Disable Thermostat sliders

is posible to disable Climate thermostat sliders?. In some scenarios like mobile browsing is very easy to change the state scrolling window. My suggestion is to add a variable to disable slider (in mobile or other conditions) to force user to touch entinty buttons to changes the desired temperatures.
Is there any posible template for this behaviour?.

what card are you using? There are many thermostat/climate cards.

As an simple alternative, you could use the generic button card instead:

type: button
  action: more-info
entity: climate.YOURS

I’m using the ESPHome’s Thermostat card because it has 2 desired temperatures (min and max)

tap_action is not supported by thermostat card

I said „as an alternative“.

esphome does not have a card. It uses HA’s. I am simply suggesting you use a different card.

It is possible to disable the thermostat slider using card-mod, check out my post on the card-mod thread: