Discord Image Notification

Well, then we can use the homeassistant automation instead.

What i did was using the local_file integration.
I did first mount the external nas drive in homeassistant, and i can browse it while using MEDIA in Homeassistant.


My drive is mounted under MEDIA, in that drive i have a folder named TRIGGERED, in that folder are the FILENAME.jpg images.

Then i have an MQTT entity that posts the filename in an attribute.
for example 202404041200.jpg

it shows like this:

So i know the exact filename what to call when i want it to send to discord.

We need also to setup the local_file entity in your configuration.yaml or like me using packages folder:


So when setting up the automation to update the correct file i use this (action) automation.
So for example when the MQTT entity changes it triggers this action to update the last image.

service: local_file.update_file_path
  entity_id: camera.detected_front
  file_path: /media/alerts/triggered/{{states('sensor.ai_front_image')}}

Here is how the local_file entity looks like

after that we need an other automation that sends it to discord.
What this local_file integration does is create a special link to access with a token in an attribute:

service: notify.discord
  message: ""
  target: "YOURCHANNEL ID"
      title: YOUR TITLE
      description: YOUR DESCRIPTION
      url: https://nolink.org
      color: 199363
        name: Home Security System
        url: YOUR URL U WANT TO USE 
        icon_url: ICONURL
        text: © YOUR NAME
        icon_url: https://www.home-assistant.io
        url: >-
          state_attr('camera.detected_front', 'entity_picture') }}
        url: >-
          state_attr('camera.detected_front', 'entity_picture') }}
        - name:  WHATEVERUWANT
          value: "{{state_attr('sensor.YOURSENSR, 'ATTRIBUTE') }}"
          inline: time
        - name: WHATEVERUWANT
          value: "{{state_attr('sensor.YOURSENSR, 'ATTRIBUTE') }}"
        - name: what detection
          value: "{{state_attr('sensor.YOURSENSR, 'ATTRIBUTE') }}"
        - name: extra
          value: >-
            {{state_attr('sensor.YOURSENSR, 'ATTRIBUTE') }},{{state_attr('sensor.YOURSENSR, 'ATTRIBUTE') }}
          inline: false
        - >-
          state_attr('camera.detected_front', 'entity_picture') }}
enabled: true

And if u want to use node-red;

here the state n6de

And this is how the function node looks like:

const entityState = global.get('homeassistant.homeAssistant.states["sensor.ai_front_image"].state');
const imagePath = entityState ? "/media/local/alerts/triggered/" + entityState : null;
const detected = global.get('homeassistant.homeAssistant.states["sensor.ai_front_motion"].state');

const entityAttributes = global.get('homeassistant.homeAssistant.states["camera.detected_front"].attributes');
const entityPicture = entityAttributes ? entityAttributes.entity_picture : null;

node.warn('Image Path: ' + entityPicture);
const newMsg = {};
newMsg.payload = "";
newMsg.embed = {
    payload: '', // Include meaningful content here if needed
        "color": 0x0099ff,
        "title": 'CAMERA DETECTIONS',
        "url": 'https://NABUCASAURL.ui.nabu.casa/lovelace/1',
        "author": {
            name: 'AI DETECTIONS',
            icon_url: 'https://assets.stickpng.com/images/584abe7e2912007028bd9330.png',
            url: 'https://NABUCASAURL.ui.nabu.casa/lovelace/1',
        "description": (''),
        "thumbnail": {
            url: `https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/016/017/375/original/transparent-background-cctv-camera-icon-free-png.png`, // Correct URL formatting
        "fields": [{
            name: 'Detection',
            value: (detected),
            inline: true,
			name: 'Time',
			value: "1",
			inline: true,
        "image": {
            url: `https://NABUCASAURL.ui.nabu.casa${entityPicture}`,
        "timestamp": new Date(),
        "footer": {
            text: (detected),
            icon_url: `https://NABUCASAURL.ui.nabu.casa${entityPicture}`,
newMsg.channel = 'YCHANNELID', // Channel ID where you want to send the message
newMsg.action= 'create', // Default to create if not set
newMsg.message = 'YCHANNELID'
return newMsg;

Thanks for posting! I finally got around to testing and have had mixed results.

I’ve tried this config both with the local_file integration pointing at a snapshot, and directly pointed at my printer’s camera, and it seems to only sometimes work. When manually triggered, it seems to work every time, but more often than not, discord embeds a turd and opening the link results in a 403 Forbidden.

Is there there something I need to do in order to keep the token in the URL valid?

It does work, however discord did change something.
I noticed, when i did not open the image when the notification came in the image shows like a poop emoji, but when i open the notification directly or within some time, it shows up normally.

I will look into it, as i am currently implementing google AI into it as its free anyway to use it.

For now i would suggest telegram, as discord is not save at all.
And i would suggest not using nabu casa url either.

Any Idea how can i send camera snapshot to a discord?
Im moving from telegram and making discord sever with all my notifications.
No way it accepts a URL like this:

http://login:[email protected]/ISAPI/Streaming/channels/0501/picture?videoResolutionWidth=1920&videoResolutionHeight=1080

That is my setup. you can get the notification action from setting up a bot in the discord integration, then you can use the name of that and set it to notify.

it will bring up a menu but go to the yaml editor and use that config.

sorry, the directory needs to be /config/temp/ not /homeassistant/temp/