Declutter + Weather - Mapping Icons

Hi All,

I’m using the following code: Untitled (pr0upy0e) -

Everything appears to be working ok other than my icons. For some reason all the icons are being stacked at all times instead of the mapping working. I hopped onto the discord channel and someone suggested that the code looks right and they think it’s decluttering causing the issues but they weren’t sure. Anyone have any thoughts why mapping to icons isn’t working ?

Thanks in advance.

please post the code in this community so we dont need to click on external links

      type: custom:paper-buttons-row
        justify-content: space-between
        background: none
        margin: 24px 20px 16px
        text-shadow: 0px 0px 20px var(--card-background-color);
        - layout: name_state
          name: '{{ states(''sensor.day_en'') }}, {{ states(''sensor.date_en'') }}'
          state: '{{ now().strftime(''%H'') }}:{{ now().strftime(''%M'')}}'
              font-weight: 400
              font-size: 16px
              margin-left: 0
              display: block
              text-align: left
              float: left
              width: 140px
              pointer-events: none
              align-items: left
              width: 140px
              line-height: 1.6em
              font-weight: 700
              font-size: 30px
              letter-spacing: '-1px'
              margin-left: 0
              display: block
              text-align: left
              float: left
              width: 140px
        - layout: icon|name_state
          name: ⌂ {{ states('sensor.home_temperature') }}°F
          state: '{{ state_attr(''weather.home'',''temperature'') }}°F'
          image: |
            {% set mapper =
              { 'breezy':'cloudy',
                'windy':'wind'} %}
            {% set state = states('weather.maison_2') %}
            {% set weather = mapper[state] if state in mapper else 'weather' %}
            {% set path = '/local/icons/weather_icons/animated/' %}
            {% set ext = '.svg'%}
              font-weight: 400
              font-size: 16px
              margin-left: 0
              display: block
              text-align: right
              width: 140px
              pointer-events: none
              align-items: right
              width: 140px
              line-height: 1.6em
              font-weight: 600
              font-size: 30px
              letter-spacing: '-1px'
              margin-left: 0
              display: block
              text-align: right
              width: 140px
              position: absolute
              left: 2px
              transform: scale(0.17)
              transform-origin: 0 19.5%
              top: '-48px;'
              padding: 0;
              height: 380px !important;
              width: 380px !important;
  - theme: noctis
    icon: ''
    path: default_view
    title: HOME
      - user: 12345678901234567000
    type: sidebar
    badges: []
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: header_main

well there you go.
decluttering templates do No process templates, they only use the variable templates to connect between the config and the decluttering template itself

if you want to use templates you need to find a card that can process them (custom:button-card) eg, and use its configuration template possibilities (in Javascript, not Jinja like here)


  type: vertical-stack

      - type: custom:button-card
        template: button_default_title
        name: '[[title]]'

      - type: custom:auto-entities
          type: custom:layout-card
          layout_type: masonry
            - domain: '[[domain]]'
              area: '[[area]]'
                type: tile

this is a decluttering template, and it uses a button-card that again uses its own

this is an example of a decluttering template c&p a more complex config, using decluttering variables and letting the configured card in the template use that:

  type: conditional
    - entity: device_tracker.heater_[[id]]
      state: home
    type: vertical-stack
#       - type: thermostat
#         entity: climate.heater_[[id]]

      - type: entities
        title: '[[name]]'
        state_color: true
          class: class-header-margin
          - type: custom:template-entity-row
            entity: sensor.heater_[[id]]_uncalibrated_temperature
            state: >
#               {{states(config.entity)|round(2,default='Not ready')}}
          - entity: binary_sensor.heater_[[id]]_heating
            secondary_info: last-changed

          - type: custom:fold-entity-row
#             card_mod: #!secret style_toggle_icon
#               style:
#                 ha-icon:
#                   $: |
#                     ha-svg-icon {
#                       color: var(--primary-color);
#                       width: 24px;
#                     }
              type: section
              label: Details
              card_mod: #!secret style_label_margin
                style: |
                  .label {
                    margin-left: 0px !important;
            padding: 0
              - entity: device_tracker.heater_[[id]]
                secondary_info: last-changed
              - entity: sensor.heater_[[id]]_control_signal

so yeah, I was a bit too fast/didnt check the config you posted above thoroughly enough

Interesting. Is that a new(ish) change? This code was taken directly from a template someone shared online where it’s working without a hitch.

