-transport 0.4.0
python_opensky 1.0.1
python-otbr-api 2.6.0
python-picnic-api 1.1.0
python-rabbitair 0.0.8
python-ripple-api 0.0.3
python-roborock 2.6.0
python-slugify 8.0.4
python-smarttub 0.0.36
python-socketio 5.11.4
python-socketio-v4 4.6.1
python-socks 2.5.1
python-songpal 0.16.2
python-tado 0.17.6
python-technove 1.3.1
python-telegram-bot 21.5
python-vlc 3.0.18122
pythonegardia 1.0.52
pyTibber 0.30.1
pytile 2023.12.0
pytomorrowio 0.3.6
pytouchline 0.7
pytouchlinesl 0.1.5
pytraccar 2.1.1
pytradfri 9.0.1
pytrafikverket 1.0.0
PyTransportNSW 0.1.1
pytrydan 0.8.0
PyTurboJPEG 1.7.5
pytz 2024.1
pyudev 0.24.1
pyuptimerobot 22.2.0
pyusb 1.2.1
pyvera 0.3.13
pyversasense 0.0.6
pyvesync 2.1.12
PyViCare-neo 0.2.1
pyvizio 0.1.61
pyvlx 0.2.21
pyvolumio 0.1.5
pyW215 0.7.0
pyW800rf32 0.4
pywaze 1.0.2
pyweatherflowudp 1.4.5
pywebpush 1.14.1
pywemo 1.4.0
pywilight 0.0.74
pywizlight 0.5.14
pyws66i 1.1
pyxeoma 1.4.1
PyXiaomiGateway 0.14.3
PyYAML 6.0.2
pyyardian 1.1.1
pyzbar 0.1.7
pyzerproc 0.4.8
pyzipper 0.3.6
qbittorrent-api 2024.2.59
qingping-ble 0.10.0
qnapstats 0.4.0
quantum-gateway 0.0.8
RachioPy 1.1.0
radios 0.3.1
radiotherm 2.1.0
raincloudy 0.0.7
rapt-ble 0.1.2
raspyrfm-client 1.2.8
ratelimit 2.2.1
recurring-ical-events 3.2.0
redis 5.0.8
referencing 0.35.1
refoss_ha 1.2.4
regenmaschine 2024.3.0
regex 2024.7.24
related-without-future 0.7.4
renault-api 0.2.7
renson-endura-delta 1.7.1
reolink_aio 0.9.8
repoze.lru 0.7
requests 2.32.3
requests-aws4auth 1.3.1
requests-file 2.1.0
requests-futures 1.0.1
requests-oauthlib 2.0.0
requests-toolbelt 1.0.0
RestrictedPython 7.0
retry2 0.9.5
rfk101py 0.0.1
rflink 0.0.66
rich 10.16.2
ring-doorbell 0.9.0
ritassist 0.9.2
rjpl 0.3.6
rocketchat-API 0.6.1
rokuecp 0.19.3
romy 0.0.10
roombapy 1.8.1
roonapi 0.1.6
rova 0.4.1
rpds-py 0.20.0
rpi-bad-power 0.1.0
rsa 4.9
RtmAPI 0.7.2
rtsp-to-webrtc 0.5.1
russound 0.1.9
ruuvitag-ble 0.1.2
Rx 3.2.0
rxv 0.7.0
s3transfer 0.10.2
samsungctl 0.7.1
samsungtvws 2.6.0
sanix 1.0.6
satel-integra 0.3.7
scapy 2.5.0
schedule 1.2.2
screenlogicpy 0.10.0
scsgate 0.1.0
SecretStorage 3.3.3
securesystemslib 1.1.0
securetar 2024.2.1
segno 1.6.1
selenium 4.24.0
semver 3.0.2
sendgrid 6.8.2
sense_energy 0.12.4
sensirion-ble 0.1.1
sensor-state-data 2.18.1
sensorpro-ble 0.5.3
sensorpush-ble 1.6.2
sentry-sdk 1.40.3
sepaxml 2.6.1
serialio 2.4.0
setuptools 70.1.0
sfrbox-api 0.0.10
sgmllib3k 1.0.0
sharkiq 1.0.2
sharp-aquos-rc 0.3.2
shellingham 1.5.4
shodan 1.28.0
shortuuid 1.0.13
sigstore 1.0.0
simple-websocket 1.0.0
simplefin4py 0.0.18
simplehound 0.3
simplejson 3.19.3
simplepush 2.2.3
simplisafe-python 2024.1.0
siobrultech-protocols 0.5.0
sisyphus_control 3.1.4
six 1.16.0
slackclient 2.5.0
sleekxmppfs 1.4.1
slixmpp 1.8.5
smart_meter_texas 0.5.5
smhi-pkg 1.0.16
snapcast 2.3.6
sniffio 1.3.1
snitun 0.39.1
sockio 0.15.0
socksio 1.0.0
soco 0.30.4
solaredge-local 0.2.3
solarlog_cli 0.1.6
solax 3.1.1
somfy-mylink-synergy 1.0.6
sonos-websocket 0.1.3
sortedcontainers 2.4.0
soupsieve 2.6
speak2mary 1.4.0
SpeechRecognition 3.8.1
speedtest-cli 2.1.3
spiderpy 1.6.1
spotipy 2.23.0
SQLAlchemy 2.0.31
sqlparse 0.5.0
srpenergy 1.3.6
srptools 1.0.1
