Dahua IPC to MQTT App

I use the same automation for recording but i notice some delay in recording. Is this normal?


I have also about 3 - 5 second delay. It is somewhat annoying. I haven’t been able to pin point if the delay is caused by the MQTT message or the recording itself.

Does anyone have upgraded to appdaemon 4 ? And does dahua ivs sensor still work?


Yes it works. Just follow the upgrade notes from Frenck.

Would anybody happen to know what causes the “unknown domain” warning? DahuaMQTT used to work, but after upgrading to Appdaemon 4 I am no longer receiving mqtt messages in HA via AppDaemon. The AppDaemon logs show the mqtt plugin as being correctly connected to the Mosquitto broker, but the messages are not arriving.

i did take a short look at the app, but i think that because of the way that its build the camera class isnt aware of a default namespace.
i think this app should be rewritten or at least a namespace option should be added.

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Exactly the tip I needed! Tested first without the namespace (guessing it would default to “default”) but that gave issues. Next I modified my initial “appdeamon-mqtt” namespace to “default” and now it’s working again!

glad you found the solution.

i dont know if you got other apps, but if so then remember that changing the hass namespace name can have effect on them.

What config ( system packages/python packages) are you guys using with appdaemon 4?

I currently use:

  - musl
  - libcurl
  - python3
  - python3-dev
  - libcrypto1.1
  - libssl1.1
  - curl-dev
  - gcc
  - g++
  - hass-apps
  - pip==20.0.2
  - pycurl
init_commands: []
disable_auto_token: false
log_level: info

I had an issue after updating to 5.0.1 — adding musl and gcc to my system_packages as per above fixed the problem.

Life saver. It just broke the other day and this fixed it!

Hi guys, running Appdaemon in docker on UnRaid machine.
Having trouble installing pycurl and other dependancies listed above… getting “Invalid requirement” in the log for requirements.txt and later in the log “No module named ‘pycurl’” naturally :frowning:

Anyone running on UnRaid by any chance?

Which version of AppDaemon are you running?
Can you please show how the requirements.txt file looks like?

AppDaemon Version 4.0.3 / Python version is 3.8.2

I tried settings from posts above like this one (with and without quotes) but it always gives me error (like on ss below):

“disable_auto_token”: false,
“system_packages”: [
“python_packages”: [
“log_level”: “info”


Each requirement should just be a single line, like this:


And you need to recreate the docker container for the requirements to be installed.


Problem is I used this template: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/72041-support-appdaemon-hadashboard-corneliousjd-repo/

Isn’t it enough to restart the container after edits to requirements.txt?

I doubt I have the knowledge to create my own template :frowning:

Don’t know anything about UnRaid. You should be able to simply remove the container, put the requirements.txt in the apps directory, then recreate the container.

Sure, I can do that.

Just want to be sure about the syntax for the requirements.txt

I’m assuming system_packages: then listing them each in it’s separate line as you suggested?

No, no system packages:, etc.just one line per requirement