Customize gauge card to show attribute as name from a hddtemp sensor


I’m using several gauge cards to monitor temperatures of a hddtemp sensor. This works well, however the displayed name on all cards are shown as the name of the hddtemp seonsor provided in the configuration.yaml. Is there an easy way to use different names for every gauge, because the “model” attribute is provided by the sensor.
I also figured out that hddtemp does make one request for each provided “drive”, which doesn’t make sense, because hddtemp on the server already sends all data of every drive within one request. So it might be an option to just set one sensor for each drive in the configuration.yaml (because either way it makes one request per drive to the hddtemp server).

What are your thoughts about that?

You can manually change the title of any card.

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As a string, yes. But how can I use a template (state or attribute)?

Very few core dashboard cards support templates. You would have to use this:

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Thank you. Seems not to be maintained for quite some time now, the question is how “futureproof” this might be.


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Hm can I also use the gauge card within another card to be able to set titles?

No. It will still be a gauge card.

EDIT: oh you meant don’t add a name for the gauge but for the containing card?

Hmm. Yes possibly with this:

You just have to pick a third party card that supports templating the title. I do not know of one.

Thank you, looks promising. I’ll give that a try!