Thanks for replying back and helping me Mahko and @ssieb
I have configured the D1 through ESPHome in Home Assistant, initially with the debug on GPIO3 (RX) and when I do that, basically the desk stops showing the values on the screen of the controller keyboard. Buttons work normally but there’s no display.
After this attempt, I went and changed the bytes from 4 to 9 on the config, everything else remained the same. Config here: pastebin . com/VCebH2dA and output here: pastebin . com/D0Rr2Nyn .
Both outputs were logged with me just pressing up or down in the controller keyboard.
This (pastebin . com/LBRYKkP7) 3rd output was from the 2nd memory slot when I pressed it until the desk stopped.
Question: Could it be that my controller is different somehow and the wiring is different as well?
PS: Can only put 2 links in a post… had to separate the pastebin from the TLD.
Couple of random thoughts. My gut feel is this will be ok but you’ve got to work through some buggy UART thing.
First step would probably be to work on getting some clean/consistent UART messages and then see if they are the same or different. You’ll need to tinker. You seem to be receiving something roughly resembling the right data, so that’s a start. As you mentioned it seems noisy.
I don’t have much depth of understanding of these things but here’s some things I would try:
Repeat the previous steps but power the ESP via a separate good quality power supply and USB cable (best ones you have from your phone etc).
Rewire your whole set-up and make sure all connections are really good. Especially the rx wires and grounds. Ground not being right can create noise.
Did you have a go at trying the previous steps with rx_pin: 1 #Labelled TX ?
I finally got around to testing accessing the native memory presets as per a few posts above this one.
I can confirm the soft start/stop works with this, which is nice.
I might even move over to this approach as my main “go to height” method.
You only really need to connect up one more wire - the purple pne.
Presumbly this wouldn’t interfere with any other native functionality like collision detection etc too.
The Jarvis project also gives a nice overview of the control lines, which I believe are the same.
The project also has known commands for things like setting each memory slot to the current height, which I haven’t looked into and probably am not motivated enough to;)
I can also confirm that I could only get it working by using Pin D1 (5) on my ESP8266 D1 Mini.
I could not get it working by using Pin RXD (3).
I also got @dev0 method working (minus button 4 because it does not exist on my desk) and I plan on controlling the buttons via their method and get the current hight via @ssieb custom component.
The only thing I am still trying to figure out with @dev0 method is how I can e.g.: press the button “Up” with my mouse for a long(er) time which results in the button actually being pressed for a longer time. So that the behavior is the same as when I keep pressing down on the actual physical control panel button with my finger.
Nice! I’ve added your desk to the “works with” list.
I don’t believe there is a way to mimic a “hold down button” action in ESPHome.
I think the best you can do is making a gpio switch for that wire/pin, which you’d to turn on while you want the desk to move and then turn off to stop it. Not the best but it works.
Im using quin-esp32 board, and I soldered on my display controller T,R and GND wires and connected them to my esp32.
After run command, in my debug console, hexdecimal values are just running in infinite loop.
When I press some button on my display controller, I can see that these numbers are changed, but Im stuck from this point on, Im not sure what I need to do? I can see some reptetive pattern, but still Im not sure what is the correct block of hexdecimal values to extract some important inormation from it?
Any help would be apprecieted,
Hi @Mahko_Mahko
Well, Im not sure, because I bought the desk from some local reseller.
But I have images, maybe you can find some markings and to match manufactrer:
So, at the moment, I have it wired as suggested above
I’ll have to add an extra wire from the purple pin (or slot 3 on the above figure) of the adapter and place it on any of the empty pins on the D1 Mini?
Awesome! Just did the addition and works very well.
I can now access my button presets and its a soft stop.
This project just keeps getting better and better. thanks again, all.
EDIT: @Mahko_Mahko one thing I’ve noticed is when the D1 board restarts, it goes to one of my presets (i.e. preset #2 in my case). My only concern with this is that on every update or even when the board restarts for whatever reason, it will go to a preset on its own. Is this an intended operation?
Here’s my entire yaml if there is something that is not right.
name: esphome-web-5bdf28
priority: -100.0
#Request a desk height update after boot.
