Delay with camera stream

I run HASS on a bare metal host and I was getting a 10-20s delays from my HIkvision cameras using Generic platform rstp feed while on VLC I was getting no delays at all. What helped me was to move to mjpeg platfrom (my camera supports it). Now I have real live stream in frontend. Hope this will help somebody


  - platform: mjpeg
    name: cam1
    mjpeg_url: http://<IP>/ISAPI/Streaming/channels/102/httpPreview
    username: !secret cam_user
    password: !secret cam_pass
    authentication: basic
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This looks interesting RTSP to WebRTC:

I have the same issue, delay getting bigger if stream running on frontend for long time, I’m experiensing 1-15 minute delay, seems like system is recording and then streaming video which causes that delay. Using different hardware does not help as I have ran HA in docker on x86 (Xeon with 16gb ram and 8 cores) PC - same result, so I would say that this is something to do with HA not actual hardware.

 - platform: mjpeg 
    name: garden_ptz01_camera
    still_image_url: ""
    mjpeg_url: ""

This is the best solution! The lag is gone! Home assistant > Motioneye > rtsp > live stream
To start: motionEye - Home Assistant

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i’m now doing this on HA Blue (Odroid N2+) with motioneye addon.

yep, thats works great!

For anyone who’s interested, I did a write-up of how I managed to display a low-latency feed an IP camera in a picture-in-picture popup on Android TV using WebRTC Camera. I included some detail on WebRTC and getting the camera stream delay as low as possible, plus router configuration and reasoning behind how you want to expose your HA instance to the internet for all this to work.

I have also this issue with delay about 10-15 seconds.
I noticed that delay appear after activating MariaDB. When MariaDB is disabled and HA restarted — delay reducing to 1-2 seconds.

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One more specificity noticed: video stream delay (15sec) with enabled MariaDB is only on mobile app. PC over browser works fine (2-3 seconds delay) with/without MariaDB.
CPU usage ~6%, RAM usage ~12,5%

Same here, when I disable Maria DB all is fine. Does anyone have an idea what could be the cause?

Edit: Sorry the problem has now occurred again anyway. It also occurs only with the laptop, on the phone it works.