Dallas Component replaced by "one_wire"

I very rarely update ESPHome devices. I think the last update I did on any of them before now was over 9 months ago. I just recently updated everything to the latest version.

What I do is validate the code before installing the updated firmware on the device. That will (should…?) give you an error if there is a problem. Then you know to look at the thing that the error points you to.

At least that’s what has historically worked for me and that’s what worked for me this time as well. It caught the OTA change and the one-wire config changes.

I checked the updated docs for those, fixed it and then it updated fine.

That and keep your eyes open in the forums as well since those kinds of things usually get some air time here as well. As this one did.

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I just installed the ESPHome legacy add-on (version 2024.5.5) and the old devices can still be edited if needed as they are. If I need to update them I move them to the new code.

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