- delay: 5s
- switch.turn_on: wake_desk_and_get_height
#Use your own ESP pin values
desky_request_height_pin: GPIO14 #Request desk height | white wire
desky_purple_pin: GPIO12 #purple wire
desky_down_pin: GPIO05 #Move desk down | yellow wire
desky_up_pin: GPIO04 #Move desk up | green wire
- platform: gpio
pin: ${desky_up_pin}
id: up_green_wire
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
pin: ${desky_down_pin}
id: down_yellow_wire
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
pin: ${desky_purple_pin}
id: purple_wire
inverted: true
board: d1_mini
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
## For Memory Sensor (debug platform in sensor)
update_interval: 30s
# Sensors
- platform: uptime
name: "Desky Uptime"
- platform: wifi_signal
name: "Desky WiFi Signal"
update_interval: 60s
- platform: debug
name: "Heap Free"
name: "Heap Fragmentation"
name: "Heap Max Block"
name: "Loop Time"
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "[redacted]"
password: "[redacted]"
## Home Assistant Thread:
## ssieb who generously donated his time and knowledge to developing the custom component may offer some support on the Discord thread (please read both threads first).
# 1. Use this component at own risk. It has not had extensive testing. May void warranty or cause desk faults etc.
# 2. This controller may bypass desk safety features like collision detection.
# 3. This component doesn't know about the values stored in your desk. Values in this config are (and must be) set independently.
# 4. ssieb's solution may be a lot simpler and cleaner for most people. I've cobbled together some more features in this config because I can't programn in C++.
#Troubleshooting Tips:
#If you ever get a flashing ASr message, you might need to reset your desk.
#Ask ssieb to make change requests (move logic to component code)
# Invert pins
# Get Desk Height On Boot
# Interlock Up/Down Pins (If not done already)
# Interrupt/stop movement function (Stop desk motion)
# Test collision detection
# Limit external component fetch to just desky?
# Fix Desk Is moving on Boot.
#Fetch ssieb's custom component#
- source:
type: git
components: [ desky ]
- id: desk_uart
baud_rate: 9600
rx_pin: 1 #Labelled TX on my D1mini clone (mislabelled?)
##You can uncomment the debug section below to see UART messages.
# debug:
# direction: RX
# dummy_receiver: true
# after:
# bytes: 4
# sequence:
# - lambda: UARTDebug::log_int(direction, bytes, ',');
id: my_desky
##Uncomment this block to use Ssieb's move_to componet function.
# up:
# number: 4 #D2
# inverted: true
# down:
# number: 5 #D1
# inverted: true
# stopping_distance: 15 # optional distance from target to turn off moving, default 15
height: # Sensor publishing the current height
name: Desky Height
id: desky_height
accuracy_decimals: 1
unit_of_measurement: cm
#any other sensor options
- delta: 0.05 #Only send values to HA if they change
- throttle: 200ms #Limit values sent to Ha to 5 per sec.
- multiply: 0.1 #convert from mm to cm
#If the value changes, then the desk is moving
- binary_sensor.template.publish:
id: desky_is_moving
state: ON
- delay: 300ms
#Assume it's stopped moving if no height changes after a short time.
- binary_sensor.template.publish:
id: desky_is_moving
state: Off
- platform: template
id: desky_is_moving
name: "Desky Is Moving"
- delayed_off: 400ms
#If the desk isn't moving for a bit we better turn off attempts at movement. It's like poor man's collision detection?
