Dimmer slider on Overview page

Thanks for this addition!! It worked for a hour or 2 and now it doesn’t :frowning:

Did a little bit of debug and found out that it doesn’t sent state and brightness anymore! The first event is from the slider and the second is from the slider attached to the light itself.
“new_state”: {
“entity_id”: “input_number.brightness”,
“state”: “165.0”,
“attributes”: {
“initial”: 0,
“editable”: false,
“min”: 0,
“max”: 255,
“step”: 1,
“mode”: “slider”,
“friendly_name”: “Brightness”,
“icon”: “mdi:brightness-5”
One that works:

“new_state”: {
“entity_id”: “light.test_1”,
“state”: “on”,
“attributes”: {
“min_mireds”: 175,
“max_mireds”: 333,
“brightness”: 182,
“color_temp”: 333,

What could have caused this?

i am sorry to take out this thread again… but i wish to know if could be possible to get in google assistant the “brightness” entity. i am using it with nodered that analize the value and generate an mqtt post. thanks for your help in advance.

  name: Brightness
  initial: 0
  min: 0
  max: 200
  step: 1
  icon: mdi:brightness-5

Hey there, this is great… But I have one request here.
my entity is a group of lights, and right now when I add that group as en entity it jsut generates a card for each light underneath each other. I would like to have a single card that will control the whole group at once.

Any way this is possible?


Solved on my end. I figured it out by creating a light group and not just a group.
