That seems back-to-front. You need less artificial light during the day and more at night.
The way I do it is with a template sensor. This calculates the required brightness depending on the outside lux level.
I use this sensor to set the brightness whenever I turn a light on, and continuously in some places.
This template is specific to my lights and my light sensor so won’t work for you. But here’s the idea:
- sensor:
- name: 'Calculated Light Brightness'
unique_id: ec93bfc9-9b35-4281-a1da-7907469766e7
unit_of_measurement: "Int"
state: >
{{ ( [0, (-0.1785 * states('sensor.outside_light_level')|float(0) + 298.35 )|int(0), 255]|sort )[1] }}
availability: "{{ states('sensor.outside_light_level')|is_number }}"
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: light.kitchen_downlights
brightness: "{{ states('sensor.calculated_light_brightness')|int(0) }}"
transition: 5
kelvin: 4000
If you don’t have a lux sensor you could make one.