Custom widgets in HADashboard

I didn’t see your reply before my reply, @ReneTode. I’ll give this a shot.

I actually don’t see the /appdaemon directory at that location. I can get as far as site-packages

when you create a custom_css/default you overwrite the default skin.
when you dont add css there it will be left blank.

its better to call it something else and use the skin as such.
i said in that remark to edit the variables.yaml not to add it :wink:

i guess that the location i did chose for the vars is terrible.
ill change that on the github.

maybe the wrong docker.
you need to look inside the appdaemon docker.

I’m wondering if I didn’t install things correctly. All I did was install the AppDaemon3 add-on in Hassio.

I’m thinking I may just proceed by building my own skin :slight_smile:

thats a good option also :wink:

Thanks for all the help!

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