hello could anyone help me to fix the following issue?
I have a Modbus-Switch on my dashboard, with a slider to set the switch ON/OFF and the icon that show the switch state.
When I set the slider to ON, the hardware works immediately (the relay connected to the RS485 goes ON) but the icon shows that the switch is still OFF and after 12 sceconds (more or less) the icon shows that the switch is ON.
The same if I set the modbus switch OFF: in this case the icon shows that the switch is still ON and after 12 seconds (more or less) the icon shows OFF.
Following is part of the configuration.yaml interested:
Set ModBus
- name: modbus1
type: serial
port: /dev/ttyS0
baudrate: 9600
bytesize: 8
method: rtu
parity: N
stopbits: 1
Set Slaves (Server) a6_exp1 switches
- name: modbus-relay1
command_on: 0xFF00
command_off: 0x0000
slave: 1
address: 0 # 0:relay1 1:relay2 ......
write_type: coil
scan_interval: 1
address: 0
input_type: coil
My question is: there is something wrong in my yaml file? Could I improve it in order to have the icon on the dashboard updated in less than two or three seconds?