yes yes, i understand you, that HA takes the value out of a random source…
but the sources are limited… memory and db …
memory should be empty when HA is shout down…
because of the DB i tested this:
UPDATE `states` SET `state`= 2080.060 WHERE metadata_id = 960 AND `state_id` > 127340768;
UPDATE `statistics` SET `state`= 2100.282 WHERE metadata_id = 334 AND start_ts > 1709096300;
UPDATE `statistics` SET `sum`= 2076.824 WHERE metadata_id = 334 AND start_ts > 1709096300;
UPDATE `statistics_short_term` SET `state`= 2100.282 WHERE metadata_id = 334 AND start_ts > 1709276700;
UPDATE `statistics_short_term` SET `sum`= 2076.824 WHERE metadata_id = 334 AND start_ts > 1709276700;
meaning no more 38 at states, statistics and statistic_shot_therm…
but on reboot of HA state is now 39.091…
so we have 3 tables cleared with the data… we cleared the memory by shut down HA…
what could be the fith storage for the 38 ?
or its magic