Custom weather lovelace card with animated icons

Hi there,
I am using this custom card:

The result I get is this:

Any idea how to adjust sizes and position to avoid overlaping of icons ver values?

  • sun icon should be close to left up corner
  • curretn temp should be smaler and unit on it’s right (below to the right)


Use this card instead:

It’s the same card re-written to be far more flexible and reliable. Also it is configured via the UI. It’s in development right now but is very stable and feedback is welcome. here: Customising the BOM Weather and lovelace - now in HACS - #1278 by theRat

Great Thanks
I will give it shot.
Looks like you should not use yaml to install, so Im guessing hacs via custom repository?
1st feedback: get a how to install section in

will let you know



Gave it a go via Hacs custom repository. Didn’t work.
tried the article: : Customising the BOM Weather and lovelace - now in HACS - #1278 by theRat
Looks like a lot tinkering to get it going.

It looks like exactly what Im looking for especially if it can be installed by HACS and config vie UI.

I will keep an eye for when we have install instructions


You need to add the custom repository (three dots icon top right of the HACS page): for it to be available in HACS.

it is the best @ moment… but still some bug’s that get not fixed…
looks like the author has abandoned the project like many do… so many cards are broken or not updated… it’s a shame… lot’s of issues… watch the Github page → Issues
user did updates … but the author need to merge and update…
if the author has no interest… than you will never see the update…

It is not abandoned. The developer is just really busy at the moment.