I would love to use this solution for cycling through scenes (and playlist-entries) within Node-Red. Has anyone tried this perhaps? Will be thankful for any hints.
The options: script cycles through all options pressing the on (I) button, except for option 0 (off), which is only selected when the off (o) zigbee button is pressed.
To teach myself the new scripting features in 0.113, I modified your automation to use the new choose feature. It is useful when the action must choose between different services and especially when the services have different options. Although it can be done entirely with templates, the result is a bit messy; the choose feature makes it neater.
Here’s how it works:
If the event is 1002, it calls select_next.
If the event is 2002, it sets the input_select to its first option.
Finally, the action calls scene.turn_on and computes the scene’s name. I shortened the template slightly by using regex_replace to remove ( and ) characters.
Wow that looks lots better
Only question I have is, in my earlier script it skipped option 0 as this is the Off option, which I do not want to cycle through.
How does your script prevent that ?
It doesn’t. All it was meant to do was serve as a demonstration of the use of choose to call two different services (select_next and select_option). If you need to skip option 0 then you’re better off using your original automation that calls just one service and uses a data_template.
I have used Taras code for cycling scenes in my house for some time now, and as far as I can see the best alternative I can find, but there are some issues:
My biggest problem is it looks like the automation has taken total control over my switches. I try to use the dim up and dim down buttons in two different automations to dim up and down the light. When I press one of those buttons, I see a short flicker in the light before it’s back to what was set in the scene. When I look in the core log I get these messages (AUR301_06: Dim down automation, AUR301_01: Cycle scene automation):
So it looks like AUR301_01 is triggered even tho the dim up and dim down buttons are not mapped in that automation.
A similar thing happens when switching my house to night mode: I have an automation for long press off on all my dimmer switches that calls the night mode settings. When I long press the off button my whole house goes into night mode, except light in the room where I press the button. In this room light dims shortly before going back to the previous scene.
Another problem I have is after night mode has been triggered it looks like the first cycle scene press I do in a room recalls my last used scene or the next one in the list, not the first one.
It took some effort to find this post, but the reward is fine: just what I was looking for: scrolling through a series of scenes with one button. Clear explanation and great working example! Thanks!
So the Problem is. It switches the scenes, but it’s unable to apply the scene then.
What am I doing wrong? Same script, works on the Hue Dimmer Switch…
I use this script to cycle through scenes it’s working but not always.
It changes the input select perfect but is only randomly actually changes the scene. On the dashboard I see the scene changing it’s just not applied to the lights sometimes. This usually happens when cycle a bit faster.
I have tried different modes (single, restart, queued) but that didn’t change anything.
Any help (also how to debug) would be much appreciated. I am pretty new to HASS
Ie. I have light toggle and then warm cold pink, it starts on pink, first scene in cycle happens to be pink so it does not change.
Any super nice way to do this?
I do get why this does not work as expected with turn off button action, but it does change the scene (color temp.) only after I press on the light switch again, triggering light toggle.
When switching scenes from HA UI it does switch color temp.
I do get “triggered” when watching scene dialog when I hold the button for about 4 sec. so that seems all ok.
i followed a different approach, storing the number how often on was pressed in a persistent variable. The blueprint is for homematic button devices, but will work with some adoption for other devices as well.
name: HM Push Button Light on/off/dim or next scene
description: >-
A script to connect a push button device with a light. The script can switch the light on and off on short keypress
and dim up and down on long keypress. If the light is on and the on button is pressed another time, the automation
switch throuh different scenes.
It require the variable saver addon from here: https://github.com/PiotrMachowski/Home-Assistant-custom-components-Saver
domain: automation
name: HM Push Button Device
description: Please select a Button device of your Homematic integration.
