Difference between sensor.darksky and weather.darksky?

I’m confused as to what the difference is between the darksky platform and the darksky sensor. Is the sensor eventually being migrated to a platform and 0.61 is just an in-between phase? Is there a benefit to one over another?

What about using pieces of the platform within a view or card? I tried using weather.dark_sky.daily_forecast_summary in a view but it did not like that.


If you look at the bottom of the new component you will see a notice saying its an alternative to the sensor, maybe it provides a pretty UI?

I read that, but it doesn’t explain how I access things like forecast, daily_forecast_summary, or hourly_forecast_summary?

Those are attributes of the entity (weather.dark_sky), there are many ways to interact with that but not how you have it listed. To display in the front end you may want to read up on it here.

IN the UI got to developer tools -> states and see what is exposed under the weather.dark_sky component.

At the list at the bottom? It shows daily_forecast_summary as an attribute, but when I try to display that with weather.dark_sky.daily_forecast_summary, weather.dark_sky.attributes.daily_forecast_summary, or weather.dark_sky.attributes["daily_forecast_summary"] I get an invalid entity ID error.

{{ states.weather.dark_sky.attributes.daily_forecast_summary }}

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For display you either need to stop at weather.dark_sky or you need to create template sensors that extract the data.

Honestly, unless you want a frontend that looks like image

you might as well just use the dark sky sensor instead (unless there is something else I’m missing).

I’m guessing that’s the exact bit of information that I’m failing to grasp. I liked the graph but wanted it to also display the forecast.

There isn’t much documentation as to what the difference is between the darksky platform and sensor and that’s what I was trying to understand.

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(EDIT: Use the developer tool for templates to play around with this, it makes it easier to see what needs to go in the config)

For the ecobee (I haven’t loaded up the dark_sky one since I use the sensors) I use


and it will return a json object and if you look you see the first item is “forecast”, which if i add .forecast to my template above I get an array (squre brackets). This tells me that I need an array indexer, which leads me to


Which then returns another json object and I can select whichever one I want by name, for example


which returns - Scattered clouds. Cold.

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Can I use something like {{states.weather.bigbee.attributes.forecast[0].condition}} in a view, or would that only be usable inside something like outputting it via TTS?

You would have to use a template sensor and put that in as the value template.

Then you would add that sensor to a group to be displayed on the front end.

How to get state of weather.dark_sky in russian language?