starkbank-ecdsa 2.2.0
starline 0.1.5
starlingbank 3.2
starlink-grpc-core 1.1.3
statsd 3.2.1
stdiomask 0.0.6
steamodd 4.21
stevedore 5.3.0
stookalert 0.1.4
stookwijzer 1.3.0
streamlabswater 1.0.1
stringcase 1.2.0
striprtf 0.0.26
subarulink 0.7.11
sunweg 3.0.2
surepy 0.9.0
svg.py 1.4.3
swisshydrodata 0.1.0
switchbot_api 2.2.1
synology-srm 0.2.0
systembridgeconnector 4.1.5
systembridgemodels 4.2.4
tabulate 0.9.0
tailer 0.4.1
tailscale 0.6.1
Tami4EdgeAPI 3.0
tank-utility 1.5.0
tapsaff 0.2.1
tellcore-net 0.4
tellcore-py 1.1.2
tellduslive 0.10.11
tellsticknet 0.1.2
temescal 0.5
temperusb 1.6.1
tempora 5.7.0
tenacity 8.5.0
tesla_fleet_api 0.7.3
tesla_powerwall 0.5.2
tesla-wall-connector 1.0.2
tessie_api 0.1.1
text-unidecode 1.3
thermobeacon-ble 0.7.0
thermopro-ble 0.10.0
thermoworks-smoke 0.1.8
thingspeak 1.0.0
tikteck 0.4
tilt-ble 0.2.3
titlecase 2.4.1
tmb 0.0.4
todoist-api-python 2.1.2
tokenize-rt 6.0.0
tokenizers 0.20.0
tololib 1.1.0
toonapi 0.3.0
total_connect_client 2024.5
tp-connected 0.0.4
tplink_omada_client 1.4.2
tqdm 4.66.5
transitions 0.8.11
transmission-rpc 7.0.3
TravisPy 0.3.5
trio 0.26.2
trio-websocket 0.11.1
ttls 1.8.3
ttn_client 1.2.0
tuf 5.0.0
tuya-device-sharing-sdk 0.1.9
twentemilieu 2.0.1
twilio 6.32.0
twitchAPI 4.2.1
TwitterAPI 2.7.12
typeguard 4.0.1
typer 0.12.5
types-pytz 2024.1.0.20240417
typing_extensions 4.12.2
typing-inspect 0.9.0
tzdata 2024.1
tzlocal 5.2
uart-devices 0.1.0
uasiren 0.0.1
uiprotect 6.0.2
ujson 5.10.0
ulid-transform 1.0.2
ultraheat-api 0.5.7
uModbus 1.0.4
unasync 0.6.0
unicode_rbnf 1.2.0
unifi-ap 0.0.1
unifi-discovery 1.2.0
unifiled 0.11
universal-silabs-flasher 0.0.22
unpaddedbase64 2.1.0
untangle 1.2.1
uonet-request-signer-hebe 0.1.1
upb-lib 0.5.8
upcloud-api 2.5.1
update-checker 0.18.0
uplink 0.9.7
uplink-protobuf 0.1.0
uritemplate 4.1.1
url-normalize 1.4.3
urllib3 1.26.20
usb-devices 0.4.5
uv 0.2.27
uvcclient 0.12.1
vacuum-map-parser-base 0.1.3
vacuum-map-parser-roborock 0.1.2
validators 0.34.0
vallox_websocket_api 5.3.0
vehicle 2.2.2
velbus-aio 2024.7.6
venstarcolortouch 0.19
vilfo-api-client 0.5.0
vincenty 0.1.4
virtualenv 20.26.3
vobject 0.9.7
voip-utils 0.1.0
volkszaehler 0.4.0
voluptuous 0.15.2
voluptuous-openapi 0.0.5
voluptuous-serialize 2.6.0
volvooncall 0.10.3
vsure 2.6.6
vtjp 0.2.1
vulcan-api 2.3.2
vultr 0.1.2
wakeonlan 2.1.0
wallbox 0.7.0
warrant-lite 1.0.4
watchdog 2.3.1
waterfurnace 1.1.0
wcwidth 0.2.13
weatherflow4py 0.2.23
webcolors 24.8.0
webencodings 0.5.1
webmin-xmlrpc 0.0.2
websocket-client 1.8.0
websockets 13.0.1
Werkzeug 3.0.4
wheel 0.43.0
whirlpool_sixth_sense 0.18.8
whois 0.9.27
wiffi 1.1.2
wirelesstagpy 0.8.1
wled 0.20.2
wolf_comm 0.0.9
wrapt 1.16.0
WSDiscovery 2.0.0
wsproto 1.2.0
wyoming 1.5.4
x-wr-timezone 0.0.7
xbox-webapi 2.0.11
xiaomi-ble 0.30.2
xknx 3.1.1
xknxproject 3.7.1
XlsxWriter 3.2.0
xmlschema 3.3.2
xmltodict 0.13.0
xs1-api-client 3.0.0
yagrc 1.1.2
yalesmartalarmclient 0.4.0
yalexs 8.6.3
yalexs-ble 2.4.3
yarl 1.9.7
yeelight 0.7.14
yeelightsunflower 0.0.10
yolink-api 0.4.7
youless_api 2.1.2
youtubeaio 1.1.5
yt-dlp 2024.8.6
zamg 0.3.6
zeep 4.2.1
zengge 0.2
zeroconf 0.133.0
zeversolar 0.3.1