integration: homematicip_local
name: On Button
description: "Align button channel to on function"
min: 0
max: 12
name: Off Button
description: "Align button channel to off function"
min: 0
max: 12
name: Light
description: "Light device for on/off and dim"
default: []
multiple: true
domain: light
name: Off Button Scene
description: "Select a script or scene which shall be executed when the off button is two times pressed"
default: []
multiple: true
- scene
- script
name: Scene 1
description: "Select a scene"
default: []
multiple: true
- scene
- script
name: Scene 2
description: "Select a scene"
default: []
multiple: true
- scene
- script
name: Scene 3
description: "Select a scene"
default: []
multiple: true
- scene
- script
name: Scene 4
description: "Select a scene"
default: []
multiple: true
- scene
- script
- platform: event
event_type: homematic.keypress
device_id: !input pushbtn_dev
light_dev: !input 'light_dev'
pushbtn_dev: !input 'pushbtn_dev'
on_button: !input 'on_button'
off_button: !input 'off_button'
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
target: [!input 'off_scene',!input 'light_dev',!input 'light_dev',!input 'scene_1', !input 'scene_2', !input 'scene_3', !input 'scene_4']
# adjust and combine trigger, to have one point to adopt other switches
event_key: >
{% if trigger.event.data.type == 'press_short' and trigger.event.data.subtype == on_button %}
{% elif trigger.event.data.type == 'press_short' and trigger.event.data.subtype == off_button %}
{% elif trigger.event.data.type == 'press_long' or trigger.event.data.type == 'press_cont' and trigger.event.data.subtype == on_button %}
{% elif trigger.event.data.type == 'press_long' or trigger.event.data.type == 'press_cont' and trigger.event.data.subtype == off_button %}
{% endif %}
# get counter from memory, decide based on trigger and subtrigger what to do
# 0: short_off, coming from 1 and if target[0] is defined
# 1: short_off but only if we switched not to 0
# 2: short_on while coming from 0 or 1, or coming from 2 and target[3] is not defined
# 3: short_on while coming from 2 and target[3] is defined
# 4: short_on while coming from 3 and target[4] is defined
# 5: short_on while coming from 4 and target[5] is defined
# 6: short_on while coming from 5 and target[6] is defined
# : next short_on returns to 3
keycnt: >
{% set t_cnt = saver_variable(trigger.event.data.device_id) or 0 %}
{% if event_key == 'short_on' %}
{% if t_cnt == '0' or t_cnt == '1' %} {% set x_cnt = 2 %}
{% elif t_cnt == '2' and not target[3] %} {% set x_cnt = 2 %}
{% elif t_cnt == '2' and target[3] %} {% set x_cnt = 3 %}
{% elif t_cnt == '3' and target[4] %} {% set x_cnt = 4 %}
{% elif t_cnt == '4' and target[5] %} {% set x_cnt = 5 %}
{% elif t_cnt == '5' and target[6] %} {% set x_cnt = 6 %}
{% else %} {% set x_cnt = 3 %}
{% endif %}
{% elif event_key == 'short_off' %}
{% if t_cnt == '1' and target[0] %} {% set x_cnt = 0 %}
{% else %} {% set x_cnt = 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% elif event_key == 'long_on' or event_key == 'long_off' %}
{% set x_cnt = 2 %}
{% endif %}
# find the correct service, depending on the service domain
target_service: >
{% if not target[keycnt] %}
{% elif states[target[keycnt][0]].domain == 'scene' %}
{% elif states[target[keycnt][0]].domain == 'script' %}
{% elif states[target[keycnt][0]].domain == 'light' and keycnt == 1 %}
{% elif states[target[keycnt][0]].domain == 'light' and keycnt == 2 %}
{% endif %}
# assign entity_id based on state_cntr
target_details: >
{% if states[target[keycnt][0]].domain == 'script' %}
{{ {"entity_id": target[keycnt] } }}
{% else %}
{{ {"entity_id": target[keycnt], "transition": 0.5 } }}
{% endif %}
condition: []
- choose:
# a short press is switching the light on or a scene select if it was a repeated on press
- conditions: '{{ event_key == ''short_on'' or event_key == ''short_off'' and target_service != ''none'' }}'
- service: '{{ target_service }}'
data: '{{ target_details }}'
# press the first button continous means dim the light up
- conditions: '{{ event_key == ''long_on'' and target_service != ''none'' }}'
- service: '{{ target_service }}'
entity_id: '{{ target[keycnt] }}'
transition: 0.2
brightness_step: 20
# press the second button continous means dim the light down
- conditions: '{{ event_key == ''long_off'' and target_service != ''none'' }}'
- service: '{{ target_service }}'
entity_id: '{{ target[keycnt] }}'
transition: 0.2
brightness_step: >
{% set brightness = state_attr(light_dev[0], 'brightness') or 0 %}
{% if brightness < 3 %} {% set step = 0 %}
{% elif brightness < 22 %} {% set step = -(brightness - 2) %}
{% else %} {% set step = -20 %}
{% endif %}
{{ step }}
# save the value in a secure store for next time usage
- service: saver.set_variable
name: '{{ trigger.event.data.device_id }}'
value: '{{ keycnt }}'
mode: queued
max: 5