Davis WeatherLink Integration

This is the data i get from the weatherlink.(below config file) I have found that anything above line Data_structure_type 4 works but an y data belowdata_structure_type 4 brings back 0. what does the data structure mean and how do i get the pressure to work

This is my config file

  • name: davis_vantage_vue_curr
    platform: rest
    resource: ‘
    • data
      value_template: ‘Vantage vue’
  • platform: template
    friendly_name: ‘Temperature’
    device_class: temperature
    unit_of_measurement: “°F”
    value_template: ‘{{ state_attr(“sensor.davis_vantage_vue_curr”, “data”)[“conditions”][0][“temp”] }}’
    friendly_name: ‘Humidity’
    device_class: humidity
    unit_of_measurement: “%”
    value_template: ‘{{ state_attr(“sensor.davis_vantage_vue_curr”, “data”)[“conditions”][0][“hum”] }}’
    friendly_name: ‘Pressure’
    device_class: pressure
    unit_of_measurement: “Hg”
    value_template: ‘{{ state_attr(“sensor.davis_vantage_vue_curr”, “data”)[“conditions”][0][“bar_absolute”] }}’

did: 001D0A71173A
ts: 1612045164

  • lsid: 287734
    data_structure_type: 1
    txid: 1
    temp: 37.9
    hum: 88.3
    dew_point: 34.7
    wet_bulb: 36.4
    heat_index: 37.9
    wind_chill: 32.3
    thw_index: 32.3
    thsw_index: null
    wind_speed_last: 5.37
    wind_dir_last: 34
    wind_speed_avg_last_1_min: 7.75
    wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_1_min: 57
    wind_speed_avg_last_2_min: 8.5
    wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_2_min: 53
    wind_speed_hi_last_2_min: 14.37
    wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_2_min: 71
    wind_speed_avg_last_10_min: 7.43
    wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_10_min: 52
    wind_speed_hi_last_10_min: 15.31
    wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min: 23
    rain_size: 2
    rain_rate_last: 0
    rain_rate_hi: 0
    rainfall_last_15_min: 0
    rain_rate_hi_last_15_min: 0
    rainfall_last_60_min: 0
    rainfall_last_24_hr: 101
    rain_storm: 310
    rain_storm_start_at: 1611682621
    solar_rad: null
    uv_index: null
    rx_state: 0
    trans_battery_flag: 0
    rainfall_daily: 101
    rainfall_monthly: 968
    rainfall_year: 968
    rain_storm_last: 10
    rain_storm_last_start_at: 1611487081
    rain_storm_last_end_at: 1611666061
  • lsid: 287733
    data_structure_type: 4
    temp_in: 79.3
    hum_in: 30.9
    dew_point_in: 46
    heat_index_in: 77.4
  • lsid: 287732
    data_structure_type: 3
    bar_sea_level: 29.566
    bar_trend: 0.067
    bar_absolute: 29.258

I could well be wrong, but I half think that the data coming from type_1 comes from the remote station, type_4 comes from the inside “base unit” and maybe the type_3 comes from the user control panel ? Maybe the API only includes info from the remote station?

I am assuming the data comes straight from the Vantage Vue head to the weatherlink which is on my network Home assistant collects the data to display on my dashboard. At the same time weatherlink sends it to Davis. I don’t know how it all works. Have tried changing things in config file and have worked out what some things do. Figured out what line collects the data but do not know enough to know why it dos not work.

@gerry45 - could I ask how you get the data shown in your earlier post in to your HA dashboard? I have a very similar return showing up within my Developers tab as you have, but not quite sure how to get the temp, for example, in to my Dashboard. I have tried using an Entity Card, but all that shows is davis_vantage_vue_curr and no values.


  - name: davis_vantage_vue_curr
    platform: rest
    resource: ''
      - data
    value_template: 'Vantage Vue'
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Temperature'
        device_class: temperature
        unit_of_measurement: "°C"
        value_template: '{{ state_attr("sensor.davis_vantage_vue_curr", "data") ["conditions"] [0] ["temp"] }}'
        friendly_name: 'Humidity'
        device_class: humidity
        unit_of_measurement: "%"
        value_template: '{{ state_attr("sensor.davis_vantage_vue_curr", "data") ["conditions"] [0] ["hum"] }}'      ```

BTW: If you have Weather Display, you can get all the data via MQTT.


I have everything on the same Lan 192.168.0.xxx but get no response from the weather station’s ip-logger which is of type 6555 which is located in the battery space.

Does it work with this or which logger do you use that has succeeded with this?
When I type the IP address in a browser, I get back information about IP settings and a little more.

I use Home Assistant and entites have been created but no value.

Logger: (https://www.weatherstations.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/wlip.jpg)

I am on the verge of purchasing a Davis Vantage Pro 2 Weather Station for the first time. I run Home Assistant at my home and was extremely happy to find this thread about pulling the data in to Home Assistant. Does anyone have photos of the data showing up in a lovelace dashboard? Thank you!

Is it working with WeatherLink Live also?

        friendly_name: '{{ (states.sensor.weatherlink.attributes["davis_current_observation"]["station_name"] ) }} humid'
        unit_of_measurement: '%'
        device_class: 'humidity'
        value_template: '{{ ((states.sensor.weatherlink.attributes["davis_current_observation"]["relative_humidity_in"] | float ) * (1)) | round(1) }}'

Does this help? I have just added several attributes (data points), not all of them are particularly useful (to me, at least), but I have included them anyway.