I won’t put the link since that’s not allowed but it can be easily found by searching for “Mobile First Dashboard”.

no it has been like that since its conception…

what isnt allowed?

btw funny you use this icon template, I did make that some years ago :wink:

I misinterpreted your original post about links. Here’s where I took it from: 📱 Mobile First Dashboard - A minimalist and user-friendly UI for your dashboard

That user shows a fully functional dashboard based on the exact code I provided.

this is what you are referring too:

Need to check that, I might have been too hasty to respond. Declutering card can be used as a yaml anchor on steroids, and this might be just that: a pure c&p of the same code, without injecting any other variable from the decluttering template. see my edited post above for some more precision on the possible options

need to explain what you mean by:

more precisely though. are you talking about the weather icon template?
If yes, can you confirm that to work in the dev tools templates?

I had to re-edit most of those quotes to not have it throw errors

          name: >
            {{ states('sensor.dag_deel') }}, {{ states('sensor.komende_wekker_dag') }}
          state: >
            {{ now().strftime('%H') }}:{{ now().strftime('%M')}}

helps. just use multiline > notation and fix your quotes to single quotes inside

Here’s graphically what’s going on. All the “none” and “unknown” issues are resolved. Only one remaining is the icon.

yeah, thats a default icon ‘weather.svg’ for when the template doesnt find a correct state.

{% set weather = mapper[state] if state in mapper else 'weather' %}

post the template in dev tools states and show it please

has nothing to do with decluttering but with your template syntax or source you’re feeding it

Now I’m getting unknown again for my day/date which is frustrating. To simplify I’m focusing just on the weather. Here’s my current code:

      type: custom:paper-buttons-row
        justify-content: space-between
        background: none
        margin: 24px 20px 16px
        text-shadow: 0px 0px 20px var(--card-background-color);
        - layout: icon|name_state
          name: ⌂ {{ states('sensor.home_temperature') }}°F
          state: '{{ state_attr(''weather.home'',''temperature'') }}°F'
          image: |
            {% set mapper =
              { 'breezy':'cloudy',
                'windy':'wind'} %}
            {% set state = states('weather.maison_2') %}
            {% set weather = mapper[state] if state in mapper else 'weather' %}
            {% set path = '/local/icons/weather_icons/animated/' %}
            {% set ext = '.svg'%}
              font-weight: 400
              font-size: 16px
              margin-left: 0
              display: block
              text-align: right
              width: 140px
              pointer-events: none
              align-items: right
              width: 140px
              line-height: 1.6em
              font-weight: 600
              font-size: 30px
              letter-spacing: '-1px'
              margin-left: 0
              display: block
              text-align: right
              width: 140px
              position: absolute
              left: 2px
              transform: scale(0.17)
              transform-origin: 0 19.5%
              top: '-48px;'
              padding: 0;
              height: 380px !important;
              width: 380px !important;
  - theme: noctis
    icon: ''
    path: default_view
    title: HOME
      - user: 12345678901234567000
    type: sidebar
    badges: []
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: header_main

Dev tools spits out this error:

TemplateSyntaxError: expected token ',', got 'weather'

Interestingly enough though, when I’m typing out:

{{ state_attr(''weather.home'',''temperature'') }}°F'

A pop up status comes up saying “sunny” so the value is being detected.

Yep it’s a syntax error, as I said above.

Stop posting all non relevant card code and focus on the templates.

The error is already telling you what the issue is, so it’s an easy fix?

