Device Tracker - Automation to Trigger Update (Something like a device_tracker.scan service)


I’d like to create an automation to trigger an update on all of my device trackers when my sensor.front_door is open. I was hoping to find a device_tracker.scan service or something that causes all (or by entity_id) device trackers to scan, regardless of the interval_seconds settings.

Basically, given my device trackers and my door sensor, I can tell that someone came home, but it can take a while for the next interval_seconds to pass, scan for new devices, and then know who came home.

I’d like to have the opening of the front door trigger an immediate scan so I can tell who’s home right away.

Anyone have any ideas on this?



This would be awesome.

Some serious thread necromancy here but with the iOS 2.0 companion app beta you can send a notify.mobile_app_your_device_name with the message being “request_location_update”, like the below.


I guess for Android anything integrating with mobile_app library, including the forthcoming official app should work too.

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This is actually now possible because of an even more generic service call, homeassistant.update_entity which allows you to force an update for ANY entity, including device trackers!

See service calls docs.

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How do you deal with the delay of logging into wifi? When I get home, my mobile takes between instant and several minutes before logging into my wifi. Updating all devices won’t cut it.
Do you use other trackers? I also use owntracks in significant mode, but it also is quite slow to update, which ruins precision but is enough to show me somewhat where I am.

Oh…this looks real promising. I’ll take a look…


Can anyone confirm that homeassistant.update_entity is working for device trackers in practice, and which types?

I’m not having much luck just yet…

Having it scan for bluetooth devices might solve a few problems for me.

No, this is not working:

2020-03-19 22:43:02 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity_component] Forced update failed. Entity device_tracker.garden_repeater not found.