Dahua VTO custom integration

Hi. Is it possible to trigger ring alarm (or other sound files) on a VTH display connected to VTO camera, in my case it’s VTH2621GW-P?

Hi Guys … i am totaly new in HA … so i am very sorry for the stupid quesiton but … i try everything, still not work.
I have this configuration in configuration.yaml

  - platform: dahua_vto
    name: Dahua VTO
    username: admin
    password: xxx
    scan_interval: 5

    name: Door Lock
    icon: mdi:timer

  - platform: template
    name: Door Lock
    value_template: "{{ not is_state('timer.door_lock', 'active') }}"
    optimistic: false
      - service: dahua_vto.open_door
          entity_id: sensor.dahua_vto
          channel: 2
          short_number: HA

and in dashboard i add button and run service dahua_vto.open_door … so this work fine and my gate work.
but … i try add this button to apple home kit, but still dont see this button :frowning: i see switch for motion detection etc … but not button for open gate.
Can someone write mi steps what i must do?
I will be very grateful … opening the gate VIA dahua doorbel is my first thing that I do in HA … so its little bit difficult for me …


AFAIK HomeKit doesn’t support buttons, you can expose lock entity for HomeKit (you should do it using accessory mode, more info you can find here) and use it, or you can make switch like this and expose it to HomeKit:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Door Lock
        icon_template: mdi:lock
        value_template: "{{ not is_state('timer.door_lock', 'active') }}"
          - service: lock.unlock
              entity_id: lock.door_lock

Sure, if you don’t need the lock entity in Home Assistant, you can remove it from configuration, and in this switch instead service: lock.unlock use service: dahua_vto.open_door as in your button.

Hope this helps.

The protocol has a lot of functions, but I doesn’t seen this functionality. The VTH has settings for 3 types of sounds, call from VTO, call from VTH and Alarm sounds. Call from VTO it’s doorbell, alarm sounds, I think, triggered by alarm subsystem, so you need to have it’s configured and connected some wired or wireless sensors.

Maybe it’s can be solution for you, you can try to make SIP call to VTH and it’s will play call from VTH sounds. You can do it by command line sip dialer, but first try to do it with any SIP client, IP of SIP server IP = VTO IP, user name = extension of your VTH, like 9001#1, password as it’s defined for VTH. You can also configure dummy VTH in VTO configuration and use this VTH credentials for SIP client.

First of all, thanks for this work. The read comments tell me I’m doing something (or more) wrong.
Downloaded form HACS but can’t see anything on my HA devices, nor integrations, nothing everywhere. There are regularly the folders and files on custom components, and also added vto platform on the config yaml. Unfortunately can’t see screenshots here to understand what seen by people after installed this addon.

Hello, this integration doesn’t have regular GUI as another integrations, for each platform: dahua_vto in config yaml you should have sensor which will indicate connection status.
For example, for:

  - platform: dahua_vto
    name: Dahua VTO

You should have sensor.dahua_vto:

Sorry if this is a bit out of topic, but since this is for people with dahua vto… Anyone managed to solve out of sync time issue? My 2202f s2 is out of sync by an hour. Ive tried windows ntp, pool org ntp but it always revert back to wrong time again.
This seems to be recurring issue with dahua cams, my cctv cam this issue as well.

Hello, if difference is one hour, it’s can be wrong DST setting, if 2 hours and more it’s can be wrong timezone.

Thanks for answering but as you can see my DST is already on and the GMT setting is correct but it doesn not show the same time with the current GMT+7.
If i press sync with PC after awhile it will revert to wrong time again.

Hi there. Does this integration work with Dahua 2 wire ip solution? I leave in an appartment and i have access only to the station unit (that has Wi-Fi)

As you use DNS name (pool.ntp.org), check if your VTO has DNS configured. Try to set specific NTP server IP (not DNS name) and check that this server works using any NTP Online tester like this.

When it revert to wrong time, it’s a completely wrong time? How it’s different from right time, wrong only hours or minutes also wrong?

It reverts to the +1 hour time.
I checked and my vto is using and
About the NTP server method, do you mean I have to use my own hosted server? That might be tricky, I have one, but it needs to use specific port to access them.
Its weird that also have this behavior across my dahua cams, my hikvision cams dont have this issue btw.

Google DNS is ok, exactly +x hour looks like NTP sync working but problem with DST/Timezone.
Try to configure DST properly for your region (Begin/End time, see picture), try to turn off DST, try to change timezone to +6/+8, I think after experiments you will found right settings and understand what going on. Dahua cams/NVR/XVR has same settings like Dahua VTO you will fix it after you found the problem in VTO.


I tested using GMT+6 which is not actually my timezone so it’s a dirty workaround, it’s been stable for a day. Will monitor it…Really strange, the VTO was showing the correct time for almost 2 years then suddenly it’s out of sync.

I think I accidentally found the solution, in order to update the screen you can try to use commands o pageMain, o or rh, using service:

service: dahua_vto.send_command
  entity_id: sensor.dahua_vth
  method: console.runCmd
  params: {'command': 'o pageMain'}
  event: false

Much easy to experiment with commands using DahuaConsole, full list of commands for my VTH5221D I put here. For my VTH it’s updates screen only when I send command o pageMain and in few seconds the command o. It’s updates alarm state but after this screen never goes to sleep :frowning: but I think different VTH firmware’s can have different behavior.

PS: Command example for connect to VTH using DahuaConsole:

./Console.py --rhost 192.168.1.x --rport 5000 --proto dhip --auth admin:password

As a password you should use pin code which you use for VTH settings.

Let’s us know if you find something interesting. :slight_smile:

Update: rh command reported as working for VTH1550CH link

I think I accidentally found the solution, you can try command ps <number>, for my VTH5221D ps 0 plays alarm sound, ps 1 doorbell sound and ps 2 phone ring sound. For stop playing issue command ps without parameters. More info about issuing command and list of commands you can find in post above.


service: dahua_vto.send_command
  entity_id: sensor.dahua_vth
  method: console.runCmd
  params: {'command': 'ps 0'}
  event: false

I think I may have solved the time issue,
The web config is broken I think, I had to use Dahua config tool to set the DST and timezone to correct one, and so far it seems to be correct, its been an hour, with web config it would’ve changed already now.

I need an help, there is somethings wrong with my installation.
I set up the integration and apparently it works fine: i made the automation to read the event and i can see all ther events. But i have not the sensor.dahua_vto so i can do nothing via HA. I have not renamed the integration.
Some one can help me?

In sensor.dahua_vto the dahua_vto it’s not from name of integration it’s from name of the sensor, if you name your sensor as Groud Floor you should look for sensor.groud_floor instead sensor.dahua_vto, etc

  - platform: dahua_vto
    name: Groud Floor
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I don’t know how i could be so stupid yesterday … :flushed:
Thank you