Customising the BOM Weather and lovelace - now in HACS

Comment, comment, comment (for theRat).

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Looks good mate. How do I configure the rain amount though.
Seems to want a separate entity but nowhere to plug it in.

Can I get a little more context please. What slot type is selected? I am assuming its in a slot field?

Sorry, pure defaults for all slots so they all just say slot x left/right (optional).

Then i filled out the Chance or Rain (optional) field that was on the same page. It populates the top right slot but i see no way to populate the right half of it like the previous card image

Ok that default should be rainfall forecast. I think you have found a bug. There should be 2 rainfall fields made visible. For now you can go to yaml mode and add a line similar to this (if you are using the BoM integration).
entity_possible_today: sensor.xxxxx_rain_amount_range_0
Iā€™ll look at fixing it shortly. I am just working on trying to get the card into default hacs right now.

Thanks, i should have thought to just copy if from the previous config into yaml mode.

Are you having any isses with the HACS side of things? Only ask as I recently added an integration to HACS default for the first time.

Yeah, its failing the tests for some obscure reason. Just trying something now to fix it. I havenā€™t had the problem with any other cards Iā€™ve added the default.

Fixed now. There is a requirement that isnā€™t documented that you must have an image link inside the

Like any image link? haha, Rick Astley here we come

I used the but i found you can put gifs in it. Might be cool for the future as this card is animated

Haha yeah, pretty much anything. I just screenshot the card and added that, which I was going to do at some point anyway.
In fact the readme will end up with a shedload of images in it when I complete the doco. Iā€™ve just been holding off as I didnā€™t want to have to do it multiple times (ie. when I tweak the layout for the 503rd time).

The PR has now passed so hopefully later this week it will make it into default.

I did gifs for the radar cards that I wrote. That was such a PITA to create since it had 20 individual images that I had to capture, crop and put together in a gif. I donā€™t see the value for it here really since its just the icons are animated.


Yes fair enough. not a lot of animation. I also stole an existing gif so all i had to do was crop it.

I just had a look at the code and it is not actually a bug as such. The default for slot_r1 is Chance of rain which only displays the percentage. I think the default should be changed to Rainfall forecast which includes both the percentage and range.
If you change the value of slot_r1 to Rainfall forecast you will see the other field show up to select the entity.

Copied, by default though it is displaying - ā€” as if itā€™s wanting another entity

Yes, after more looking I found there was a mismatch between the editor and the card. It is fixed in 0.0.2 which is now available.

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Looking forward to getting this addon running but missing a bunch of sensors, so trying to install the BOM integration but getting ā€œunknown errorā€. The HACS (v1.1.10) is installed. Not sure if this log info is an issue:

2022-07-03 11:15:20 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.bureau_of_meteorology.config_flow] Unexpected exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/custom_components/bureau_of_meteorology/", line 52, in async_step_user
    await self.collector.async_update()
  File "/config/custom_components/bureau_of_meteorology/PyBoM/", line 110, in async_update
    await self.format_daily_forecast_data()
  File "/config/custom_components/bureau_of_meteorology/PyBoM/", line 44, in format_daily_forecast_data
    days = len(self.daily_forecasts_data["data"])

The BoM integration is the Australian meteorology, the coordinates you have in the image look like San Francisco.

This platinum-weather-card is freaking awesome. I am in the USA and I can not figure out how to set up the daily forecast section. Am i missing where i put a normal weather entity? Everything else is working great!

The new Platinum Weather Card is now in the default HACS so there is no longer any need to add a custom repository.