DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

how would I add a new category here? :slight_smile:

I’d like adding some glances sensors with information about my servers performances etc. also my torrent stats etc.

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That did it, awesome dude!;D

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What a fabulous work dwain, i can’t think off how many hours yo’ve spent building this (and how much coffe :grin:)…
I’ve already implemented it an it looks awesome on native android app no need to uninstall it blends perfectly

But one thing stumbled in my mind how can i add any customized card like darksky animated card, i’ve seem somebody successfully place fitbit card but i don’t know how… could you give us some pointers?



I have climate and temperature variables set in my rooms file, for the main viewing page I would like the temperature variable shown not the climate temperature attribute. Is there a way to change this?

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I wanted to ask the same thing, i have TADO and AC in the same room.
Having both climates at the same times in the conf file, will results to show only one, doesn’t matter what is written first.
Same thing with sensors, i have 2 windows, 2 sensors, but it will show only one of them.
I could group them, but i want to have separate view of them.
Excellent work i’ve have been really enjoying playing around !

Regarding the addons, can the data be also besides entities, climate for example ?
Thank you!

When I now look on it I agree. I will change this in the next update. So temperature overrides a climate temperature. When no temperature is added it will use the climate temperature.

You can place them in a group. If you open the room and click on windows or doors it opens a popup there you can see all entities so also which is open or closed. I’m working hard on making those popups more theme related so they match my theme and have a lot of more information as they now have.

What do you exactly mean with this? All addon data variables are just strings you can use any you want there.

It’s in the documentation, you can use Dwains Theme Addons. Read more here on how to work with addons.

Can you show me some example of how you would like to have it?

Thanks so much, I have also noticed that if a room has 2 words in it, the room will fail to show… defaults to cameras and scenes.

Can you open up a Github issue for this and explain it a little bit more. I don’t understand what you mean exactly right now.

I’ll try but I don’t use github very often :slight_smile:

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Hey thanks for taking the time to make this and share! Ive been fighting with a stupid problem for the last 1.5 days. I think my problem is related to my config somewhere but I am at the point I need to ask if you could take a quick look please?

Everything is working EXCEPT the rooms. I get all the tabs, it tells me good morning and has my alarm status in the top there. I can click on cameras, all my cameras load. Houe Information show my calendar and a few other things no problem…but for some reason the rooms will not display. I pasted some code below but let me knbow if more will help. I also attached an image of google chrome instpector…its calling out the button card, Ive reinstalled it, verified the path and permissions. THanks again and any help would be greatly appreciated.

**da@ha** : **/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/dwains-theme/configs** $ cat rooms.yaml 

# https://dwainscheeren.github.io/lovelace-dwains-theme/configuration/rooms.html


- name: Living Room

icon: fas:key

light: light.main_lights

# temperature: sensor.hallway_hue_sensor_temperature

# humidity: sensor.halway_humidity

# motion: binary_sensor.hallway_hue_sensor_motion

door: cover.garage_door

window: group.livwindows

# vacuum:

# entity: vacuum.rockrobo

# camera: camera.rockrobo_map

# plant: plant.hallway_plant

media_player: media_player.living_room

# - name: Garage

# icon: fas:garage

# light: group.garage_lights

# door: group.garage_doors

# addons:

# - name: Hello room

# icon: fas:puzzle-piece

# path: 'dwains-theme/addons/rooms/hello-room/page.yaml'

# data:

# some_data: 'This is some data parsed.'

# some_other_data: 'and some other data.'

**da@ha** : **/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/dwains-theme/configs** $ 

**da@ha** : **/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/dwains-theme/configs** $ 

**da@ha** : **/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/dwains-theme/configs** $ 

**da@ha** : **/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/dwains-theme/configs** $ 

**da@ha** : **/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/dwains-theme/configs** $ cat global.yaml 

 # https://dwainscheeren.github.io/lovelace-dwains-theme/configuration/global.html


 # I prefer darksky for weather:

 # use the weather component and not (only) the darksky sensor! Read here: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/weather.darksky/

 # Some people only have the DarkSky sensor and not the weather setup or visa versa.

 # Please check this!!!!!!

 # If you want darksky USE THIS: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/weather.darksky/

 # AND USE THIS: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/darksky/

 # So make sure you got both installed! It's not the same!


language: en

weather: weather.weather

outside_temperature: sensor.dark_sky_temperature

outside_humidity: sensor.dark_sky_humidity

alarm: alarm_control_panel.ring_alarm

inside_temperature: sensor.hallway_hue_sensor_temperature

**da@ha** : **/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/dwains-theme/configs** $ 

**da@ha** : **/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/dwains-theme/configs** $ 

**da@ha** : **/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/dwains-theme/configs** $ 

**da@ha** : **/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/dwains-theme/configs** $ 

**da@ha** : **/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/dwains-theme/configs** $ cat house_information.yaml 

# https://dwainscheeren.github.io/lovelace-dwains-theme/configuration/house_information.html



- entity: light.main_lights

icon_on: fas:bell

icon_off: fas:bell

- entity: cover.garage_door

icon_on: fas:door-open

icon_off: fas:door-closed


- calendar.calendar

# - calendar.birthdays

**da@ha** : **/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/dwains-theme/configs** $

Please join the EN Slack group for personal support on things like this :slight_smile:

Im sorry, I dont have slack. I’m usally good at figuring this stuff out, does anything stick out to you that you could point me in the right direction? Thank you.

I’m not sure the indent of your files is correct. Can you post it in a code block when you open it in nano for example or a screenshot of when its opened in nano?

Slack is free and usable in browser without software.

Absolutly. THank you!!!

