Days until bin collection instead of date

What day is it currently where you are?

Secondly, you’re using the same entity_id in all your template sensors. You need to change each one to the correct entity_id.

oh damn i feel stupid for the last one haha, i will correct this.

Currently its thursday the 4th

change now() in your templates to today_at()

{{ (strptime(states('sensor.mijnafvalwijzer_gft'), '%d-%m-%Y') | as_local - today_at()).days }}

and if you want the unit_of_measurement to show days. Just add that to the template sensor.

    - name: afvalbeheer_gft
      unique_id: afvalbeheer_gft
      state: "{{ (strptime(states('sensor.mijnafvalwijzer_gft'), '%d-%m-%Y') | as_local - today_at()).days }}"
      availability: "{{ 'sensor.mijnafvalwijzer_gft' | has_value }}"
      unit_of_measurement: Days

I have another template for you, it should state Today,.Tomorrow, 2 Days, 3 Days etc. depending on the date.

{% set days = (((strptime(states('sensor.mijnafvalwijzer_gft'), '%d-%m-%Y') | as_local - now()).days  + 1) | int) %}
{% if days == 0 %}
{% elif days == 1 %}
{% else %}
  {{ days }} Days
{% endif %}

Schermafbeelding 2024-04-04 150641

Wow Thank you , you are the wizard! this is already much better!

I still wanna read days until (preferably i will write this in dutch) but this is already a big improvement!

looks good aswell,

Will this be just instead of the state:… line

if its not to much trouble, could you show me how to put this my current yaml.

This what your showing would be exactly how i want this to work.

Yes, for example

     - name: "Bin Collection Day"
       unique_id: "Bin Collection Day"
       icon: mdi:calendar
       state: >
         {% set days = (((strptime(states('sensor.mijnafvalwijzer_gft'), '%d-%m-%Y') | as_local - now()).days  + 1) | int) %}
         {% if days == 0 %}
         {% elif days == 1 %}
         {% else %}
           {{ days }} Days
         {% endif %}

oke i see this, but i dont see a entity specified. is this an overall change of the date?

is this a one time template, or do i need to make this for each entity.

you can see my current yaml files. you can probably tell me exactly how to fit this in so that with each entity (trash bin) i would get to see today tomorrow and so on.

Your help is much appreciated. i tryd to do it myself but i realy got stuck

I’ve been posting my test script, hold on :slight_smile:

See Above, posts edited, please test.

@petro Thanks for that, it’s helps me learn … I now know what strptime does :wink:

FYI I have a whole library that does all of this for you in your own language

{% from 'easy_time.jinja' import speak_the_days %}
{{ speak_the_days(strptime(states('sensor.mijnafvalwijzer_gft'), '%d-%m-%Y')) }}


Its Working, only thing is bacause now im using words i guess, the sortation of left to right is messed up, but i will see if i can fix this later.

Thank you guys this was very helpfull! i really appreciate all the support for this!!!

Oh thanks i will look in to this this evening!!

If you have any tip on how to sort this from left to right it would be completely done!

I think it will be hard to sort, unless i will go back to:

0 days, 3 days , 4 days etc

In this way it will be able to sort by numeric state

You have to use auto-entities custom card to sort left to right.

If you end up using it. Post here and I’ll help you make new template sensors using easy_time that will allow you to sort left to right with auto-entities.

i know, this i already had done before starting to try to get the ‘‘days until’’

type: custom:auto-entities
  square: true
  type: grid
  columns: 4
card_param: cards
    - entity_id: sensor.afvalbeheer_gft_2
        type: picture-entity
        show_name: false
        image: /local/afbeeldingen/GFT1.png
          style: |
              {background: transparent;
              border-style: none;
              color: red;
    - entity_id: sensor.afvalbeheer_papier_2
        type: picture-entity
        show_name: false
        image: /local/afbeeldingen/PAPIER1.png
          style: |
              {background: transparent;
              border-style: none;        
    - entity_id: sensor.afvalbeheer_pmd_2
        type: picture-entity
        show_name: false
        image: /local/afbeeldingen/PLASTIC1.png
          style: |
              {background: transparent;
              border-style: none;
    - entity_id: sensor.afvalbeheer_restafval
        type: picture-entity
        show_name: false
        image: /local/afbeeldingen/REST1.png
          style: |
              {background: transparent;
              border-style: none;
  exclude: []
  method: state
  numeric: false

this was already in the yaml i shared before

this was working fine, but ofcourse not any more because im using either letters or numbers,

I could make a different post, but i cant seem to figure out how to remove the bottom “shadow” that surrounds the text on the bottom,
I did manage to make the rest of the card invisible… borders and so on. Just not the bottom part.
The letters can stay white since im using a different background

I changed it to a conditional card.
Only displaying the bins that are due to be emptied today or tomorrow.

Still these sensors where very helpfull for this!

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So… this will be a bit complex. But… this is how you’d get what you want.

Change your template sensors to this after installing easy_time. Make sure to set your language in easy_time.

     - name: "Bin Collection Day"
       unique_id: "Bin Collection Day"
       icon: mdi:calendar
       state: >
         {% from 'easy_time.jinja' import speak_the_days %}
         {{ speak_the_days(strptime(states('sensor.mijnafvalwijzer_gft'), '%d-%m-%Y')) }}
         days: >
           {% from 'easy_time.jinja' import count_the_days %}
           {{ count_the_days(strptime(states('sensor.mijnafvalwijzer_gft'), '%d-%m-%Y')) }}

Then your auto_entities card…

type: custom:auto-entities
  square: true
  type: grid
  columns: 4
card_param: cards
  template: >
    [{%- set entities = [
    ] -%}
    {%- set images = [
    ] -%}
    {%- for so in entities | expand | sort(attribute='attributes.days') %}
        "type": "picture-entity",
        "show_name": false,
        "image": "{{ images[loop.index] }}",
        "card_mod": {"style": "ha-card {background: transparent; border-style: none;}"},
        "entity_id": "{{ so.entity_id }}"
    {%- endfor %}]