Default turn-on brightness/color temperature for lights

The white_value is independent. Find below 2 examples for whites, one using xy and the other one by using dedicated white leds. Not sure if this is what you meant. Let me know if you need anything else and I will be ready to help :slight_smile:

xy (rgb):
effect_list: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
brightness: 255
hs_color: 0, 0
rgb_color: 255, 255, 255
xy_color: 0.323, 0.329
effect: 0
friendly_name: Led_bajo_libreria
supported_features: 149

White dedicated Leds:
effect_list: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
brightness: 255
white_value: 255
effect: 0
friendly_name: Led_bajo_libreria
supported_features: 149

So does “xy_color: 0.323, 0.329” and “white_value: 255” make the same color light?

Or do you have to have “rgb_color: 255, 255, 255” AND “xy_color: 0.323, 0.329” in order to get the same as just using “white_value: 255”?

Thank you. This worked perfect for me. I like that I can have 1 automation to set the defaults for all my bulbs where required. Very simple, very elegant. No need for a csv file like before. Add new bulbs, just edit the automation to include them.

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Thank you, just what I needed and works perfect!

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hello @Noblewolf and thanks for this. It works great but i have one issue and you might be able to help.
I have various scenes that are linked to some lights. When I activate one of the scenes the brightness level is automatically adjusted to the brightness level that has been specified in the blue print instead of applying the brightness that it has been specified on the scene.

Scene-Bed time
Office Lights: OFF
Dinning Lights: OFF
Living room Lights: OFF
Bedroom Lights: 10% Brightness
Kitchen Spotlight: 10% Brightness

When I activate the scene all it executes but instead of 10% brightness for “Bedroom Lights” and “Kitchen Spotlight” it has something like 45% brightness, which is what i have set as the the default turn on value in the blueprint for each light entity indivitually.

I will appreciate it a lot if you can help me a bit here.

thank you in advance.

That’s a good explanation of the issue.

I’ve encountered the same thing myself, but haven’t been able to figure out how to solve it. I even have a thread explaining the problem and a few attempts I tried here: Using templating condition to check if a trigger.to_state attribute is empty/null/missing/etc

If anyone knows how to solve it let me know and I’ll update the blueprint.

X2 looking for a way to get around this same issue. It’s like we need to be able to choose which “version” of the light is turning on.

This is a great blueprint, thank you! After creating the automation from the blueprint, everything appears to work fine. However, after I turn off a light included within the automation, it will randomly turn back on. Sometimes within seconds, sometimes a bit later. When looking at what is turning it on, it shows turned on by service light.turn_on. Thoughts?

That is odd, but I don’t think it would be caused by this blueprint. It is only triggered by a light turning on and had no delay or wait conditions.

Many things could cause it. Could be a delay in a smart remote, another automation, script, cosmic radiation, gremlins, etc.
light.turn_on is the generic turn on command for lights that can be fired by anything that wants to turn a light on.

I just set this up and it works well, but one slight issue. When i try and activate a scene (for instance one that sets my bulb to coloured and turn on), this seems to override it and set it to white again. So my scenes only work when the light is already powered on.


Thanks for sharing this. I’ve got a couple of Shelly Dimmer2 modules controlling LED downlights but when I set this running via an automation, on one dimmer the lights turn on then immediately off again when I press the switch, but if I press the button two or three more times they then do stay on at the automation set brightness. With the other dimmer it seems to have no effect at all, no flashing but no effect on the turned on dimming level. Anything I can try?


Look at previous comments. This is a known issue that can’t currently be handled in a blueprint that I know of.
Maybe you could have a action after you turn on a scene to stop this automation, but I’ve not found a good way to do it.

That is quite unusual. Since the problem is with one switch and not others I’d say it doesn’t have to so with this blueprint. Also, there is no turn off command in the blueprint so I’d investigate elsewhere.

I’ve tested a bit more and its not working correctly with any of my four Shelly Dimmer2 switches.

The one I mentioned above turns the lights on at the correctly set dimming level by the automation but often turns them straight back off (or dims to zero within a second or so, not sure which), and the other three dimmers seem to ignore the automation entirely and just retain previous dim level as they would by default. I’ve compared configs of a dimmer that does nothing and the one that turns off when the automation is enabled and they’re identical so not sure what to look for. As soon as I turn off the automation the ones that don’t react to the automation obviously carry on as they were, and the other one starts working perfectly again from the wall switch, the Shelly app and from HA.

Setting turn-on brightness isn’t something I desperately need at the moment but happy to try things if you can suggest any troubleshooting steps.

Love the automation, but the Lovelace cards do not reset to the default color. Any suggestions?

How do you get the Lovelace light card to reset color?

Is it possible from this template to adjust color_temp according to brightness (same as adaptive light from Homekit)?

For example:

If brightness = 255 then color_temp = 181 (Daylight White)
If brightness = 76 then color_temp = 454 (Warm White)


Probably, but that is not what the goal of this blueprint is. The goal is to always turn it on to the same brightness and color no matter what.

You might checkout the Flux integration.

I just made a feature request to get color temp added to light_profiles.csv. It would be great if you all could go vote it up then maybe it would solve all these problems.