Deconz Conbee II Failed to probe USB

HI Everyone

Please can you assist me with the below?

My ZHA was working great and then stopped working one day.
Every time i tried to set it up now, it says failed to probe device.

I have upgraded the firmware, it seems to work on my windows machine.
I have bought a new one as well thinking the old one was faulty. HA registers the device, it just can’t set up the add on.
I have tried ZHA, Zigbee2mqtt, and deconz. All no luck

My server has had an upgrade in the interim,so new mobo and everything.

Any help will be appreciated

I’m having the same problem. Did you find a solution?

I did, i’m using unraid RC, it seems it’s an issue in the latest RC, passing it as serial device through the xml worked (Passthrough of ConBee II Zigbee USB Gateway to Home Assistant Virtual Machine - VM Engine (KVM) - Unraid)

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