So getting back to the original plan I had, before I started playing with HA and other things.
Integration with my heating system. It’s “head less” in that it has no UIs, except graph output. There is current no integration to change target temps, I will be adding that.
I would like a way to change the target temperatures used by it from a UI. HA seems a realistic candidate so I don’t have to develop one myself.
So what I have is a small set of profiles. Minimum, Eco, Prefered and Maximum.
Each has a target temperature for each particular zone. Currently “living room”, “bedroom”, “office”, “garage”.
If I am in the house it will most likely be in “preferred” profile. The use case I have is:
“It’s a bit chilly tonight, I think I’ll turn the heating up a bit” (for whatever irrelevant reason I choose) and I would have an ability on a dash board to select “Living Room” and “Preferred” and increase it from maybe 19 to 21.
I don’t mind if I have to have one widget for each zone and profile as I will most likely only be changing one or two of them frequently. If I need to change the anti-freeze setting in the garage that would be a rare event and I don’t need a UI for that.
That would cause a message/request to be sent to a thing which would update the target temperatures and the system would respond accordingly.
I think REST is probably the best mechanism to do this over and a request might be:
POST (or PATCH if you are a REST pedant)
{ “target”: “21” }
Obviously for retrieving the temps for display, there would be a complimentary GET
Sending back: {“target”:“19”}
I know there are RESTful sensor and RESTful switch, but I’m not sure either seem appropriate. So I’m not that afraid to try and write a custom integration if there is an example or template one to work from.
Does a REST thing exist that can be attached to a slider or a + and - button?