Data: message > if/elif to modify message based on trigger.calendar_event.summary

im a noob and trying my first automation:
goal is to set a message based on the content of trigger.calendar_event.summary
I am trying to avoid using the integration ( and to use only the calendar-integration and a automation to trigger calendar events.
here i stuck and it won’t work:

service: notify.persistent_notification
  message: >_
    {% if 'Bioabfall - Am Hühnerstein' in trigger.calendar_event.summary %}
    {% elif 'Altpapier - Am Hühnerstein' in trigger.calendar_event.summary %}
    {% elif 'Gelbe Säcke - Am Hühnerstein' in trigger.calendar_event.summary %}
      Gelber Sack 
    {% elif 'Restabfall - Am Hühnerstein' in trigger.calendar_event.summary %}
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}

what am i doing wrong?

  1. Share the whole automation
  2. Describe how you are testing the automation.
  3. Share the debug trace from the automation. If there are no traces, tell us that.