Dev-State, presentation of "Last_triggered"

No sure if this goes as a feature request, but it would be really nice with a little tweak on the presentation of the date/time for “Last_triggered” for automations, scripts etc.

Right now it’s presented like this (maybe this differs between installations? Im running Unbut 17.04 with pyton dev env)

last_triggered: 2017-07-03T07:59:13.363596+00:00

Would be nice if you could remove the information that is not an actual date/time format, or maybe hide it if it’s used for something.

last_triggered: 2017-07-03 - 07:59:13

I think you could easily change it using templates…
take a look here maybe

If I’m not reading it incorrectly, that would create a template_sensor for me with the time in the correct format, but I dont want another 60 objects in my dev-state list (all my automations) i would like the orginal entity/object to display the time in a bit more readable format :slight_smile:

I think you may be better served looking into CustomUI by @andrey:

Then you can get the last changed right on the UI card, not to mention a dozen other features you might not have thought of yet. I haven’t used it yet but am planning on doing so soon. It seems to get updated quite regularly and keeps in step with new features of HA builds.

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