Daikin Heat pump Altherma Integration

Hi all,
I’m planning to install a Daiking system and I see that there are many different products for connecting it into the intranet (WIFI, LAN, etc).

Just want to know what you finally did.
Which controller did you install?. What would you recommend me?

I don’t know your setup so I can’t recommend what’s best for you. I installed BRP069A61 and currently I’m using it without solar panels. (I want to add some panels in the future) In my setup, Home Assistant checks the current electricity price and switches “all on” when the price is low and “all off” when the price is very high (for me :slight_smile: ) Between low and high price the mode is “normal” or “standard”.

To be clear, BRP069A61 does not have digital inputs. Just as I suspected, analogue relay normal open/close inputs. I used 2 channel Arduino relay board and Wemos D1 mini. Everything works great.

Thanks @stosoorok for your response.
I have heard that you can control it with that controller and also using the mobile app. Can’t you do that?.
Anyway, your option about the relay and the Wemos looks cool. Could you share it?.

About the solar panels and the controller, I guess that what it does…just check the electricity generated with the inverter (solar panels) and try to use it. I mean, more or less it would be the same with a Shelly EM, doesn’t it?

Thanks in advance.

Yes and no. You can adjust domestic hot water only. If you want to adjust room temperature, you need to add wired Madoka remote controller also. I think it’s quite useless. You set the temperature from the heat pump menu and that’s it, weather curve takes care the rest.

What do you want to know about the Wemos and relays? Maybe one picture is better than many words :slight_smile:

You are correct about the solar function. I just use it to switch all on when the price is low (sun is shining and inverter running) and when the price is high (night time, all off or eco mode)

You don’t need madoka anymore. You can control the UFH water temperature too. Just install new Daikin residential controller on your phone and let the firmware on Lan adapter update. I am using it about one month like this. No madoka or room thermostats.

The only problem - the webpage of the adapter (IP address in the adapter) works only short after the adapter is switched on.

I am planning to connect it to my SolarEdge Inverter. It has native heat pump support, just I need to buy another 3 parts from SolarEdge…

I have a Daikin ALTHERMA hybrid + Lan adapter.
You can read and write values via local network ( skipping the Daikin cloud using) websockets as a communication protocol.
Here is a python script to read and write values. Replace the IP with your Lan adapter IP.

from websocket import create_connection
import json, datetime, time, urllib2, urllib
ts = time.time()
timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
#replace with local LAN adapter  IP
ws = create_connection("ws://")
# websocket command to read value
result1 =  json.loads(ws.recv())
result2 = json.loads(ws.recv())

print("Received temp '%s'" % result1)
print("Received target '%s'" % result2)

#tankTemperature = result1["m2m:rsp"]["pc"]["m2m:cin"]["con"]
#tankTargetTemperature = result2["m2m:rsp"]["pc"]["m2m:cin"]["con"]

def setValue(ws, item, value):
    result1 =  json.loads(ws.recv())
    print("Response was: %s" % result1)
    value = result1["m2m:rsp"]["rsc"]
    if (value==2001):
    return value

# set target temperature to desired one 
setValue(ws, "1/Operation/TargetTemperature", "24")


I’ve taken the initial code from the openHab forum. I plan to write an integration for HA in the future (a couple of months), including controlling zones / thermic actuators / pumps for underfloor heating. For now, I’m busy with setting up other automations as I’ve just moved in.


Here is a project that allows you to read the daikin data from the lan adapter and publish it to MQTT (it does polling based on some configs)

A screenshot from my unit


I just released ESPAltherma. It monitors (and on/off controls) Daikin Altherma with an ESP32.

Tell me what you think!


So I have LAN Adapter with Smart Grid functions installed.
My setup:

  • Daikin Altherma 3 Air to Water
  • Daikin LAN Adaptor BRP069A61 with Smart Grid functions
  • No room temperature meter! - I dont want it!
  • ABB Electrometer measuring Export to grid, connected to Daikin LAN Adaptor
  • SolarEdge Inverter
  • Solaredge Dry contact switch connected over SolarEdge ZigBee module

So when Photovoltaic is producing electricity to Export, it should be used with Daikin Heat Pump.

ABB Wattmeter and Daikin adapter is not working still (maybe a cable shading problem), so I am using Heat Pump smart Power-On with Static limitation (setted up to 1,5kw now).
The whole system works only when the heating/cooling is manually powered off. When I power on the heating/cooling, the fresh water heating is powered off and LAN Adaptor signalise no Smart Grid (SG LED is off)
So it would work during summer only (no heating) and only when no cooling will be turned on. Such a stupid functionality made by Daikin!

Second possibility - I need to get Room Temp. thermostat, which adds cca 20% costs to heating and even the Heat Pump will start/stop more frequently, causing earlier wear and tear.

Does someone else has experiences with Daikin LAN adapter functionality?

@raomin - great news! are you planning to do something with Smart Grid too?

Hi All,

New to this particular forum. But I have a lan adapter from Daikin.
And I made a Python script that basically does everything you can do with the “controller” app
from daikin.

If you like to see more functionality let me know I rewrote the whole damn thing in the last 2 weeks :slight_smile:
And came across this site by googleing some more info.

Currently trying to write more documentation of the code before moving on and adding more functionality.

You could run this on any Raspberry PI like the Zero and perhaps even on micro python to further reduce costs.

Hope it helps if you have questions let me know!


