Disconnect input from output on Fibaro FGBS222

Hi all,

I’ve recently bought a z-wave doorbell automation unit from a dutch store (https://www.hashop.nl/hadeurbel-zwave-2020).

I’ve been fiddling around with it trying to get it work. First of all here is my scheme on how it is connected:

As for the z-wave unit, it seems to be a Fibaro FGBS-222 unit, which is pretty hard to configure from what I understand. Right now i’ve put the following configuration options:
20 (Input 1 operating mode): Normally open alarm input
150 (Input 1 sensitivity): 1

Right now everything works. Whenever I press the doorbell the soundunit plays it’s sound and in home assisstant the “burglar” state goes to “2”. I created an automation which sends a pushnotification to my phone.

The weird thing is, is that whenever i set the input type to bistable (which i think is the correct one for a doorbell) no states are changed whenever i press the button. So the “normally open alarm input” seems to be a workaround for now.

The thing I’m trying to achieve but can’t get to work is that I want to disconnect the soundunit from the buttonpress. I want to be able to disable the sound from my home assistant dashboard. From the manual i understand i need to set the protectionlevel to “2”. But this is where it gets weird. The list of “Node protection” options seems really weird. And whenever i try to put it to “2” it simply doesn’t save. I attached a screenshot here:

I hope someone can help me out with this. So far everything I tried didnt work.

Kind regards,

Alright after a little more thought I changed my strategy. I attached the soundunit to the 2nd output instead of the first. This allows me to control the soundunit from an automation instead of directly from the input.

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Would you mind sharing the automation? I am thinking about buying this as well.
Does it come with an English manual as well?


FGBS-222 Manual: https://manuals.fibaro.com/content/manuals/en/FGBS-222/FGBS-222-EN-T-v1.0.pdf
Doorbell manual: https://www.hashop.nl/Files/5/18000/18005/Attachments/Product/Nw165551u39t376J978OP0625074ukny.pdf

I added an input boolean for turning on/off the soundunit. and also one for “allowed use of the doorbell”. This due to people ringing it multiple times which will trigger the sound automation multiple times. So i’ve added a cooldown input_boolean aswell. Looks like this:

  name: Deurbel geluid
  initial: on

  name: Deurbel mag gebruikt worden
  initial: on

Then I have two automations. 1 for the sound unit and 1 for sending a push notification (with an image from my camera on the frontdoor):

# Gang - Deurbel gaat. Pushnotification naar telefoons
- alias: Gang - Deurbel gaat. Pushnotification naar telefoons
    - entity_id: sensor.gang_deurbel_burglar
      platform: state
      to: '2'
    - service: onvif.ptz
        entity_id: camera.buitencam_voortuin
        preset: 2
        move_mode: GotoPreset
    - delay:
        milliseconds: 1500
    - service: notify.mobile_app_iphone_1
        title: "Deurbel gaat"
        message: "Er staat iemand aan de deur"
            url: https://urltohomeassistant.com{{ state_attr('camera.buitencam_voortuin','entity_picture')  }}
            content-type: jpeg
          url: 'https://urltohomeassistant.com/lovelace/14'
    - service: notify.mobile_app_iphone_2
        title: "Deurbel gaat"
        message: "Er staat iemand aan de deur"
            url: https://urltohomeassistant.com{{ state_attr('camera.buitencam_voortuin','entity_picture')  }}
            content-type: jpeg
          url: 'https://urltohomeassistant.com/lovelace/14'
    - delay:
        milliseconds: 1500
    - service: onvif.ptz
        entity_id: camera.buitencam_voortuin
        preset: 1
        move_mode: GotoPreset

# Gang - Deurbelgong aan zodra er aangebeld wordt
- alias: Gang - Deurbelgong aan zodra er aangebeld wordt
    - entity_id: sensor.gang_deurbel_burglar
      platform: state
      to: '2'
    - condition: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.deurbel_gong_enabled
      state: 'on'
    - condition: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.deurbel_mag_gebruikt_worden
      state: 'on'      
    - service: input_boolean.turn_off
        entity_id: input_boolean.deurbel_mag_gebruikt_worden
    - service: switch.turn_on
        entity_id: switch.gang_deurbel_switch
    - delay:
        milliseconds: 1000
    - service: switch.turn_off
        entity_id: switch.gang_deurbel_switch
    - delay:
        milliseconds: 5000
    - service: input_boolean.turn_on
        entity_id: input_boolean.deurbel_mag_gebruikt_worden

Let me know if you need anything else :slight_smile:

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Indeed it can be achieved by changing Node Protection Level, but it is not supported by standard HA zwave integration. I’ve seen another thread regarding smart implant, where someone described the tools and process to make such change (Fibaro Smart Implant FGBS222)… but personally I did not followed this. I assumed it is too troublesome to remove the node, reconfigure it using aither tools (requires removing also zwave stick) and configure it again… Perhaps whil eadding new smart implant to my configurastion or migrating to new zwave integration I’ll dedicate some time to make it happen.

Im unfortunately unable to fiddle around wit this. I have about 50 Z-Wave nodes on my setup. So I can’t do any resets or major changes.

Like I wrote earlier, I fixed it by simply using a different output, which is possible in my case since i just need 1 in and 1 output :).

Thanks for the suggestion though!

Have you tried changing Protecting level with the new zwavejs-integration? I’m also trying to change this behavior, but don’t know what these settings should be set to.

Nope, not yet. I’m still on old, deprecated integration and only plan to move some time in spring… I have quite a lot of devices installed outside house and it is not good time to risk migration and having to redo network at this time :slight_smile:

I managed to separate the input from the output by setting “local protection state” to “NoOperationPossible” using the new ZwaveJS!

The only problem left is I can only get IN1 working. IN2 does not respond.

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One more argument to start thinking of migration! This would help me to simplify setup and free 2 modules from current configuration!

By changing protection to NoOperationPossible here and here i was able to disconnect both INs and OUTs.

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