Custom UI borked in the betas?

I’ve been a bit busy with stuff and missed 70b0 and 70b1, but just sat down and updated to 70b2 from 69.1.

All my custom ui’s are dead except for the one that changes ACTIVATE to custom text for scripts.

Kinda expected there to be a bit of a buzz about it, but there’s nothing I can see so I was thinking have I missed something?? Is it just me?

I’ve lost custom-ui, mini media players and custom tiles.

@eddi89 @andrey

I know there is a big front end change for polymer, maybe best to go on discord in #beta channel to see whats going on?

edit: possibly related?

edit 2: CustomUI - discussion thread

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Ha, forum search let me down then, I looked for all threads with custom ui in sorted by most recent and the top result was 5 days ago, hence my confusion.

I’ve just had a notification that a new version of tiles is ready too, so hopefully they’ll all be updated soon and I can get my interface back :smile:

Thanks for that :+1:

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