Device status (zigbee lightbulb via deconz/conbee II) not updated in home assistant

I’m running from scratch with ‘homeassistant/home-assistant:2021.5.1’ in a docker container and ‘marthoc/deconz:amd64-2.11.02’ also running in a docker container.

  1. light added is deconz and I can control in deconz.
  2. added the deconz integration in home assistent and the light is found
  3. I can switch the light in home assistant, but only once. After that the status returns (within a second) the previous state and i can’t use it anymore.

A reload of the deconz integration does reset the status to the correct (current) one and then I can just use it for one time.

Does anyone knows what is going wrong?

Do you solved the problem? In my case, after anything worked well for a while:

  • more and more sensor stop working in HA, but look o.k. in deConz
  • many lights might be switched on by HA, but it isn’t aware of the status change and it is not possible to turn the lights off by HA. Again in deConz anything is working fine :frowning:

Also interested to know if you solved the problem. I have the exact same thing.

I have multiple bulbs (Nanoleaf Ivy) and some are working ok but some others, when I try to change their status in HA, it’s doing nothing and after 1sec the status changes back to what it was.

When I use the deconz interface to interact with the light it’s working well…

Unfortunately, I can’t remember exactly how I solved it. It is too long ago. I think it had something to do with how you configure the host and port when adding the integration in combination with me using docker for running home-assistant and deconz.
If you configure it wrong, it will not get the new status from deconz. I think I remember sawing deconz update/query issues when in debug mode.

for now, my configuration is:

  • I have running deconz and home-assistant running on the same host
  • I’m Using “port”: 80 and ip address for the host

The configuration in my deconz compose file:

## ###### ##
## deconz ##
## "443/tcp": {},
## "5900/tcp": {},
## "80/tcp": {}
## ###### ##
    image: deconzcommunity/deconz:2.13.02
    #container_name: deconz
    restart: always
    - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
    - /var/dyn_data/deconz/data:/opt/deCONZ
    - /var/dyn_data/deconz/otau:/root/otau
    - "5900:5900/tcp"
    - "80:80/tcp"
    - "443:443/tcp"
    - "/dev/ttyACM0:/dev/ttyACM0"
    - DECONZ_WS_PORT=443
    - DECONZ_VNC_PASSWORD=<some password>
    - DEBUG_INFO=1
    - DEBUG_APS=0
    - DEBUG_ZCL=0
    - DEBUG_ZDP=0
    - DEBUG_OTAU=0

I think I found what was wrong with my configuration.

You can check my reply here: Deconz vs HA light bulb status not working - #4 by bplatpyus