Customize: !include customize.yaml causing an error in the config

  name: Home
  unit_system: metric
  # etc
      friendly_name: Zonepanelen huidig vermogen

Note the extra 2 spaces indentation before the last line.

Or if you prefer to use the include method


  name: Home
  unit_system: metric
  # etc
  customize: !include customize.yaml


  friendly_name: Zonepanelen huidig vermogen
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Thanks! It works now. Do not exactly know why but I will figure it out.

Problem is now it still does not solve the unique ID problem unfortunately.

This entity (“sensor.solaredge_current_power”) does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI. See the documentation for more detail.

What do you need to ‘manage’?

I was under the impression (NEWBIE). That I could just add info to my lovelace if the device appears in devices.

I just found out that this is not necessary and I can just see the info from my solar edge system. Thanks for your questions. Only then I realized I do not need to manage anything. I just want info.

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you are legend! I had the same problem. all sorted now! Thanks

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Hello there,

I’m not sure where I’m supossed to add the customize: !include customize.yaml line. Since I have some supported features already there.

Please take a look at my code.

      supported_features: 177
      supported_features: 177
      supported_features: 177
      supported_features: 177
  packages: !include_dir_named packages

Thanks in advance.

EDIT : Nevermind. Figured it out. I jsut moved those supported features into my customize.yaml and added that !include line in confirugation.yaml. DDAAAAAAHHHHH Brain fart.

Sorry to revive this old thread but with the latest version of homeassistant (stable as of march 22) I get the error “customize is an invalid option for homeassistant”


Here’s the first lines of my config.yaml

  time_zone: Europe/Vienna
  customize: !include customize.yaml

If I don’t include the customize section, my customize yaml won’t be loaded either (which makes sense). Did homeassistant change the way customizations are made?


yes they did, but this shouldn’t error, because they changed it so this is the only valid way. Customization via the UI was taken out.

see: Customizing entities - Home Assistant

maybe you changed a customization in that file? are you sure that is all 100% correct?

My file editor is now flagging the customize: !include line since 2022.9.0…


Other includes I have in configuration.yaml are fine.

Mine too and I don’t understand why.

It’s a file editor error. Issue reported here

Yes, the issue stems from the embedded ACE Editor which uses nodeca / js-yaml to check the code. The HA directives !(include|secret|env_var|input) are not native to YAML.
If you get a green checkmark in the top right corner you are good to go and can safely ignore the boxed red X you see.