Deleting disabled ESPHome entities

During development I inevitably create a lot of entities that I end up needing to delete. For some reason I have to either delete the entire device integration or reboot Home Assistant to enable the ‘Delete’ button for the unavailable entity. It seems like an oversight that adds an annoying step in tidying things up. I do not want to just hide the unavailable entity.

Also, I wonder whether the data generated for that entity gets deleted. I hope it does as over time InfluxDB gets messy with data from lots of entities that only existed for a brief period of time during development. Considering that I often have much higher update rates in that phase, I would really like to nuke that data. It doesn’t seem like it gets removed as when I search for entities in Grafana (to display ESPHome related data), I find a lot of my old ESPHome entities which make it quite confusing on which one to pick at times.

Summary of questions:

Am I missing something? How do I delete unavailable ESPHome entities without nuking the integration or having to reboot HA? How do I get the rid of the data from deleted entities in InfluxDB?

This post shows how to delete entities from influxDB:

I did major cleanup…