Dashboard with dynamically background

The only way I found to do this is by using card_mod and using a panel type view where you put the top most element (layout card or a stack or whatever) in a mod_card, remove borders/shadows and then you can use card mod css to do whatever you want with the background.

I have to say I only use this to display current playing media art as background, “below” that I use animated_backgrounds. Because the one displays over the other, I can have the media background as entirely seperate logic compared to the time-of-day/weather backgrounds.

o thats interesting, was looking for that just today!

could you help me out here please, how to go about adding the mod card on this panel?

title: Plattegrond
path: plattegrond
icon: mdi:floor-plan
# background: center / cover no-repeat url('/local/images/areas/plattegrond.png') fixed

# type: custom:vertical-layout
panel: true

  - type: vertical-stack


I have darker and lighter themes, so would like to switch to a

 background: center / cover no-repeat url('/local/images/areas/plattegrond_inversed.png') fixed

theme in my darker themes

on regular cards I use config-template-card for that with a

- title: Map
  icon: mdi:map
  type: panel

    - type: custom:config-template-card
        - input_select.theme
        theme: states['input_select.theme'].state
        type: custom:auto-entities
            - domain: person
          type: map
          hours_to_show: 48
          dark_mode: ${(/ight|Dark|Matrix/).test(theme)}

on the card config… with a view, I wouldn’t n=know how to proceed.

or, are you saying, in panel mode, we only need to set the background on the vertical-stack?


Bingo! You’ve made my day, thank you so very much!

title: Plattegrond
path: plattegrond
icon: mdi:floor-plan
# background: center / cover no-repeat url('/local/images/areas/plattegrond.png') fixed

# type: custom:vertical-layout
panel: true

  - type: custom:mod-card
    style: |
      ha-card {
          {{ "center / cover no-repeat url('/local/images/areas/plattegrond_inversed.png') fixed"
              if states('input_select.theme') is search('ight|Dark|Matrix', ignorecase=True)
              "center / cover no-repeat url('/local/images/areas/plattegrond.png') fixed" }};
      type: vertical-stack

works beautifully indeed!

Of course, its still not the same as setting a regular views background, but this comes close, and since I would be using it on only a couple of views, that indeed benefit from panel mode, I am not complaining :wink:

btw, this is a neater template for that:

{% set dark = states('input_select.theme') is search('ight|Dark|Matrix', ignorecase=True)%}
{% set extension = '_inversed' if dark else '' %}
{{"center / cover no-repeat url('/local/images/areas/plattegrond"~extension~".png') fixed" }}

I’ve been googling and asking in the forums to do the same.
Another option is I guess to have a py script running that either updates your mushroom,yaml file OR you can instead rename the file that the theme points too on a regular basis. Not sure how to run py scripts like that though, I guess has to be done at the OS level as a chron or something.

This is the only solution till now… Which is an outdated addon

Maybe you can try this fork

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thank you! i’ll take a look

I’ve been working on this for a while, read lots of posts and tried ChatGPT, I’m trying to make a background change based on a variable. I found this thread while trying to figure out what I have done wrong.

I have the .png files in the local folder and I have gotten an entity to change following the variable. I’m just not understanding how to do this as a dashboard background.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is what I have so far.

  - title: Test View
    background: |
      {% if state_attr('sensor.cubbies', 'opponent_abbr') == 'BOS' %}
        /center / cover no-repeat fixed url("/local/IMG_BOS.png")
      {% elif state_attr('sensor.cubbies', 'opponent_abbr') == 'STL' %}
        /center / cover no-repeat fixed url("/local/IMG_STL.png")
      {% else %}
       /center / cover no-repeat fixed url("/local/IMG_CHC.png")
      {% endif %}

as mentioned earlier in this thread

Please review this thread

Take a look at the " TRusselo/lovelace-animated-background", it’s done through JavaScript.

You can also execute card background changes via Themes and card_mod, but he is looking for lovelace backgrounds. That mod is out dated as you mentioned.

  card-mod-card: |
    ha-card {
          {% if state_attr('sensor.cubbies', 'opponent_abbr') == 'BOS' %}
          center / cover no-repeat fixed url("/local/IMG_BOS.png")
          {% elif state_attr('sensor.cubbies', 'opponent_abbr') == 'STL' %}
          center / cover no-repeat fixed url("/local/IMG_STL.png")
          {% else %}
          center / cover no-repeat fixed url("/local/IMG_CHC.png")
          {% endif %};

As image background, yes, but not as video background.

Sorry, I always had video background, in my head :smiley:

edit: I am still using that mod… It is working, but yes, outdated…

edit2: I tried a similar solution for changing background of a dashboard, dynamically , but it is not updating if you don’t refresh the page, thats why javascript will be the king for this. I tried to examine that addon, but it is over my programming skills of javascript, in order to create a personal addon

you can set a theme to your view:

title: Buienradar
path: buienradar
theme: weather-background
type: custom:horizontal-layout

and using card-mod, theme that:

  card-mod-theme: weather-background
  card-mod-view: &cam_background
        horizontal-layout {
          {% if is_state('input_boolean.weer_view_background','on') %}
            background: repeat url({{state_attr('camera.buienradar','entity_picture')}});
          {% endif %}

nevermind the yaml anchor (it’s used in another view below that)

you can use this on other layouts too:

  card-mod-view: |
    vertical-layout {
      {% set seizoen = states('sensor.season_astronomical') %}
      background: repeat url('/local/season/{{seizoen}}_2.png');


    vertical-layout {
        {% set dark =
          states('input_select.theme') is search('ight|Dark|Matrix',ignorecase=True)%}
        {% set extension = '_dark' if dark else '' %}
        {{"center/cover no-repeat url('/local/wallpapers/map"~extension~".png') fixed"}};

you name it :wink:

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Thanks for all the inputs! I am still working on it, Marius, I am going to check out the card-mod-theme and view today.

