Desky Standing Desk (ESPHome) [Works with Desky, Uplift, Jiecang, Assmann & others]

Hi! I’m attempting this project for the first time and had a quick question. The ESP8266 board that I bought has a 3V instead of 5V power pin. Is this going to cause issues with connecting the RJ12 port?

Does it have a VIN pin?

Maybe find the pin schema for it online and share that.

Hi, the pin schema is this one!

Vin = 5V.

You might want to double check my statement but I’m 97% sure you just use that.

Hi all,

I tried to read and understod whole topic but there are some points that I don’t understand so I will be very happy if you can clarify those points.

1- I am using a new table called miitzon from IKEA. There is one person who mention this table but I can’t understand is this project support this particular table or not?

2 - I took a photo of the controller in an IKEA store while they put the table together. Is there any way to understand if I can add this controller to my HA installation.

From just eyeballing the label and control box, I think it’s unlikely (but not impossible) that it is a Jiecang controller (and therefore supported).

From here I would:

What ports does it have? RJ12 and/or RJ45?


Thanks for your answer. There are two ports for controllers (I assume). I plug an Ethernet like cable to one port for the command panel and the other one (like landline phone jack - sorry I don’t know its name :slight_smile: ) is emtpy

This post may help you identify the ports.

Yes! definitely you are the best. I have both RJ12 and 45 and RJ12 is empty right now. So I’ll build an esp tool for 12 and try with my table! Thanks

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Before you build your rj12 (11) dongle, I would plug in the severed rj12 cable and carefully check wire voltages with a multimeter (1st image).

There is a reasonable chance your desk is/isn’t compatible, since we haven’t been able to obviously verify it is a Jiecang by the label or Jiecang site.

Hello everyone, does anyone have made a JCB35M15c smart with esp home? Unfortunately it doesn’t have an rj12 or rj45 connector. It only has power in, and 2 power out for both motors! No additionall controll box.
It came with a Desk from Cooleben

Looks like it has 5v/gnd/rx/tx

I did not find anything to a jcb35M15c


I would set up an esp32 with Uart debug (or use a signal analyser) and try to find a wire that sends the height messages when the desk is moved.

What do you mean? Where?

I’d be investigating these pretty early up.

Right, looks like the 5v ground RX TX header on all other devices. I saw your „simple yaml configuration“ think im gonna try to learn uart debug an then tryna to implement your yaml

It would be worth checking voltages with a multimeter on those headers. You might be able to identify ground and power just from that.

You may have higher voltages near the power input.
So be careful especially if you haven’t done this kind of thing before. If the power cord has a transformer on it (which seems likely), check what voltages it is outputting.

For testing you can probably just rest Duponts in those holes.

Do this all at your own risk of safety and damage.

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@pereira98 would you (or anyone else :grin:) happen to know the pinout for the RJ12 of the Mittzon? I checked the pinout here jiecang_desk_controller / wiring, but it seems like I measure 3,3V between a few pins. Also I see most posts mention 5V, so wondering if I have the same controller.

I also just got a Mittzon and connected a RJ-12 wire, but while checking the pins, I only found a 3V pair, no 5V as suggested in previous posts

Anyone has any idea what is going on? I have the same controller posted above in a picture the ROL part number 68015135

@pereira98 you mention you have the same desk, is your controller the same?

@peetje and/or @70mmy I’d suggest you set up an esp with uart debug and see if you can find uart messages on one of the wires.

Then check if the messages match the known protocol.

I can provide some pointers on that if required.

If it’s just that the whole thing is on 3v rather than 5v but it uses the same protocol then that should be pretty easy to adjust to accommodate. It’s preferable actually.

Fine for me to try and test that out. If have this config on my esp8266 currently. Not sure if that will do, so didn’t start to test.