Thanks for staying with me so far!
I’m currently thinking about this:
{% set conditionResult = [] %}
{% for entity_id in %}
{% set domain, device = entity_id.split('.') %}
{% if (states[domain][device].state |float < states.input_number.slider1.state |float) %}
{% if 1 == 1 %}
{% set x = conditionResult.append('True') %}{%endif%}
{%- endif -%}
{% if loop.last %}
{{conditionResult|length >1}}
{# {{resultVar |length >1}} #}
I know the code seems strange, especially the "{% if 1 == 1 %} " part and the line below. But I learned from other posts here that this is required to circument other errors
Problem is, the rendering engine gives me this error, and there is just one google hit on it:
Error rendering template: SecurityError: access to attribute 'append' of 'list' object is unsafe.
I’m also looking into macros to see if there is a way to overcome the limitations of Jinja.
I’ll keep you posted