Custom light card gone with 0.115x - what are you using now?

With the very poor built-in light card, I’ve relied on custom light card for a while for all my wled devices.
But the project has stopped, so what should we use now?
Or is somebody picking up the code, or could it be integrated instead of the standard light card?


After searching answers for this, it seems to be a deliberate choice from HA core developers.
Due to using lazy loading for optimizing load speeds, all objects that custom cards relies on has to be defined in each custom card.

Who on earth made this decision? It’s a slippery slope not taking care of the many volunteers making much better cards than what is offered as standard, it will cripple the community’s agility and will surely make a lot of ‘small time’ developers stop working with things for HA as it will force them to reinvent the wheel for all the small bits and bobs.

For now it’s ‘only’ the custom light card, what’s next? The custom light card was a favourite of mine, and I’ve had to replace all of them with the standard light card, making things MUCH uglier, so much that it’s hurting the WAF!
Things are getting clunky and I get “where’s the colour changer”, “why is it hidden”, “it’s difficult to use”.

HA should provide a framework for the developers, so they can reuse already defined objects, and take care of the custom card developers by making the framework better, and not worse.

The COMMUNITY is the key to success, not “Nabu Casa”.

Relax. It is being discussed.

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Dude…stop trying to find some conspiracy theory. It was an accidental byproduct of trying to improve performance. Believe it or not, testing changes to core against ALL custom cards is not a feasible strategy.

Say what? Sorry, are you serious Ian?
I don’t see anything about conspiracies, the tinfoil hat must be in your perception.

I just try to make a point about the importance of the independent developers doing a lot of good work, and making the volunteer job harder isn’t really productive.

I think that it’s great that we are so many paying to nabu casa, so they can hire more muscle to the project, but my point is that this is not the core value of the product, that’s the community doing all this wonderfull work, not just developers, but users helping each other…

I’m glad that discussions are progressing, just too bad that the problems with the 0.115 wasn’t really highlighted properly as breaking changes, not just for this card, but others as well.

I am a big fan of enlightend decisions, but it does require that information is available, and I didn’t see anything about this at the time.

No one realized it would impact custom cards. That’s the fact of the matter. Not a move against the community, not a big evil Nabu Casa move, not a move to hurt custom card devs. No one caught in beta is really the only surprise here. Devs are working on solutions, let’s move on.


ummm i mentioned it during RC and was ignored but ill admit this post is a a bit much

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Ok, so the update to 0.115.3 regarding this:

“Reverts lazy loading of more info control elements to give custom card developers more time to adapt/give them alternatives.”

So what the release does, is just a reprieve of the problem I guess? The last part of the sentence would be best, as it is just not smart having to reinvent the wheel (or the colorwheel for that matter) all the time, and constantly adapt to the ‘style’ of core elements.
I mean even Amiga had libraries where the style of the requesters where defined, so that they looked the same.

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