Device tracker 'too slow' registering device as home

I am using the Sky hub device tracker to monitor devices at home, and trigger automations based on presence, as we all do.

I have some security automations that fire if motion is detected in the house, with the condition being ‘my phone’ is not_home.
I’m finding that its taking too long for my phone to be set to home.
So when I get home motion is detected and the ‘intruder’ automation is fired.
should I lower the interval_seconds parameter to less than the default, or is the consider_home what I’m after?

If you are looking for immediate presence detection, you’re going to need to use a device that supports immediate presence detection. Something like ibeacon or blue tooth key fobs.

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Right OK,
whats the bottle neck for using router?
My android device is connected to the home network, it just seems to take HA a minute or soo ‘too long’ to register it as being home?
Im not sure id gain anything from using BT fobs, as I have no BT device at the entrance to the house?

personally I found using presence detection based on bluetooth or wifi unreliable, at least on iPhone as the radio is only turned on on a temp basis every so often to save the battery. I can’t speak for android devices. I use owntracks which although not perfect appears more reliable and I’ve set the radius to be big enough that as I enter the zone it registers me as being home.

ibeacon is the fob to fob technology. otherwise you’d need some bluetooth sensor. If you want to have immediate detection from router to HA, you may have to adjust polling time. That of course depends on the component (i.e. if the component allows it).

I did something similar to @lolouk44, but with the ios application and zones. Same principle.

im going to assume that ibeacon is an Apple product?
Which is of no use as I use a real smart phone…Android :wink:

Ive set the wifi sleep policy on my device to never, so wifi is always on, and scanning is always available even when the device is asleep.

looking at this page for device tracker component I see that the interval_seconds can be defined, as well as the consider_home parameter. I think the consider_home is the opposite of what I need, i.e. its the wait time before a device is considered not home. So ill try reducing the interval_seconds from the default 12 to 6.

I guess another option I have is to use Tasker to send http post to my HA instance, but this really shouldn’t be necessary.

Im not familiar with owntracks at all, ill have a look at it, but was ideally looking to not have to use a second / third party app and / or service.

With my R7000 running AsusWRT, HA picks up devices within 2 seconds of joining every single time. From personal experience, some HA/router device tracking components are a lot better than others though and given what Sky supplied rubbish is normally like that’s probably where your issue lies.

I do have kind of the same issue.

What i do is i am waiting 90 seconds before fire the alarm.
Like, there is a detection, wait 90 seconds (enough time for the mobile to log into the wifi), if someone i know is home (same as you, presence detection with iphone and wifi) if not, fire the alarm.
Works quite well.

Of course i am doing this only at the entrance door, at the rear door, there is no waiting time.


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couldnt agree more with your point on the junk sky supply.
their hubs are astonishingly bad, the range and signal strength is woeful.

hmmm, ok this may have to be my workaround, I could probably get away with 30seconds to be honest.
how do I add such a ‘wait time’ to an automation?


i was helped here:

So you are able to do a check within the action tab. like a script, but just once, was very helpful.
