Denon - Denonavr

Hi All,
since upgrading with to the latest I noticed that my automations and ability to control my Marantz Amplifier had died. ‘arrghh’
The device now is “Entity not available: media_player.marantz”

In my config I have

  - platform: denonavr
    name: marantz

I have changed denonavr to denon with no luck.
I have attempted to add new integration of denon and it “failed to connect please try again etc, etc”

Does anyone have a fix for this or is it another piece of kit that just seems to disappear after every upgrade.



same here. Frustrating. Have you solved this?


No Ralf sorry…

I have a Denon and the integration is working for me. Denon is now automatically discovered on startup. You should be able to remove or comment out your config code and restart HA. A notification should appear requesting Denon setup.

Still works for me in HA 113.3 with a Marantz SR 7013.
Which model is it? Maybe check out the denonavr github they are quite responsive to add compatibility to new models.

Did you convert your integration to UI setup? This was required as of 0.112.

Hi All,

I have followed procedure by hashing out my denon lines in my config yaml

Added the integration. then it says I can add the denonavr which I do. It adds the card to my frontend fine. However the card does nothing as far as letting me connect, turn on or off the device.

It is as if it is putting the card in place but not actually connecting to the device.

It is a Marantz SR5007 which has been picked up in all previous versions.

I also deleted the integration and reinstalled but now it cant connect to the IP address unless I put a port 80 at the end

vary confused ???

You should have a media player entity now. Now create a media player card to control the device.

Hi Gary

Yep created the card with no issues. However, it does not controll (or appear to connect) to the device.

question… when you put the denonavr integration into play it asks you for an IP address. This fails to work. However if I add a port to the end of the IP request it is accepted. :80 and :8080 both worked in accepting the integration but did not work in connecting to the Marantz SR5007.

Do you need a port at the end of the IP (as it seems the only way it works).
What is the correct report if that is the way to do it 80?

Note to all future readers.

I restarted HA several times no effect.
I restarted the Ubuntu VM it was living on no effect.

Had a power outage today and VMware Host (and everything else) went dead. On reboot autodiscovery found a denonavr device called marantzSR5007.

All good now but no idea why the reboot of the entire vm did not have same effect.

Installed the 2020.12.2 update but no joy. This still isn’t working. I can still as others get it to accept the IP with :80 at the end but it fails to return any objects.

Without port at it fails and log says:

2020-12-30 17:26:06 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.denonavr.receiver] Missing receiver information: manufacturer 'None', name 'Denon AVR-X2200W', model 'None', type 'avr-x'

With port 80 I get:

2020-12-30 17:27:02 ERROR (SyncWorker_3) [DenonAVR] No connection to /goform/AppCommand.xml end point on host
2020-12-30 17:27:02 ERROR (SyncWorker_3) [DenonAVR] Getting renamed and deleted sources failed.
2020-12-30 17:27:02 ERROR (ThreadPoolExecutor-36_0) [DenonSSDP] During DenonAVR device identification, when trying to request the following error occurred: Failed to parse:
2020-12-30 17:27:02 ERROR (ThreadPoolExecutor-36_0) [DenonAVR] Unable to get device information of host, can not use the serial number as identification
2020-12-30 17:27:02 ERROR (SyncWorker_3) [DenonAVR] Missing status information from XML of Main for: Power, InputFuncSelect, Mute, MasterVolume
2020-12-30 17:27:04 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [getmac] Failed to send ARP table population packet
2020-12-30 17:27:04 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.denonavr.config_flow] Unable to get mac address: [Errno -2] Name does not resolve
2020-12-30 17:27:04 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.denonavr.config_flow] Could not get serial number of host, unique_id's will not be available
2020-12-30 17:27:04 ERROR (SyncWorker_16) [DenonAVR] No connection to /goform/AppCommand.xml end point on host
2020-12-30 17:27:04 ERROR (SyncWorker_16) [DenonAVR] Getting renamed and deleted sources failed.
2020-12-30 17:27:04 ERROR (ThreadPoolExecutor-39_0) [DenonSSDP] During DenonAVR device identification, when trying to request the following error occurred: Failed to parse:
2020-12-30 17:27:04 ERROR (ThreadPoolExecutor-39_0) [DenonAVR] Unable to get device information of host, can not use the serial number as identification
2020-12-30 17:27:04 ERROR (SyncWorker_16) [DenonAVR] Missing status information from XML of Main for: Power, InputFuncSelect, Mute, MasterVolume

Same here. I’ve installed the latest 2021 update but I still cannot get Denon to show up in entities/devices. I’ve tried Denon Heos and works but for the media player the only option for source is tuner.
These are some errors i see in log:

Could not get serial number of host, unique_id’s will not be available
Missing status information from XML of Main for: Power, InputFuncSelect, Mute, MasterVolume
Logger: DenonAVR
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/denonavr/
First occurred: 21:22:58 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 21:28:31
Logger: DenonSSDP
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/denonavr/
First occurred: 21:22:58 (3 occurrences

If I start Home Assistant and the Denon is off, the log shows that Home Assistant can’t connect to the Denon and sets it’s state to “unavailable”. I then see in the log that every 80 seconds, it tries to connect again.

When the Denon is off, it is not active on the network; there is no way to turn the denon on using home assistant other than using something like a harmony IR hub. IR is active when the denon is off, wifi isn’t.

I would suggest to the addon author that if the addon doesn’t find the Denon, then continue to loop, but set the state to OFF.

2021-02-10 08:59:04 ERROR (SyncWorker_15) [DenonAVR] No connection to /goform/AppCommand.xml end point on host
2021-02-10 08:59:04 ERROR (SyncWorker_15) [DenonAVR] Getting renamed and deleted sources failed.
2021-02-10 08:59:09 ERROR (SyncWorker_15) [DenonAVR] Connection timeout when getting device information
2021-02-10 08:59:23 ERROR (SyncWorker_15) [DenonAVR] Missing status information from XML of Main for: Power, InputFuncSelect, Mute, MasterVolume
2021-02-10 08:59:23 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.denonavr.receiver] Missing receiver information: manufacturer 'None', name 'Denon AVR', model 'None', type 'avr'
2021-02-10 08:59:23 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry 'Denon AVR-X3300W' for denonavr integration not ready yet. Retrying in 80 seconds