🔌 Detect and monitor the state of an appliance based on its power consumption - V2.1.1 - Updated!

Code of the blueprint (V2.1.1)

→ You can find it here

I’m not pasting it in the topic because the webpage would hang :sweat_smile:

Q&A - Things you may want to know


  • Is this able to survive reloading automations and Home Assistant? — Yes!

  • Why is this thing so big? That monstrosity doesn’t even show correctly on my small screen! — I know :sweat_smile:. There are many conditions, and those increase the visual width of the blueprint in the UI. On mobile devices, it’s going to be a pain, but what’s important here is that things work and that all the possible situations are handled.

  • How is this different when compared to Notify or do something when an appliance like a dishwasher or washing machine finishes? — It’s very very different and much more articulated. Read here for more info.

  • Will this slowdown Home Assistant? — I don’t think so. The blueprint will run every time a new power read is polled by HA. If there’s no state change, the automation is basically not doing anything and completes super quickly.

  • How do I update to a new version? — Please follow the steps here.


  • What is an overload situation? When does it happen? — An overload occurs when the appliance is drawing too much power and this affects the entire home grid. This usually triggers your circuit breaker.

  • Is this blueprint a solution to my overloads? — Nope. It just stores the states of your appliance, it doesn’t diagnose anything, it notes that it happened.
    HA_PowerControl is instead a separate package that takes care of detaching the loads progressively based on a settable priority. It does work, but the appliance is not self-conscious of being the cause of an overload. The detached_overload state adds that consciousness.

  • Do I really need HA_PowerControl? — No. I’m allowing the user to bind this blueprint to whatever system they have for handling those situations.
    You might not want to use anything, in that case, leave the “Appliance Suspended entity” empty.

  • HA_PowerControl is just in Italian :spaghetti:… is there no other alternative? — I was unable to find anything yet. I asked the author if I’m allowed to translate it, but it’s still too early to talk about a release.

  • What does this blueprint do during an overload? — If the “Appliance Suspended entity” was configured, the state machine should transition to the detached_overload state.

Got more questions? Ask below! :slightly_smiling_face:

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