- desky_stop_desk
#Stop movement
- platform: template
name: Stop Desk
id: desky_stop_desk
- switch.turn_off: raise_desk
- switch.turn_off: lower_desk
# Combination Buttons
- platform: template
name: Desky Button 1
id: button_1
- output.turn_on: up_green_wire
- output.turn_on: down_yellow_wire
- delay: 300ms
- output.turn_off: down_yellow_wire
- output.turn_off: up_green_wire
- platform: output
output: purple_wire
name: Desky Button 2
id: button_2
duration: 300ms
- platform: template
name: Desky Button 3
id: button_3
- output.turn_on: purple_wire
- output.turn_on: down_yellow_wire
- delay: 300ms
- output.turn_off: down_yellow_wire
- output.turn_off: purple_wire
- platform: template
name: Desky Button 4
id: button_4
- output.turn_on: purple_wire
- output.turn_on: up_green_wire
- delay: 300ms
- output.turn_off: up_green_wire
- output.turn_off: purple_wire
#Move to function
- platform: template
name: Go To Desky Height x
id: go_to_desky_preset_height_x
##Option 1: Uncomment to use Ssieb's move_to componet functions
# - lambda: id(my_desky).move_to(id(desky_target_height).state*10);
##Option 2: Uncomment to use Mahko's lambda alternative
#Check if we need to move desk up or down from current position
#Current height is more than target height, then move desk down
lambda: |-
return id(desky_target_height).state < id(desky_height).state;
- switch.turn_on: lower_desk
- wait_until:
#Run until the difference between current and target state is < stopping distance
lambda: return abs((id(desky_height).state - (id(desky_target_height).state)))<(id(stopping_distance_cm).state);
- switch.turn_off: lower_desk
#Current height is less than target height, move desk up
- switch.turn_on: raise_desk
- wait_until:
lambda: return abs((id(desky_height).state - (id(desky_target_height).state)))<(id(stopping_distance_cm).state);
#Run until the difference between current and target state is <0.3cm
- switch.turn_off: raise_desk
#Target Height ("Move desk to height x").
#You should probably limit the range you can move the desk to to within the limits you've set via the control panel, perhaps offset a little within the range.
#Sending commands higher/lower than this may cause error messages and require desk reset (or worse).
- platform: template
id: desky_target_height
name: "Desky Target Height"
optimistic: true
unit_of_measurement: cm
min_value: 65.0
max_value: 122.0
step: 0.1
#Offset correction - Adjust until you get the best accuracy.
#The desk keeps moving for a little while after the up/down pins are released and we try to account for this.
#1.5cm was about right on mine
- platform: template
name: "Desky Stopping Distance cm"
id: stopping_distance_cm
unit_of_measurement: cm
optimistic: true
min_value: 0
max_value: 2
step: 0.1
restore_value: true
initial_value: 1.5
#Define some preset heights.
#You can freely define as many adjustable presets as you like.
#These are all seperate/independant of what you've set via the control panel (we can't retrieve them currently).
#Standing Height #1 - Set a standing height.
- platform: template
id: desky_standing_height_1
name: "Standing Height 1"
optimistic: true
unit_of_measurement: cm
#Limit the range
min_value: 110
max_value: 120
step: 0.1
restore_value: true
initial_value: 115
#Standing Height #1 - Set a standing height.
- platform: template
id: desky_standing_height_2
name: "Standing Height 2"
optimistic: true
unit_of_measurement: cm
#Limit the range
min_value: 115
max_value: 125
step: 0.1
restore_value: true
initial_value: 120
#Sitting Height #1 - Set a sitting height. This is independant of what you've set via the control panel.
- platform: template
id: desky_sitting_height_1
name: "Sitting Height 1"
optimistic: true
unit_of_measurement: cm
#Limit the range
min_value: 65
max_value: 69
step: 0.1
restore_value: true
initial_value: 67.0
#Sitting Height #2 - Set a sitting height. This is independant of what you've set via the control panel.
- platform: template
id: desky_sitting_height_2
name: "Sitting Height 2"
optimistic: true
unit_of_measurement: cm
#Limit the range
min_value: 72.6
max_value: 82.6
step: 0.1
restore_value: true
initial_value: 77.6
#wake up ther desk and request it sends its height
- platform: gpio
id: wake_desk_and_get_height
name: "Request Desk Height"
number: D5
inverted: true
- delay: 100ms
- switch.turn_off: wake_desk_and_get_height
- platform: restart
name: "Desky Restart"
#Raise the desk
- platform: gpio
id: raise_desk
name: "Raise Desk"
number: D2
inverted: true
interlock: lower_desk
#Auto off after 15s just in case
- delay: 15s
- switch.turn_off: raise_desk
#Lower the desk
- platform: gpio
id: lower_desk
name: "Lower Desk"
number: D1
inverted: true
interlock: raise_desk
#Auto off after 15s just in case
- delay: 15s
- switch.turn_off: lower_desk