zha 0.0.32
zha-quirks 0.0.121
zhong-hong-hvac 1.0.12
ziggo-mediabox-xl 1.1.0
zigpy 0.66.0
zigpy-deconz 0.23.3
zigpy-xbee 0.20.2
zigpy-zigate 0.13.1
zigpy-znp 0.12.4
zm-py 0.5.4
zope.interface 7.0.3
zwave-js-server-python 0.57.0
zwave-me-ws 0.4.3
Is the /config/deps folder empty or does it contain an old dependency?
OK, was hoping to see something in there that maybe conflicting but alas seems not.
I wonder if you can amend the logging line on line 41 of init.py to this.
_LOGGER.info("Starting midea-ac-py for device ID %s (%s:%d). Using msmart-ng version %s from %s.",
id, host, port, MSMART_VERISON, msmart.__file__)
to see where this is loading from. You will need to add
import msmart
to the imports list.
This is my list
config $ pip list
Package Version
anyio 4.4.0
awake 1.0
certifi 2024.8.30
h11 0.14.0
httpcore 1.0.5
httpx 0.27.2
idna 3.10
packaging 24.0
pathspec 0.12.1
pip 24.0
pulsemixer 1.5.1
pycryptodome 3.20.0
pyparsing 3.1.2
PyYAML 6.0.2
setuptools 70.3.0
sniffio 1.3.1
yamllint 1.35.1
I think that is just in the terminal and not the HA container. Not sure this is the issue anyway from @dj21d pip list. Either we can wait for @dj21d to provide the output requested above or you can give it a go and provide the log output.
2024-09-19 21:08:02.864 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.midea_ac] Starting midea-ac-py for device ID 151732605236630 ( Using msmart-ng version 2024.7.3 from /config/deps/lib/python3.12/site-packages/msmart/__init__.py.
cat /config/deps/lib/python3.12/site-packages/msmart/__init__.py
from importlib import metadata
__version__ = metadata.version("msmart-ng")
except metadata.PackageNotFoundError:
__version__ = "UNKNOWN"
Ok. So, you have an old version in config/deps as @SukramJ suspected. You need to remove this (delete the msmart folder)
Is config/deps
deprecated? Why would an integration install dependencies there over the system location?
I dont actually know. And given some of the versions it is wrongly using, seems it was not that long ago.
If it helps, here’s what that folder looks like currently
homeassistant:/config/deps/lib/python3.12/site-packages# ls
aiofiles aiofiles-0.8.0.dist-info msmart msmart_ng-2024.7.3.dist-info pytz pytz-2022.7.dist-info
I would delete everything in deps and restart HA. This folder should be empty in 99% of cases. AFAIK, only a few integrations should put files in there.
Current version of aiofiles is 24.1.0 and pytz 2024.2, so these are all very old.
Removed them all and restarted, confirmed that the integration sets up without issue now. Thanks @msp1974 and @mill1000!
Full instructions for anyone else down the road experiencing this:
- Download the Advanced SSH & Web Terminal addon GitHub - hassio-addons/addon-ssh: Advanced SSH & Web Terminal - Home Assistant Community Add-ons
- Turn off Protection mode
- Open webui
- Enter
docker exec -it homeassistant bash
cd /config/deps/lib/python3.12/site-packages
rm -rf msmart*
- Restart homeassistant
Alternatively, if you have file manager or vscode installed, you can access the deps folder via those and delete the files.
Hi, worked for me too, thank you