# https://dwainscheeren.github.io/lovelace-dwains-theme/configuration/rooms.html

  - name: Living Room
    icon: fas:key
    light: light.main_lights
#    temperature: sensor.hallway_hue_sensor_temperature
#     humidity: sensor.halway_humidity
#    motion: binary_sensor.hallway_hue_sensor_motion
    door: cover.garage_door
    window: group.livwindows
#     vacuum:
#       entity: vacuum.rockrobo
#       camera: camera.rockrobo_map
#     plant: plant.hallway_plant
    media_player: media_player.living_room
#   - name: Garage
#     icon: fas:garage
#     light: group.garage_lights
#     door: group.garage_doors
#     addons:
#       - name: Hello room
#         icon: fas:puzzle-piece
#         path: 'dwains-theme/addons/rooms/hello-room/page.yaml'
#         data:
#           some_data: 'This is some data parsed.'
#           some_other_data: 'and some other data.'



I prefer darksky for weather:

use the weather component and not (only) the darksky sensor! Read here: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/weather.darksky/

Some people only have the DarkSky sensor and not the weather setup or visa versa.

Please check this!!!

If you want darksky USE THIS: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/weather.darksky/

AND USE THIS: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/darksky/

So make sure you got both installed! It’s not the same!


  language: en
  weather: weather.weather
  outside_temperature: sensor.dark_sky_temperature
  outside_humidity: sensor.dark_sky_humidity
  alarm: alarm_control_panel.ring_alarm
  inside_temperature: sensor.hallway_hue_sensor_temperature



    - entity: light.main_lights
      icon_on: fas:bell
      icon_off: fas:bell
    - entity: cover.garage_door
      icon_on: fas:door-open
      icon_off: fas:door-closed

    - calendar.calendar
  #   - calendar.birthdays


  - type: module
    url: /community_plugin/lovelace-state-switch/state-switch.js

  #Plugins resources which are not required if you dont have a rooted roborock or a house calendar
  #you can comment these out
  - type: module
    url: /community_plugin/lovelace-xiaomi-vacuum-map-card/xiaomi-vacuum-map-card.js
  - type: module
    url: /community_plugin/atomic_calendar/atomic_calendar.js

  #Add here your own resources
  #- type: module
  #  url: /to_your_folder/filename.js

# Start of the dwains theme ui-lovelace.yaml
# You must have this code in your ui-lovelace.yaml file!
# Don't change anything below this line, only if you know what you are doing
# Load everything in for dwains theme

#Custom Header with some custom configuration (https://github.com/maykar/custom-header)
  !include dwains-theme/plugins/custom_header/configuration.yaml

#Button Card Templates folder (https://github.com/custom-cards/button-card#Configuration-Templates)
#These are the templates used to avoid too much duplicate code.      
  !include_dir_merge_named dwains-theme/plugins/button-cards-templates

#Start of main lovelace theme 
background: var(--background-image)
  !include_dir_merge_list dwains-theme/views/main/
# End of the dwains theme ui-lovelace.yaml part

Directory Structure: (the only files I have edited our the files in …/configs/) (well i added what needed to be added to configuration.yaml as well.)

da@ha:/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant$ ls
alert.yaml                 customize.yaml                   home-assistant.log  rest_command.yaml   themes
automations.yaml           deps                             input_boolean.yaml  scenes.yaml         themes.yaml
binary_sensor.yaml         dwains-theme                     input_number.yaml   scene.yaml          tts
camera.yaml                google_calendars.yaml            LICENSE             scripts.yaml        ui-lovelace.yaml
cast.sh                    groups.yaml                      light_group.yaml    secrets.yaml        ui-lovelace.yaml.bkp
configuration-sample.yaml  harmony_basement_remote.conf     media_player.yaml   sensor.yaml         ui-lovelace.yamlJKNLJKNJ
configuration.yaml         harmony_bedroom_remote.conf      packages            shell_command.yaml  user-package-sample
custom_components          harmony_living_room_remote.conf  README.md           switch.yaml         www
da@ha:/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant$ cd dwains-theme/
da@ha:/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/dwains-theme$ ls
addons  configs  configs-samples  plugins  translations  views
da@ha:/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/dwains-theme$ cd configs
da@ha:/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/dwains-theme/configs$ ls
cameras.yaml  dynamic_page.yaml  global.yaml  house_information.yaml  icons.yaml  more_page.yaml  persons.yaml  rooms.yaml  scenes.yaml
da@ha:/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/dwains-theme/configs$ cd ..
da@ha:/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/dwains-theme$ cd ..
da@ha:/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant$ cd packages/
da@ha:/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/packages$ ls
da@ha:/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/packages$ ls dwains-theme/dwains_theme_configuration.yaml 

Everything looks fine to me. Are you running Dwains Theme v1.1.2? It will give you some errors if your entites are incorrect. Otherwise it must work and show at least a light icon on your homepage for your Living Room.

I doubled checked that a little bit ago, even copying the entity names from dev tools. When I started playing with this I was on 1.1.1, then I seen you released the update yesterday so I have been on it since. I also tried uninstalling button card, tried using a previous version of it as well. double checked the paths and permissions. Its so weird becuase the other pages work great…I thought for sure I was doing something stupid in rooms.yaml or something.

I do clear cache when I check. I have the same results in Chrome or Safari, laptop and phone.

thanks for all the work! the theme looks amazing, is easy to install and really easy to customize.

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Did you double check that you are using the latest HACS version? Please remove the card-mod plugin and the button card plugin. Reboot your HA, re-install them, reboot again. Clear your browser cache and then it must work. Otherwise you really need to join Slack so I can give you 1 on 1 support for it.