Disable automations for halloween

I have an automation that turns on some outdoor lights at sunset, and automation that turns on lights based off of motion detection. I would like a way to disable both automations for Halloween, we will be gone and don’t want trick or treaters coming up to the house because outdoor lights are on

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You can just click at the 3 dots menu at the right and select “Disable”.
Another option is to add a condition and then set to not run that day.
Or, the one I like more (and I use a lot on my automations) to have some helper to set a Halloween mode (I have for Party mode, Travelling mode, etc.) and set a condition on your automations to run only when that helper is off. With this you can manually bypass your automations,

I have many automations that based on events. This is how I did it:


  "json_calendars": {
    "events": {
      "11/23":"Black Friday",
      "11/24":"Black Friday",
      "11/25":"Black Friday",
      "11/26":"Black Friday",
      "11/27":"Black Friday",
      "12/31":"New Year's Eve"
    "holiday": {
      "2/14":"Valentine's Day",
      "4/1":"April Fool's Day",
      "7/4":"Independence Day",
      "9/2":"Special Day P&K",

2 Sensors:

- platform: command_line
  unique_id: "490f80c3-7bde-47c0-a6fa-c2ed6d742926"
  name: "Holiday"
  command: "cat /config/package/json/calendar.json"
  scan_interval: 21600
  value_template: >-
    {% set today = now().month  ~ '/' ~ now().day  %}
    {% set holiday =  value_json.json_calendars.holiday[ today ] %}
      {% if holiday | trim == "" %}
        {% set holiday =  "Nothing" %}
        {% endif %}
    {{ holiday }}

- platform: command_line
  unique_id: "716b7f41-ac6d-4df2-b01a-31b2ccf9e138"
  name: "Events"
  command: "cat /config/package/json/calendar.json"
  scan_interval: 21600
  value_template: >-
    {% set today = now().month  ~ '/' ~ now().day  %}
    {% set events =  value_json.json_calendars.events[ today ] %}
      {% if events | trim == "" %}
        {% set events =  "Nothing" %}
        {% endif %}
    {{ events }}

When there is nothing in the calendar.json then state is ‘Nothing’
Possible condition: When the state is true then proceed, when false then skip

- id: "c54afbee-cd69-4cf3-8a55-4cbc2979234f"
  alias: "Scene - AppleTV"
  mode: restart
    - platform: time_pattern
      minutes: "/1"

    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.harmony
      to: "AppleTV"

    - "{{ is_state('sensor.holiday', 'Nothing') }}"


A automation based on those sensors:

    - service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: light.nanoleaf
        brightness_pct: 20
        effect: >-
          {% if is_state('sensor.holiday', 'Christmas') %} 
          {% elif is_state('sensor.holiday', 'Halloween') %} 
          {% elif is_state('sensor.holiday', 'Eurovision') %} 
          {% elif states('sensor.holiday') in ['Kingsday', 'Birthday'] %} 
          {% else %} 
          {% endif %}

With this setup I only need to update the calendar.json file with other dates and then use them.

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This was the approach I was wanting, but spent several hours last night trying to get google calendar to work, but when I got to the part of adding the keycode from HA into google, google would say success, but HA would just time out.

I don’t use Google. I have some automations based on my apple.calendar. Maybe I create a calendar with above dates so I can remove the json file. But I don’t see the benefits of switching :sunglasses:

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