DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

that is Dwains. The replier of the message above

Thats a cache problem and nothing to do with DD itself, mentioned also several times.

Start to try out this dashboard, but can’t figure our how to add stuff to main top space.
Dwains_Dashboard_top area
So it look something like this
Dwains_Dashboard_top area_2
Any suggestions :slight_smile:

As asked in my previous reply, but now to the bigger audience:

Is there a way to have 1 single icon in favorites which can be pushed with an entity popup as a result. In short: I would like to have a waste bin icon in my favorites and when pushed a card with the waste collection entities pops up.

And this button push in favorites with pop-up card can be used for any other ‘easy to acces information’

Thanks for helping out