Custom Lovelace card/CSS stylesheet / font not working!

Hello all -

I’m using a custom card and have everything working except for the font. I’ve included all the resources in the project (see link below) and have also followed the instructions regarding the HA resources and updated the file pointers as best I can. The card works but the font should look like a “digital clock.” Hoping someone can find/point out the error or pinpoint the “bug?” I’ve tried Safari (Mac) and Google (Mac).

  • type: state-label
    entity: sensor.front_load_washer_remaining_time
    color: ‘#8df427
    font-family: 7segment
    font-size: 35px
    left: 95%
    top: 74%
    transform: translate(-100%,-50%)


Anyone? Anyone have an answer?

I found this solution here: