DarkSky forecast language, other than english

I’ve after a couple of restarts of my Pi3 it suddenly works! Thanks!

The pull has been merged today.

We have to ask HA dev team to update the component, right?

The library has been merged into Home Assistant here: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/pull/13282, but as has been said in the pull request, there needs to be a way to set the language from the configuration.

I haven’t really looked into it, so I’m not sure if that has been done or not.

I’m running 0.66.b and now the dark sky sensor is in italian, so I think it has been done!

I haven’t installed the beta, but did you set your language somewhere in the configuration?


Here’s my sensor config:

  - platform: darksky
    api_key: MYAPIKEY
    latitude: MYLATITUDE
    longitude: MYLONGITUDE
    language: it
      - summary

Hi, is the problem resolved on the latest Hass version?
I tried to set italian language, but DarkSky widget is still in english.

Thanks, bye.


If you follow my config you will see the sensor in your native language.

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I’m using this piece of code to registering the sensor.
- platform: darksky
api_key: !secret darksky_apikey
language: it
- summary
- icon
- apparent_temperature
- wind_speed
- cloud_cover
But I’m still seeing english forecast…
What could I do?

It seems right! I don’t know, sorry.

Not working for me.


  • platform: darksky
    language: es
    api_key: d3cda0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Doesn’t work for me in that way either