Custom UI: Last time automation was triggered

I had the same until I cleared my caches. Once I did that, everything showed up as it should.

Sorry, it’s indented properly, that post was from my mobile phone.

  custom_ui_state_card: state-card-custom-ui
  extra_data_template: >-
    return attributes.last_triggered ? window.hassUtil.relativeTime(new Date(attributes.last_triggered)) : null;

Tried that, still the same.

If I use your config.

With the following, all cards on the front end, show up blank.

# Global.
  custom_ui_state_card: state-card-custom-ui

# Automations.
  extra_data_template: >-
    return attributes.last_triggered ? window.hassUtil.relativeTime(new Date(attributes.last_triggered)) : null;

And with the following, extra_data_template, shows up in the automaton attributes, with no change on the frotnend.

image image

Might be a stupid question, but have you actually installed the Custom UI?

Yes, I did, I’m actually using it for other things

Any errors in your log file? Any errors in the browser’s developer tools console?

No errors in log or developer tools/console

This is a great idea ! :clap:

Here is my vision, I changed it to display the detail of last triggered. Default display is ‘x day’ if it’s more than 24hours, and I wanted to have more details. This displays days, hours, minutes and seconds (rounded) from last triggered, only if different from 0. (ex : 13h 24m 15s, or 1d 24m 30s) :

    "if(!attributes.last_triggered)return null;
     var d,h,m,s=(new Date()-new Date(attributes.last_triggered))/1e3;
     return((d>0?d+'d ':'')+(h>0?h+'h ':'')+(m>0?m+'m ':'')+(s>0?s +'s':''));"

Tried to do the same with script.* but I can’t make it work ?


At this point I’d suggest trying on a virgin Docker installation of Home Assistant to minimize all other possible problems and interferences with your configuration.

Very nice @Mister_Slowhand! Indeed, sometimes it can be useful to get a more precise idea of when exactly something happened. :grinning:

As for script state cards, alas I cannot get extra_data_template for work with them, for time display or for anything else either. :cry:

Do you think it’s a bug ?

Hi, very useful!
Is it possible to use this formula in sensors or other domains like light, binary sensors …?
I’m not a programmer, how can I change this code to replace the one of “deault value”.
Thank you very much.

Since HASS 0.70.1 I got the error:
ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.201805310] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘relativeTime’ of undefined

Anyone got a solution?

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relativeTime is not available now. I am using the following in my customize_glob.yaml to obtain the same information:

  custom_ui_state_card: state-card-custom-ui
  extra_data_template: >-
    if(!attributes.last_triggered)return null;
    var t,s=(new Date()-new Date(attributes.last_triggered))/1e3;
    (t=Math.floor(s/86400))?t+(t>1?" days":" day"):
    (t=Math.floor(s/3600))?t+(t>1?" hours":" hour"):
    (t=Math.floor(s/60))?t+(t>1?" minutes":" minute"):
    (t=Math.floor(s))!==1?t+" seconds":" second"
    )+" ago";
1 Like

Is this available only for automation or for other classes ? I ask this because using this template for device trackers i get errors in log…

Any idea why the logged time is off by +4hrs?

My current time is 2:47pm and the logged time is:

last_triggered: 2018-06-05T18:47:26.942125+00:100

I think the internal time is in UTC.

It should work for other classes as well, but I wasn’t able to get it working for device_tracker.

Any idea how I can rectify that?

Current default time zone: 'America/New_York'
Local time is now:      Tue Jun  5 15:05:34 EDT 2018.
Universal Time is now:  Tue Jun  5 19:05:34 UTC 2018.