Your original post is how I found this thread, did you ever get yours to work the way you wanted?

I should have been more clear with my post. Marius 's explanation was spot on and will generate what you need. I was curious if you created Themes before?

They can be as simple as creating a file in the themes folder.

      sidebar-background-color: '#090e3b'

      sidebar-background-color: '#99eeff'

  card-mod-view: |
    horizontal-layout {
          {% set state = state_attr('sensor.cubbies', 'opponent_abbr') %}
          {% if state == 'BOS' %} background: center / cover no-repeat fixed url("/local/IMG_BOS.png")
          {% elif state == 'STL' %} background: center / cover no-repeat fixed url("/local/IMG_STL.png")
          {% else %} background: center / cover no-repeat fixed url("/local/IMG_CHC.png")
          {% endif %}          
  card-mod-theme: Example

Switching to that theme here

These two need to match


Card-mod is required for this method.


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Thanks for this. I can’t seem to get it to work with the Sections Layout.
I’ve tried:

sections-layout {
sections {

Have you any idea if it will work or how to make it work.


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Ive found this to work, in my card-mod-themes:

  card-mod-view: |
    vertical-layout {
      {% set weeralarm = states['sensor.weer_alarm'].attributes.icon_color
        if is_state('binary_sensor.meteoalarm_brabant','on') %}
      background: {{weeralarm}};
    hui-sections-view {
      {% set weeralarm = states['sensor.weer_alarm'].attributes.icon_color
        if is_state('binary_sensor.meteoalarm_brabant','on') %}
      background: {{weeralarm}};

be ware though that while the vertical-layout colors the complete background, and goes beyond the last card, just as the window stretches, the hui-sections-view ends at the last section, which, if the required vertical space for that section is less than the window, looks really ugly…

Maybe there is another way of doing it, not sure yet, Sections is still experimental after all… We can add some empty grids in that section to make it use more background, but ofc that is plain silly

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I tried in a “section” type view but it didn’t work.
I currently use the ‘frontend’ mode to edit lovelace and I would like to change the background of only one specific tab (of type ‘section’) based on the entity sun.sun.
Could you please detail how you applied it?

dont think it can be any more detailed.

If you use themes you can use card-mod-theming to set things system wide on particular elements, in this case a type of view.

check the instructions in the card-mod repo on the subject.

I take it with

you mean the UI editor opposed to Yaml mode? tbh, I dont use that a lot, and it really is a pain to have to copy all of that code in the editor…

I haven tried to set a mod on a single Sections view in Yaml mode yet, so cant say how to do that.

I did notice that the colorization was different than on a regular view, as those regular vies are colored all the way done to the view window, even if that is taller than the actual view. WIth sections, the colored background stops at the bottom of the section, and if the window of the view is taller (like on desktop) the rest gets the regular theme setting color.

Which I found really ugly, so I stopped using it altogether for now

Well I finally got this to work using the code below. I can change the background based on a variable. Thanks to all who gave their advice and opinions. I only have one problem now. I am not able to edit the code using the conventional ‘Edit’ on this page (clicking the pencil in the upper right corner). The only way I can edit is with the Raw Configuration Editor.

Just wanted to post what I had in case someone else stumbles on this while researching the same topic.

        - background: |
              if (states['input_select.background_selector'].state === 'Day') {
                return 'url("/local/CHC.jpeg")';
              } else if (states['input_select.background_selector'].state === 'Night') {
                return 'url("/local/Wrigley_Winter.jpg")';
              } else {
                return 'var(--primary-background-color)';
        - background-size: cover
        - background-position: center
        - background-repeat: no-repeat
        - height: 100vh
        - width: 100vw
        - position: fixed
        - top: 0
        - left: 0
  - title: Home
    panel: true
      - type: custom:button-card
        template: custom_background
            - overflow: auto
            - padding: 16px
              type: vertical-stack
                - type: custom:teamtracker-card
                  entity: sensor.cubbies
                    - condition: state
                      entity: sensor.cubbies
                      state: NOT_FOUND
                - type: entity
                  entity: sensor.spring_training
                  name: Days until Spring Training
                  icon: mdi:baseball
                - type: entity
                  entity: sensor.opening_day
                  name: Days until Opening Day
                  icon: mdi:baseball-outline
    type: panel
    icon: ''
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I wanted to do this ages ago and gave up doing it fully dynamically.
Instead, I now have about 100 images per season + some special holidays. I manually created (well with a script) themes for each associated with the file.
I also have a naming convention to name the themes.
Then I have a input select helper which gets populated based on that naming convention with all the possible themes. I have a separate automation that looks at the date and based on that picks a random one. It changes them at 5AM and at 2:30PM. I find that changing them more often than that gets jarring to the fam a bit so 2 a day seems to be the sweet spot.

It’s definitely a horrible kludge but it works really well and I only had to set it up once about a year ago and never touch it again. It’s been working flawlessly and without any need to tinker with it.

Oh I also have a dark theme based on an iOS dark theme I found online so in the evening every clients gets set to the dark theme.