Custom Theme Help - Change Lovelace/Dashboard Card Slider Color

I’m unable to get the slider color to change on an entities card. I do not want to use Card Mod or other HACS - I’m trying to do everything with native HA functionality.

I am using the following setting in my current theme - but no matter what I try, the scroll bar doesnt change colors.

Is there a way to configure a custom them to address specific cards such as the Entities Card? I’ve searched everywhere and can’t find any examples of this.

Current Settings Tried that do not work:

paper-slider-knob-color: “#44739e
paper-slider-knob-start-color: “#44739e
paper-slider-pin-color: “#44739e
paper-slider-active-color: “#44739e
paper-slider-secondary-color: “#44739e
paper-slider-container-color: “#44739e

Slider I’m trying to change…

Here’s the setting for the card with the selected Theme with the variables above - it does not change the color of the slider.

The sliders were updated in the last release see here for advice on new theme variables:

Likely the ones you want are:

md-slider-active-track-color: “#44739e”
md-slider-inactive-track-color: “#44739e”
md-slider-handle-color: “#44739e”

Remove the paper-slider variables from your theme.

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that did it! is there a variable for the hover over state?
