Cycling from RGB Colour to White light/Colour Temp

It works!!!
I managed to do all of the above and change the button properties to make use of the script!

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thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
this is awesome and exactly what I need - I have night lights for my kids and want them to be abl to pick a colour by clicking the switch on their wall.

all works great
can you break down the parts of the script a bit so I can understand it better to add more colours.
I assume the if is the test to see what colour it is and then the service data is what to change it to?
the 153 is to get back to white (which works for me too)

is that logic correct
so i could remove the 153 (dont need white) and add a different colour?
then to add more ‘shades’ i would add more ‘elif’ lines?

again - this is great.