Nice! I have the same setup and really would like to control the heatpump from HASS. E.g. if my solar panels generate energy, boost the boiler temperature and start heating. Same if good sunny weather is expected, don’t heat the house that much in the night/morning.

Any ideas hoe to use this Python in HASS? I am at a level that I can fix things but not advanced coding.

Hi There,

I have been looking at it, Although I have solar so it could be worth the time with all the WFH these days.
It would be a fine balance not all days with sun are days you want heat (summer) and some days without sun you want heat (winter) so it will be a complex project to keep all this in mind. In the end you want a warm boiler when you need (at 2200, or 0700 it could be dark depending on the season). it regardless the amount of sun per day. same with heating your house :slight_smile:

But it is a hobby project so I don’t put too much time in it, but feel free to contribute the logic here is something that would definitely need to be good enough for daily use, it might take a while

Hello Sircobalt can you explain how to get this running ? I downloaded the zipfile but cannot get the GUI to run.

make sure that you installed the latest java version on the machine ( version 15), then just run the command
java -jar daikin-0.0.1.jar

Hello everybody. I am sorry, if this the wrong place, but i ask if this might work with LG Therma V air-to water heatpump. As i am looking for a solution to control it from hassio and for heating.

Great thanks and sorry again.

  • { WORD-WRAP: break-word; FONT-FAMILY: “Segoe UI” }

HI Everybody, I’m a devs in C# and I would like to compile the project, but impossible eclipse tell all artifacts are missing. Can you help me for compiling the project ?

Best regards,

Hi Sircobalt, I c# devs but I don’t know how build the project, can you help me, eclipse tell me the artifacts are missing, but all are present.

I don’t know


I am working on exactly the same setup. My Daikin was set to leaving water temperature as I had no room thermostats either. A lot of messing with this and I have “almost” cracked it.

Daikin related Installer setting required:

  • [C-07] needs to be 1*
  • [4-08] = 1
  • [4-09] = 1
  • You need a switch wired to X2m 30 & 35. I have wiring off my circuit values (which are contolled by basic thermostats) which will open and close this circuit. Solar heating will flat out not work if C07 is set to 0.

Lan Adapter (with Solar)
X1A connections:
SG0 = live voltage
N - neutral

  • For me smartgrid triggered when this is powered (using controllable plug/socket to trigger with Solar PV generation rises above 400w)

So basically everything is working for me… except that the energy meter (also ABB) is not working. I’ve no idea how to test the pulse but I’m get 4.8v on the end of the wire so I’m assuming I’m good from that perspective.

With the above set, the smartgrid works when the thermostat is NOT calling for heat (30&35 above). When the thermostat calls for heat smartgrid is disabled for the duration.

@Ross_McCarthy, thanks for reply, finally someone who understand me :slight_smile:

This should be the newest manual which I found:

Looking to 8.1.1 Energy buffering,
[C-07] needs to be 2 - therefore I bought Madoka for Heat Pumps, 2 weeks ago.
If [C-07] = 0 or 1, Heating or cooling needs to be manually disabled.
and according to 2.3 System requirements

[4-08] = 1
[4-09] = 1
[E-05] = 1
[E-06] = 1

I am using Dry contact switch (SolarEdge) doing the same what you Plug/Socket do.

How I tested the Energy Meter: Set the pulse lenght to maximum and measure it with Voltmeter. The led pulses should corresponds with S0 pulses. It looks like that my Energy Meter is working sending the signals. I have played with 1000 and 100 pulses/kWh, lenghts from 10 to 500miliseconds, but nothing works reliable. Once or twice it was working for a while, but I cant repeat it.

Look what I have found recently:
2.4 On-site installation requirements

IF connection to an
electricity meter (X2A)
Electricity meter —
2‑wire cable

IF connection to a solar
management system

Should I understand it as Alternatives?
It looks like that I can unplug the SG0, as Electricity Meter can do the Smart Grid controlling? I will try to unplug the SG0 signal tomorrow, hopefully it will be enough sun!

Question: with your X2M switch you mean an Home Automated switch like they have in ESPAltherma?
Question 2: What is your static power limitation in LAN Adapter web interface settings?

Thank you!

Hi Michal,

This is great info. Surely we will get this working together!

So I have the system flipping from normal running to limited with my setup so far. When the thermostat calls for heat my power limitation gets set to 20KW on screen and the system fires up (as exptected). When the thermostat is not calling for heat (and DWH is not calling for heat either) and my switch activates smartgrid on X1A then the power limitation activates and but drops to 0 so the system stays off. I believe this is due to the pulse meter not working. I’ll try your trick later and report back to test it.

On the Madoka, I went down this exact line but as I could not source it locally I reached out to Daikin for a supplier… they told me:

“Unfortunately the LAN adaptor and Madoka BRC1HHDW can’t be used simultaneously on the system.They both connect to the same terminal block and use the same logic on the control function. If you want to go ahead with the Madoka it would mean removing the LAN adaptor.”

This is just complicating things even further! Thats whi I then looked closer and realised that my values had wiring for switch activation and I enbaled this (Connecting to 30/35).

I will try again today, time permitting, to get the pulse meter functioning and let you know.
Fialing that I will set the LAN adapter to staticlly limit power and see if that work. At least that will tell me that the rest of the config is good :slight_smile:

Delighted to have another persons input on this!

I’ll try gather a full over of everything I have set to build a fuller picture.