This from a balmy West Sussex in the UK just now.

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Further to my last, I have a slight issue with valid data only showing for ~02:00 mins for all sensors within the Dashboard, then it shows Unavailable for ~01:00 mins, and then this repeats in a cycle. Presumably this is connected to how often the Weatherstation sends data compared to how often HA wants to “pull” the data? How might I change this?


Tidied up the displayed entities a bit, rounding off the values to integers and changing the wind directions from degrees to compass points.


@hottl Yes! That helps! Thank you for replying. I made my purchase yesterday of a Davis Instruments 6152 Weather Station Vantage 2 Pro Wireless system. Now I’ll just have to buy either the data logger for Weather Link Live addon to get it showing up in my Home Assistant. Hope you are able to get an answer on the data unavailable issue. If you figure it out, please share!

Thank you.

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Mine is a Vantage Vue (6110), and IIRC I paid for an annual subscription in Year 1 (I bought it last October). The data comes from a url on my LAN, eg returns …

{"data":{"did":"001D0A71XYZ16","ts":1620670996,"conditions":[{"lsid":352807,"data_structure_type":1,"txid":1,"temp": 54.9,"hum":68.3,"dew_point": 44.6,"wet_bulb": 48.6,"heat_index": 53.9,"wind_chill": 53.3,"thw_index": 52.3,"thsw_index":null,"wind_speed_last":10.50,"wind_dir_last":142,"wind_speed_avg_last_1_min":6.93,"wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_1_min":167,"wind_speed_avg_last_2_min":6.93,"wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_2_min":164,"wind_speed_hi_last_2_min":13.18,"wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_2_min":124,"wind_speed_avg_last_10_min":6.43,"wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_10_min":170,"wind_speed_hi_last_10_min":15.31,"wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min":142,"rain_size":2,"rain_rate_last":0,"rain_rate_hi":0,"rainfall_last_15_min":0,"rain_rate_hi_last_15_min":0,"rainfall_last_60_min":0,"rainfall_last_24_hr":12,"rain_storm":11,"rain_storm_start_at":1620602100,"solar_rad":null,"uv_index":null,"rx_state":0,"trans_battery_flag":0,"rainfall_daily":11,"rainfall_monthly":161,"rainfall_year":1218,"rain_storm_last":51,"rain_storm_last_start_at":1620442861,"rain_storm_last_end_at":1620550860},{"lsid":352806,"data_structure_type":4,"temp_in": 66.4,"hum_in":51.5,"dew_point_in": 48.0,"heat_index_in": 64.8},{"lsid":352805,"data_structure_type":3,"bar_sea_level":29.689,"bar_trend": 0.024,"bar_absolute":29.402}]},"error":null}
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hi. did you ever get your issue resolved? I too cannot seem to pull data from the davis_current_observation sub element in the XML. Probably just a syntax issue but I can’t get it worked out.

My integration is now working. I was using xml URL rather than the json.

Davis Vantage Pro 2 Wireless with Weatherlink IP

I’m trying the direct access option, but get errors both with and The IP address is correct, as I can see the logger configuration page on Using the code suggested in the original post, I can see the entity sensor.davis_vantage_pro_curr but it is listed as ‘unavailable’. The log reports an error fetching data and also a TemplateError “‘None’ has no attribute ‘conditions’”.

Is there some other setup I should be doing as well as copying the code into the config file? I’m using Davis Vantage Pro 2 with the wired ethernet WeatherlinkIP logger.

I have exactly this issue (see my post below). The ethernet-based WeatherLinkIP logger has been discontinued (WeatherlinkIP Logger (Discontinued) - Prodata Weather Systems) and I suspect it simply doesn’t support the API. I’m following it up, but it looks like an upgrade to the Davis WeatherLink Live may be needed.

Ah…didn’t want to hear that Michael. :unamused:

I bought a wireless VP2+ way back in 2015 and just haven’t gotten round to installing it yet!

I was also disappointed to see the 6555 WeatherlinkIP Logger has been discontinued but was hoping it would still be a capable device in this day & age.

I’ll keep my eye on this thread to see how it turns out.

Kind regards,

Notes on the Davies Weatherlink Live (WLL) and WeatherlinkIP loggers.

I contacted Prodata Weather Systems, the excellent UK seller who sold me my original kit, who confirmed that the old WeatherlinkIP logger has been discontinued and replaced by the Weatherlink Live product. The WeatherlinkIP can’t be locally interrogated with the APIs mentioned above. Although it is apparently possible to get data locally via serial TCP, I don’t know how or if that could be integrated with HA. If you’re using a WeatherlinkIP and already uploading to Weatherlink.com, I presume it’s still possible to download the data from there, though I haven’t tried it. The modern v2 internet API is strongly recommended, though the older v1 still remains available for now.

I decided to upgrade, and purchased a WLL. It works well, though it had problems connecting to my mesh wifi network, and I’ve had to use wired ethernet connection for the moment. Once the data is on Weatherlink.com, it can be retrieved via the v1 or v2 API, as above. But there is also a separate and strictly local WLL API. I haven’t explored this yet, but it appears to be similar to the v1 internet API. There’s as yet no local equivalent to the modern v2 internet API.