The template still uses the double single quotes btw, so take those out too.

make that

{{ state_attr('weather.home','temperature') }}°F

(note there is a stray end quote in your paste above after the F, but it is because that paste isnt complete and your full code also has the opening quote. I repeat, please use multiline notation, it makes life so much easier)

if you still get the ‘weather’ output in the icon template, then check the state of the weather entity, and see if it is actually mapped in the template. If not, just add it ofc.

Hi Mariusthvdb -

Sorry I’m not entirely sure what this means but I’ll continue to try.

I actually think that the weather call that I have is no longer supported. I think I have to move to weather.forecast based on some Googling last night. I’m attempting to figure that out now.

that means in stead of using:

'{{ state_attr(''weather.home'',''temperature'') }}°F'


  {{ state_attr('weather.home','temperature') }}°F

and have no more quoting issues, (which is what you’re seeing)

that indeed has been changed sometime ago, but shouldn’t trouble/interfere getting a state from the weather entity, or cause your issue at hand

Ah - interesting. I was on discord a lot yesterday and, several issues were resolved, a bug was discovered (HA is adding ` in various places for no apparent reason, trying to consistently reproduce). I’ll modify the entire yaml to be multiline instead of single line with quotes. Any other specific suggestions as to the weather state that you can think of or do you need me to provide something else to assist? You said it’s a syntax error potentially so mabe the multiline changes will help. Stay tuned . . . and ongoing thanks for the help.

Ok. Still no success (several more hours trying). My latest yaml is:

      type: custom:paper-buttons-row
        justify-content: space-between
        background: none
        margin: 24px 20px 16px
        text-shadow: 0px 0px 20px var(--card-background-color);
        - layout: name_state
          name: |
            {{ states('sensor.day_en') }}, {{ states('sensor.date_en') }}
          state: |
            {{ now().strftime('%H') }}:{{ now().strftime('%M')}}       
              font-weight: 400
              font-size: 16px
              margin-left: 0
              display: block
              text-align: left
              float: left
              width: 140px
              pointer-events: none
              align-items: left
              width: 140px
              line-height: 1.6em
              font-weight: 700
              font-size: 30px
              letter-spacing: '-1px'
              margin-left: 0
              display: block
              text-align: left
              float: left
              width: 140px
        - layout: icon|name_state
          name: |
            ⌂ {{ states('sensor.home_temperature') }}°F
          state: |
            {{ state_attr('weather.home','temperature') }}°F
          image: >
            {% set mapper =
              { 'breezy':'cloudy',
                'windy':'wind'} %}
            {% set state = states('weather.home') %}

            {% set weather = mapper[state] if state in mapper else 'weather' %}

            {% set path =

            {% set ext = '.svg'%}
              font-weight: 400
              font-size: 16px
              margin-left: 0
              display: block
              text-align: right
              width: 140px
              pointer-events: none
              align-items: right
              width: 140px
              line-height: 1.6em
              font-weight: 600
              font-size: 30px
              letter-spacing: '-1px'
              margin-left: 0
              display: block
              text-align: right
              width: 140px
              position: absolute
              left: 2px
              transform: scale(0.17)
              transform-origin: 0 19.5%
              top: '-48px;'
              padding: 0;
              height: 380px !important;
              width: 380px !important;

It’s something to do with passing on a url to the icon. Dev Tools clearly shows that the right value is being passed, for example, right now dev tools shows:

          image: >

What appears is a tiny (literally have to zoom way in) string “ICON”.

so this is now the 3d or 4th different issue you throw at us…

you keep changing your config, and this is the last of the new iterations you make: loading remotely served images.

Ofc that would require a different syntax than what is proposed in the existing template, which gets the icons from your /local/ (www) folder in the iterations you had above

my suggestion would be to keep it that way, and not change requirements in every response you make or help you get.

Sorry I should have said, I did that first. I moved to remote based on a suggestion on Discord but same result either way.