Hey just wanted to share what I did. I used the source from this and implemented it in the new “panel_custom” component as mentioned here: https://home-assistant.io/components/panel_custom/
All you need to do is pass the api password as “api_pwd” if applicable and the entity id as “kodi” in the config for the component.
<!-- START CSS -->
.dmp-content {
radial-gradient(black 15%, transparent 16%) 0 0,
radial-gradient(black 15%, transparent 16%) 8px 8px,
radial-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,.1) 15%, transparent 20%) 0 1px,
radial-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,.1) 15%, transparent 20%) 8px 9px;
background-size:16px 16px;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 1.42857143;
color: #c8c8c8;
height: 100%;
.dmp-headline {
font-size: 2em;
margin: 0.67em 0;
.dmp-content {
height: 100%;
text-align: center;
.dmp-content img {
height: 80%;
.dmp-state {
font-size: 20pt;
.dmp-runtime {
font-size: 14pt;
.dmp-fullscreen {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
overflow: auto;
<!-- END CSS -->
<dom-module id='ha-panel-dmp'>
<div class="dmp-content dmp-fullscreen" id="output">
<div class="firstRun">
<h1 class="dmp-headline">Could not load the State</h1>
<p>Please check that you entered the correct entity_id of your Kodi component.</p>
<!-- START CODE -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// Make config variables global
var api_pwd;
var entityId;
// Update the view with the current state of the Kodi component.
// ent = entity of your Kodi component
function updateView(ent){
var output = document.getElementById('output');
if ("undefined" !== ent){
var new_html;
if ( ent.state == "idle" ) {
new_html = "<h1 class=dmp-headline><p align=center>No media playing on " + ent.attributes.friendly_name + "</p></h1>";
} else {
var rtime = new Date(ent.attributes.media_duration * 1000).toISOString().substr(11, 8);
new_html = "<img src=" + ent.attributes.entity_picture;
if("undefined" !== api_pwd) {
new_html += "&api_password=" + api_pwd;
new_html += " /></div><div class=dmp-state><p>Now " + ent.state + " on " + ent.attributes.friendly_name + "</p></div><div class=dmp-runtime><p>Runtime: " + rtime + "</p>";
output.innerHTML = new_html;
// Helper function to pass entity to updateView function
function propChange(entities){
function render(hass, panel) {
// Set config
api_pwd = panel.config.api_pwd;
entityId = panel.config.kodi;
// Register for updates
hass.reactor.observe(hass.entityGetters.byId(entityId), entities => this.propChange({entities}));
// Update the current view initially
// Polymer stuff
is: 'ha-panel-dmp',
properties: {
// Home Assistant object
hass: {
type: Object,
// If should render in narrow mode
narrow: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
// If sidebar is currently shown
showMenu: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
// Home Assistant panel info
// panel.config contains config passed to panel_custom serverside
panel: {
type: Object,
// This will make sure we forward changed properties
observers: [
'propsChanged(hass, narrow, showMenu, panel)',
// Called when properties change
propsChanged: function (hass, narrow, showMenu, panel) {
this.mount(hass, narrow, showMenu, panel);
// Render React. Debounce in case multiple properties change.
mount: function (hass, narrow, showMenu, panel) {
this.debounce('mount', function () {
render(hass, panel);
// Unmount React node when panel no longer in use.
detached: function () {
<!-- END CODE -->
Example config if you have saved above under panels/dmp.html in your HA config directory:
- name: dmp
sidebar_title: Digital Movie Poster
sidebar_icon: mdi:movie
kodi: media_player.kodi_on_firetv
api_pwd: xxx
I found this to be pretty useful. And I do not need to wait until the state gets changed. As it gets the current state immediately.
If you find anything that can be done better please share as I am a complete JS and thus Polymer noob