Device Tracker with GPS Logger Component Help

In order for gpslogger to communicate with your HA over https, you need “proper” certificates. Self signed certificates don’t work. Android probably blocks access to such. Get yourself a proper certificate from e.g. letsencrypt and everything should work thereafter.

The instructions for enabling gpslogger work correctly with HA 0.63.0
@ maison - please remove the username and password from the beginning of the string

Another thing you might need to consider: If your router does not support NAT loopback, then when you test this app over https, it will not be able to update your position. I had this problem when I set it up just now, and I’ve confirmed gpslogger works when not connected to my home wifi (on 4G, for instance).

You might want to check your router settings to see if it can support NAT loopback. If not, then you’ll have to disable gpslogger when you are connected to your local network.

I struggled with this for a while and if you have any punctuation in your password, you need to encode it properly. I used this website to find the proper encoding

For instance a colon is encoded as %3A

Once I changed it in the GPSLogger api_password, everything works. Do not set the password in configuration.yaml under gpslogger. Use the HA GUI api password.

A little more clarification. Not all punctuation needs to be encoded.
From the RFC 1738:

“…Only alphanumerics [0-9a-zA-Z], the special characters “$-_.+!*’(),” [not including the quotes - ed], and reserved characters used for their reserved purposes may be used unencoded within a URL.”

So there are a handful of symbols that do not need to be encoded, but all others (like colons, semi-colons, etc) do need to be encoded in a url.